
Terms for subject Technology containing employed | all forms | exact matches only
capital employed使用资本额
converted investment employed折算投资占用
direct employed labor直接雇工
direct employed labour直接雇工
employed persons人员数
in the land owner's employ土地所有者的工作者
length of time employed工龄
net capital employed企业运用的净资本
per ten thousand converted ton-kilometer employed fixed assets cost每万换算吨公里占用固定资产原价
per ten thousand transport industry output employed fixed assets cost每万元工业产值占用固定资产原价
per ten thousand transport revenue employed fixed assets cost每万元运输收入占用固定资产原价
rate of earnings on total capital employed使用总资本收益率
ratio of return on resources employed使用资源收益率
return rate on capital employed资本利润率
self-employed and private business私营经济
self-employed and private businesses个人经济和私营经济
self-employed individual个体户
self-employed worker个体劳动者
the inadequately employed不完全就业人员
to be employed in agriculture从事于农业工作
under-employed land未完全被利用的土地
worker officially employed正式工人