
Terms for subject China containing employed | all forms | exact matches only
Convention Concerning the Compulsory Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons Employed at Sea在海上工作的儿童及未成年人的强制体格检查公约
Convention Concerning the Protection Against Accidents of Workers Employed in Loading or Unloading Ships船舶装卸工人伤害防护公约
employ economic means such as subsidies, discount interest, tax and pricing运用补助、贴息、税收、价格等经济手段 (to)
employ non-peaceful means and other necessary measures采取非和平方式及其他必要措施
employ people independently自主用人
employ various steps采取多种形式 (to do)
employ women录用妇女
employed in individual capacity以个人身份受聘
employed on an equal basis平等就业
have the right to employ people independently享有自主用人的权利
persons to be employed准备录用人员
public servant employed under the appointment system聘任制公务员
refuse to employ women拒绝录用妇女
self-employed business个体经营
self-employed, private and other non-public sectors个体、私营等非公有制经济