
Terms containing electric shock | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.be unconscious from an electric shock因电击失去知觉
econ.electric shock电击〔震〕
el.mach.electric shock电击
wind.electric shock电震
tech.electric shock电伤
el.mach.electric al shock触电
hydroel.st.electric shock触电
danc.electric shock电流过身动作
sport., med.electric shock电休克
compr.electric shock death触电死亡
tech.electric shock hazard触电危险
tech.electric shock prevention触电防护
railw.electric shock protector触电保安器
nurs.electric shock therapy电抽搐治疗
nurs.electric shock therapy电休克治疗
nurs.electric shock treatment电休克治疗
tech.electric shock tube电冲击波管
nurs.emergency care of electric shock电击急救护理
weld.environment with increased hazard of electric shock电击危险较大的环境
agric.first aid of electric shock电击急救
agric.first aid of electric shock触电急救
el.mach.protection against electric shock电击防护
railw.protection against electric shock防电击保护
el.protection against electric-shock hazard防止触电保护
el.protection against electric-shock hazard防电击保护
auto.risk of electric shock触电危险
tech.shock-proof electric apparatus耐振电气设备