
Terms for subject Sports containing edge | all forms | exact matches only
at hard edge练击剑时用真剑
at hard edge真刀真剑地
at hard edge真刀真枪的
blunt the edge of one's advance挫其锐气
edge ahead逐步前进
edge out淘汰
edge out刷掉
extra edge over略胜一筹
For a valid trial, the shot put must fall completely within the inner edges of the landing sector铅球必须完全落在落地区内沿以内、试推方为有效
have an edge on略占优势 (over)
have an edge on略胜一筹 (over)
leading edge前沿
lose one's edge失去锐气
lost edge失去的锐气
metal edge挡球板的金属边角 (Tchoukball)
on the edge of elimination即将被淘汰的
separation of vertebral body edge椎体缘分离症
take the edge off挫对方锐气
take the edge off挫某人气势
take the edge off somebody挫其锐气