
Terms for subject International trade containing duty paid | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
C.I.F. duty paid到岸价格加进口关税价成本、保险费、运费加进口关税价
CIF duty paid到岸价加关税的价
C.I.F. duty paid包含进口关税在内的 C.I.F 条件
cost, insurance, freight duty paid到岸价加关税的价
cost, insurance, freight duty paid成本、保险费、运费加关税价 (C.I.F. duty paid)
delivered... named place of destination in the country of importation, duty paid进口国内指定地点交货,关税已付
duty actually paid实付税款
duty paid已缴税的
duty paid关税已付
duty paid certificate收税单
duty paid proof完税凭碑
duty paid proof完税凭证
duty paid terms通过海关后交货条件
duty paid terms卖方交纳进口税的交货条件
duty-paid price完税价格
duty-paid value完税价格
ex buyer's bounded warehouse, duty paid完税后货栈交货价格
ex quay, ex whart, ex pier... named port of destination, duty paid目的港码头交货,关税已付
price at duty paid已付税价格
price duty paid完税货价
removal permit duty-paid goods有税物品搬移证