
Terms for subject Business containing due to | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
account due to customers应付顾主到期款项
amount due to应付某人金额 (sb.)
amount due to借入金额
amount due to借入金额 (sb.)
balance due to结欠应付…
balance due to欠人…
balance due to欠人
balance due to you结欠你方
balance due to you你方结存
capital reduction due to merger因企业合并而造成减资
coefficient of loss due to waiting排队损失程度
contractual debt service due prior to rescheduling重新安排还债期限前约定的应偿还债务
contribution ratio due to regression回归影响率
damaged due to collision碰撞损失
damaged due to crushing挤压损失
due to agencies应付代理公司款
due to arrive应于某日某时到达
due to bank应付银行款
due to bank应付同业银行款项如同业存款
due to consignor应付寄销人账款
due to correspondent应付客户款
due to fail到期
due to foreign bank应付外国银行款项
due to full满期
due to full到期
due to other fund应付其它基金款项
employee training expense for medical treatment due to on job injury职工因公负伤就医路费
idleness due to poor organization of work窝工
incur losses due to poor operation and management发生经营性亏损
loss due to elective work残次损失
loss due to government policy政策性亏损
loss due to price reduction削价损失
membership due to trade association贸易同业公会会费
membership dues to trade association行业公会会费
note due to affiliated company应付联营公司票据
note due to bank应付银行票据
note due to company应付公司票据
output due to input因输入而导致输出
receivable due to over-drawing应收透支款
stress due to temperature由温度引起的应力
The price of the commodity has recently been adjusted due to advance in cost由于生产成本上升,该产品的价格也有些调整