
Terms containing drove | all forms | exact matches only
gen.At the end of the night he drove me home again and we made tentative plans to go to a concert晚聚会结束后,他再次开车送我回家,我们说好了以后去听音乐会
tech.drove chisel石工平凿
archit.drove chisel石匠平凿
construct.drove chisel阔凿
tech.drove chisel平凿
tech.drove chisel阔凿
tech.drove finish of stone石料的短槽纹修琢
gen.drove mad牲畜走的土
tech.drove road大车路
tech.drove road大车道
anim.husb.drove road牧畜路
tech.drove road不通行机动车的小路
anim.husb.drove way牧畜路
tech.drove work粗琢工作
archit.drove work凿修石面
construct.drove work石工粗凿
tech.drove work宽凿工
tech.drove work粗凿工作
construct.droved dressing短槽敷面
tech.droved dressing短槽凿面 (用阔凿修琢)
tech.droved works粗凿工程
tech.droved works粗凿工作
gen.in droves陆陆续续
gen.in droves成群
gen.the car drove by at full speed汽车开足马力从旁边开过去了
econ.They drove a roaring custom-built trade他们从事一种顾客定做业务,生意做得红红火火
gen.When I drove into the city I had a sense of strange detachment当我开车进入这城市时,我感到一种奇特的超脱感