
Terms for subject Business containing draft | all forms | exact matches only
accept a draft on presentation承兑提示汇票
acceptance draft远期汇票指在未来一定时期承兑付款的汇票
acceptance of a draft承兑汇票
accepted draft已承兑汇票
advance draft预付票据汇票
aft draft船吃水
after-arrival-of-goods draft货物到达后见票即付汇票
after-arrival-of-goods draft货到后见票即付汇票
application for negotiation of draft under letter of credit出口押汇信用证申请书
application for negotiation of drafts under L/C出口押汇信用证申请书
arrival draft到付汇票
arrival draft到货后付款汇票
auto draft自动制图
bank draft银行汇票即银行签发给另一银行,请其代为付款的票据
banker's checks or demand draft on their correspondents abroad银行对国外代理机构所发支票或即期汇票
bank's draft银行汇票
bearer draft不记名汇票
bearer's draft来人汇票
bill draft汇票
bill of draft押汇
checking weight by draft水尺计重以船舶吃水深度称量货物重量的方法
clean draft不附单据汇票
clean draft光票不附单据的普通汇票
clean draft光票,不附单据
collection of documentary draft via agent代理人跟单汇票托收
collection of domestic draft and bill托收国内汇票
collection of domestic drafts and bills国内汇票托收
credit available by negotiation of draft以议付汇票方式使用的信用证
credit card sales draft信用卡销货提款证
date draft期票
date draft定期汇票
date of draft提款日期
date of draft汇票签发日期出票日期
demand draft buying即期汇票银行买入价
demand draft rate即期汇票汇率
dishonoured draft拒付汇票
document draft跟单汇票
document draft押汇汇票
domestic draft本国汇票
domiciled draft指定地点付款汇票
double draft〔船〕二倍吃水量
double draft正副汇单
double draft正副汇票
double draft联单
down draft不景气
down draft下降趋势
draft a bill起草法案
draft addendum草案补充
draft agreement协议草案
Draft Amendment to an International Standard国际标准草案修正
draft and telegraphic transfer汇出汇款
draft and telegraphic transfer payable应解汇款
draft and telegraphic transfers票汇及电汇
draft attached汇票附上
draft bill of lading提单草本
draft by remittance汇寄外汇指买方通过外汇银行汇款给卖方的一种支付货款的方式
draft drawn against securities抵押证券
draft drawn under travellers letter of credit根据旅行信用证开的汇票
draft drown against securities抵押汇票
draft for a bill法案草本
draft for a machine机器图样
draft for the purchase price收取货款之汇票
draft full load满载吃水装载重
draft gauge吃水表
draft holder汇票持有人
draft in RMB人民币汇票
draft mark吃水深度
draft mark〈美〉吃水标尺
draft of foreign currency外币汇票
draft on demand即期汇票
draft on note payable to bearer凭票即付汇票
draft payable at an uncertain date付款日期未定的汇票
draft payable with terms附有条件的汇票
draft technical report技术方案报告
draft terms汇款条件
draft terms凭汇票付款条件
draft terms开票条件
Draft Uniform Law on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes联合国法律委员会国际汇票、本票统一法草案
draft with recourse有追索权汇票
draft without recourse无追索权汇票
drafts payable with terms附有条件汇款
draw a clean draft开出光票
due draft到期汇票
export shipment without draft无汇兑输出
forced draft blower强制通风鼓风机
gold draft黄金汇票
honouring of draft承兑汇票
import draft进口汇票
inspection of weight by draft水尺计重
intensity of draft通风强度
international negotiation of draft国际汇票议付
international telegraphic draft国际电汇汇票
laden draft货船满载吃水
loaded draft ton重载吃水线吨位
make a draft on bank向银行提款
meet the draft of presentation凭汇票付款
negotiation by draft汇票交易谈判
negotiation of draft汇票议付
notarized draft已公证汇票
over draft超过吃水
parties to a draft汇票各方当事人
payment against draft credit凭票付款信用证
payment against the draft credit凭汇票付款的信用证
protect our draft on presentation见票即付
protect our draft on presentation交汇票时照付
remittance and draft outstanding未提取汇款汇票
shallow draft operation浅水作业
Sight Draft Bill of Lading即期提单
sight draft with attached bill of lading跟单即期汇票
tare and draft皮重及减损
tenor draft定期汇票
tenor of the draft汇票期限
three party draft三名汇票指由三个人签名而担保付款的汇票
time date draft发票日后定期付款汇票
two-part draft双名汇票
type of draft汇票种类
usance draft期票
usance draft有限期汇票
without recourse draft无追索权汇票指汇票拒付,持票人无权追索