
Terms for subject Project management containing down | all forms | exact matches only
A property tax -would help bring down prices and provide local governments with a sustainable revenue stream开征物业税将有助于降低房价、 并为地方政府提供可持续的收入来源
A socket operation failed because the destination host was down由于目标主机坏了、 套接字操作失败
Brand management was top down, internally focused, political and money based品牌管理就是上令下行、闭门造车、办公室政治加上编造预算
bring down prices降价
Cathay Airlines estimates that climbing up and down the -wall costs airlines 100 000 tonnes in unnecessary fuel burn every year国泰航空预计、每年飞越这道墙的燃油成本高达10万吨、而这没有必要
Cursor control keys have an up arrow, a down arrow, a left arrow, and a right arrow光标控制键有一个向上箭头键、一个向下箭头键、一个向左箭头键和一个向右箭头键
down-and-in option股价下跌生效的期权
down-and-out option股价下跌失效的期权
down payment分期付款的初次付款
down payment首期付款
down payment guarantee定金保函
down round估值较低的一次融资
drill down显示明细数据
drop-down menu下拉型菜单
Each time the GSP is reset or powered down, it must get the real time clock information from the system board每次重置 GSP 或者关闭 GSP 时、它必须从系统主板获取实时时钟信息
edge down渐落
force down prices压价
Knock Down Type装配式设计
lay down规定
lay-down yard材料设备存放场
limit down跌至停板
mark down降低标价
mean down time平均停工时间
Output channel 3 or channel 4 of radio frequency modulator can be selected by up /down toggle switch射频调制器的输出频带可以通过上/下拨动开关选择3频带/4频带
Page Down key向下翻页键
pay down部分还款
power down关掉电源
power down下电关闭计算机
price mark down降价
pull down拆除
pull-down menu下拉菜单
running-down of business缩减业务
scale down prices降价
send down prices压价
slow down退减
slow down放缓
The actual absorption of foreign capital has been down and contracted foreign investment has been up since the beginning of the year今年以来、 实际吸收外资略有下降、 合同外资金额稳定增长
The measure is now down 0.4% for the early going of 2010, the first time it has ended with a year-to-date loss今年截至目前、该指数已下跌了 0.4%、为首次跌至2010年年初水平以下
This fact could explain the large jump down in the inferred real interest rate when the Treasury changed the raw bond data it uses该事实可以解释当财政部改变其原始数据之后、 估测出的实际利率明显下降
written-down value on disposal变卖时折余价值
You can suppress series AutoFill by holding down Ctrl as you drag the fill handle of a selection of two or more cells您可以禁止"自动填充"、方法是按住 Ctrl 键的同时拖动选定两个或更多单元格的填充柄