
Terms for subject Economy containing down | all forms | exact matches only
average down time平均停机维修时间
back down退却
back down放弃 (要求)
balance brought down余额转下
balance carried down余额移后
be down-to-earth脚踏实地
beat down wages paid降低支付工资
Because of the world economic recession, sales in the company were down to single figures last week由于世界经济衰退,该公司上周的销售不上十次
bog down in crisis危机重重
break down把统计资料分类
break down破除
break down成本、总数等分成细目
break down打破
break down a market搞垮市场
break down the economic boundaries冲破经济界限
bring down on账户结转 (account)
brought down接【转】下页
carried down转下
carried down取下
carried down搬下
carried down过次页
cash down现金支付
close down倒闭
close down封闭
close down査封
close down工厂关闭
come down出钱
come down物价下跌
completely knocked down完全拆散
cost down降低成本
count down倒计时
cut down缩减
cut down削 〔裁,缩,删〕减
cut down减价
cut down削减
cut down expenditures节省开支
down payment已付定金
down payment分期付款的首期款
down payment已付定款
down payment plan押金制度
down swing下降趋势
down tick下降成交价
down tick低价交易
down time停工
down time停顿时间
down time停车时间
down time准备时间
down to the mark重量满载
down-to-earth approach切实的方法
down turn经济下降
down-ward communication下向联系
down zone缩小范围
feed down往下送给
fetch down使…下跌
"filter-down theory of economic progress"经济进步的最终渗透论
force down压低价格
force down压下〔出〕
force down迫使下降〔着陆〕
force down prices压低价格
force prices down压价
full and down stowage轻重货物搭配装载
get down to bedrock寻根究底
go down (in price, 价)
go-down man仓库工作人员
half down and half installment一半付现金分期付款
handing down process传递过程
hoist down a cargo卸下一吊货
hunt down and seize査获
If transportation costs come down, we will be able to invest in automated handling如果运输成本降下来,我们就能够投资于自动化装卸
In fall, clothing for summer wearing marked down for sale在秋季,夏天穿的衣服减价出售
knock down散装
knock down迫使…降价
knock down拆卸 (以便装运)
knock down成交
knock-down car可折卸汽车
knock-down car分装车
knocked down拆散
knocked down可拆开的
knocked down卸开的
knocked-down condition拆装条款
knocked-down flat货物 拆散平放
knocked-down in less than carloads拆散为低于包车的最低重量
knocked-down shipment拆卸分装运输
knocked-down shipment分运
knocked-down shipment拆开运输
laid down铺设铁路,建造船舶
laid down cost建造成本
laid down cost敷设成本
lay down兴建
lay down卸下
lay down制定 (计划等)
lay down支付
lay down制定计划等
level down降低
lie down拒绝履行契约
lie down怠工
limit down交易所 跌停板
mark down标低商品的价格 (the goods)
mark-down percentage降价率
mark down transaction减价处理 (销售)
marking down up loan降低提高贷款利息
marking down loans降低标低贷款利息
marking down up price标价降低 (提高)
marking down prices降低标低价格
melt down股市狂泻
melt down变为现金
melt down销毁 (货币等)
narrow down to缩减到
operation shut down运转【操作】停止
pare down production costs逐渐削减生产成本
pare down the expenses削减费用
pare down the expenses节省开销
partial knock down部分散件
pay down分期付款先付首期款
pay value down付现款
phase down逐步〔分阶段〕缩减
production increases with quality up and cost of production down优质,高产,低消耗
pull down使价格下跌 (an old building, price)
pull down旧建筑物拉倒 (an old building, price)
put down降低 (the price of cotton, 棉花价格)
put down削减 (a figure for expenses, 费用数目)
reasonable cost down合理降低成本
salt down salvable可挽救的
salt down salvable可抢救的
scale down递减
scale down按比率降低
scale-down up of prices按某种比率降价格
scaled down削减
screw down the price of压低大米价格 (rice)
set down (the price, 价)
settle down to安定下来 (work, 工作)
shake a company down for公司勒索
shut down关闭 (a factory, a corporation, 工厂、公司)
shut-down point停止生产点
slow down怠工
slow down不景气
slow down in demand需求下降
slow down investment放慢投资速度
slow down the investment and the development of national economy放慢投资和国民经济发展速度
small down payment少量现付
stay-down strike静坐罢工
stay-down strike静坐〔留在矿井下〕 罢工
stay-down strike矿工留在矿井下的罢工
step down逐步降低
step down (车)
stop down缩小镜头的光圈
Strikes and other accidents beyond our control caused the business to go down罢工以及其他难以控制的事故使业务滑坡
take down取下
take down拆毁
take down记 〔录〕下
take down剥下
tear down拆卸 (a machine, 一台机器)
tell down付钱
The board of directors turned down their proposal董事会拒绝接受他们的建议
The enterprise is hoping to cut down its staff by natural wastage该企业希望通过自然减员如辞职、退休,等等来缩减工作人员 (e. g., resigning, retiring, etc.)
The inflation rate is gradually coming down通货膨胀率逐步下降
The machine broke down because of a defective cooling system机器因冷却系统的故障而不能运转
The management expects that the rate of lossmaking will come down next month管理部门预期亏损率在下月会下降
the market write-down市价下跌
The negotiations between the management and the union broke down after 7 hours资方在工会之间的谈判长达7小时,因未达成协议而中断
The price of this commodity has gone down这种商品的价格下降了
The purchaser shall pay down promptly after submission of an invoice by the supplier买方收到供方提交的发票后立即用现金支付
the step-down method阶梯分配法
the step-down method梯减法
the step-down order in cost allocation成本分摊中的逐项减少次序
The total amount is payable in monthly installments equivalent to 40% of the down payment总款按月分期付,每次相当于第一次付款额的 40 %
the trick-down theory利益扩散理论
the trick-down theory滴入论
The unfavourable market situation closed down that company不利的市场情况使那家公司倒闭
the writing down allowance允许的账面价值减低数额
the written-down value账面价值降低额
Their request for a loan was turned down by the bank银行拒绝了他们的贷款申请
There was a machinery break down so that the progress of the production has decelerated机器发生故障,因此生产速度降低了
thin down减少
This machine is continually breaking down这台机器经常出故障
tie down束缚
tie down箝制
tie down约束
tone down减轻
touch down在机场降落 (at the airport)
trading down向下贸易经营低档商品以增加销量的办法
trickle-down theory滴入论认为下面自然会受惠的理论
trickling down effect涓滴效果
turn down拒绝 (your offer, proposal, 你的报盘、提议)
up and down起伏
up and down到处
up and down前前后后
up and down来来回回
up and down上上下下
Upon the signing of the agreement the cash down payment of $300 should be made在协议签字时,应先付一笔300美元的定金
wash down咽下
wash down用开水等吞下
water down掺水
water down在…中搀水
water down把…打折扣
We tried to talk them into cutting down the price but they did not budge a step我们设法劝说他们减价,但他们一点儿也不让步
We won't resume offering until your goods come down a little你方的货物价格下跌一些,我们将恢复报盘
wear down使厌烦
wear down使消耗
wear down克服
wear down使磨损
wet down洒水使湿
whittle down削减 (expense, 费用)
whittle down expense削减费用
write down把…描写成
write down贬低
write down减除
write down记下
write down写下
write down the value of doubtful debt减除呆账
writing down the value of doubtful debts呆帐减除
written down allowance减低账面价值额度
written down allowance允许的帐面价减低额
written down value账面价值降低额
written down value折旧后价值
written down value净帐面价值
written down value减去折旧后的资产价值
You have to make the insurance policy manually because the computer has broken down由于计算机出了故障,你只好手工制作保险单
You may ship all equipment in knocked-down pieces for convenience of transportation为运输方便,你方可将所有设备拆卸成零件后发货
Your can come down from generalities to particularities你可以从一般性问题进而谈具体问题
Your turnover is down in comparison with last year与去年相比,你方的营业额下降了