
Terms for subject Commerce containing down | all forms | exact matches only
balance carried down余额转下
break down foreign conventions打破国外常规
bring down prices使物价下降
brought down会计转下页
close down on drug traffic禁止贩毒
close down the hatches of a ship关闭船舱
cut down 5 dozen减五打
cut down expenditure节省开支
cut down payment扣款
cut down the budget削减预算
Demand has been brought down by increases in imports需求已减少
Demand has been brought down by increases in imports由于进口增加
down market低档商品市场
down payment分期付款首次款项
down time故障停机时间
down time工厂上班时间内停机时间
draw down拉〔扯,放〕下
draw down轧扁
draw down收缩
draw down延伸
draw down招来
draw down引起
draw down压延
draw down轧制
draw down锤平
draw down缩小横切面
draw down把…向下移
draw down提取库存
draw-down stock提取库存
draw-down of food stocks粮食库存下降
force prices down压价 (与迫使价格上扬(force prices up) 相对)
Many small plants closed down for lack of fuel因缺乏燃料许多小工厂关闭了
mark down the goods减价
pay down分期付款购买先部分付现
reasonable cost down合理降价
rock bottom down降至最低程度
running down clause保险碰撞条款
sell for cash down现售
semi-knocked down半组合式商品
semi-knocked down半拆散式商品
shut down a factory关闭工厂
Some foreign company laws lay down obligatory requirements about the commencing and terminal dates of the financial year有些外国公司法对财政年度的开始与终止日期有强制性规定
The difference in price has already been narrowed down to a mere 3%介格差距已缩小到只有百分之三了
The marketing plan has broken down营销计划失败
The present market situation may mislead one to think that the prices are going down目前市场情况可能让人误以为价格将下跌
The prices are much more likely to come down价格很有可能下跌
The tax-collector came down on the company for US 2,000收税员向该公司索款2,000 美元
The ups and downs of prices are governed by many factors价格起落受许多因素所支配
There is no likelihood of the price going down价格无下降的可能性
turn down an offer拒绝接受报盘
We're weighted down with orders, we're not in a position to take on additional quantities我方已承接大批订单,无力接受追加订货数量
writing down allowance账面价值允许减低数额