
Terms for subject Football containing down | all forms | exact matches only
attack down the flanks从两侧进攻
attack down the flanks从两翼进攻
attack down the wings从两翼进攻
break down the solid defence打垮坚固防线
cut down封住
cut down下压
cut down the angle封住角度
cut down the shooting angle封住射门角度
down field阵前区
down field向前场
down field前场
down-the-middle thrust中路突破
drive down the sideline沉底
drive down the sideline before centering the ball沉底传中
fresh down重新进攻
head the ball down向下顶球
man down以少打多的局面
penetrate down the middle中路突破
penetrate down the wings两翼突破
penetration down the wings两翼突破
pull down the ball守门员将球扑住
pull down the ball守门员跑出抓住球
race down the goal往球门带球
run down the sideline向边线奔跑
thrust down the middle从中间突破
thrust down the middle中路突破