
Terms for subject China containing do | all forms | exact matches only
call on all concerned departments to do督促有关方面搞好 (smth)
discriminate against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion歧视信仰宗教的公民和不信仰宗教的公民
do a solid job扎实工作
do damage to the mother trees损坏母树
do even better in all our work努力把各项工作做得更好
do extensive publicity work进行广泛的宣传教育
do honor to our mission不辱使命
do its utmost尽一切努力 (to do)
do its utmost with maximum sincerity国家以最大的诚意、尽最大的努力
the state do its utmost with maximum sincerity国家以最大的诚意、尽最大的努力
do justice to主持公道
do not accept不受理
do not agree with the reconsideration对复议不服
do not fall within the jurisdiction of the ministries and commissions不属于各部和各委员会
do not file a case不予立案
do not have retroactive force不溯及既往
do not protect不予保护
do not rear one's own children directly不直接抚养子女
do not undertake transport不得承运
do not want other people to know不愿泄露
do serious harm to the community严重危害社会
do the office担任 M 职务
do one's utmost to rescue尽力抢救
fail to do a good job in supervision监督不力
have nothing to do with无关
have the ability to execute but refuse to do so有能力执行而拒不执行
provided that such regulations do not contradict the Constitution法规不同宪法、法律、行政法规相抵触的前提下
refuse to do the duty拒绝执行
step up efforts to do抓紧加强.... 工作,加大力度
step up efforts to do抓紧……工作
take strong measures to do大力抓好
urge concerned departments to do督促有关方面搞好…… (smth)
urge concerned departments to do督促有关方面搞好 (smth)