
Terms for subject Commerce containing development | all forms | exact matches only
a serious detriment to the business development对贸易发展的严重阻碍
Act for International Development国际开发条例
advanced development试制
advanced development样品或样机试制
African Development Bank非洲开发银行
Agency for International Development美国国际开发署 (设于1961 年)
Asian Economic Development Fund亚洲经济开发基金
be ill-adapted to the economic development与经济发展不相适应
broad development plan粗略发展规划
Canada Development Corp加拿大发展公司
China Corporation for New Technology Development中国新技术开发公司
Close cooperation is the key to the development of business between the two parties密切合作是发展双方业务的关键
Committee for International Development国际开发委员会
commodity development商品增殖开发
commodity development project商品开发项目
commodity development strategy商品开发策略
Commonwealth Development Corporation英国联邦开发公司
Conference des Nations Unies sur le Commerce et le Development联合国贸易发展会议亦用 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Consortium for International Development国际开发财团
continual development连续研制
Council for International Economic Cooperation and Development国际经济合作和发展委员会
crash development of equipment紧急研制设备
Development Bank of Singapore, Ltd.新加坡发展银行 (Singapore, 新加坡)
development box发展箱
development Committee开发委员会 (国际复兴与开发银行理事会和国际货币基金组织理事会有关向发展中国家转移资金的部长联合委员会)
development effort研制规划
development of high technology高技术开发
development of new products新产品研制
development prototype发展原型
development study研制
development tests试制产品试验
Economic and Development Company美国经济和开发公司
Economic Development Administration美国经济开发署
Economic Development Association美国经济开发协会
Export Development Corporation加拿大出口开发公司
forecast the economic development预测经济发展
Fund of the European Development欧洲开发基金
German Development Bank德国开发银行
German Development Company德国开发公司
give an impulse to the development of the friendly relations between the two countries促进两国友好关系的发展
In case of development, cable us immediately如有进展,请立即电告我方
Industrial Development Board工业发展理事会
International Bank for Construction and Development国际复兴开发银行亦缩为 IB
International Bank for Construction and Development世界银行
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development国际复兴开发银行亦缩为 INTERBANK
International Development Agency美国国际开发署
International Trade Development Organization国际贸易发展组织
issue development bonds发行开发债券
Japan Development Bank日本开发银行 (Tokyo, 东京)
Japan Overseas Trade Development Conference日本海外贸易开发协会
joined efforts in development共同开发
large disbursements for research and development研究与开发的巨款支出
National Economic Development Council英国全国经济发展委员会
National Research Development Corporation英国国家研究开发公司
National Trade Development Association英国全国贸易发展协会
Overseas Development Investment Co.海外开发投资公司 (美国)
Pan American Development Foundation泛美发展基金会
Petroleum Development Oman阿曼弓油开发公司
plan for national economic and social development国民经济与社会发展计划
private development of surface supplies自行开发地表水源
project development cycle项目发展周期 (包括:投资前时期 (preinvestment phase)、投资时期 (investment phase)、生产时期 (operation phase))
proportionate development按比例发展
regional development plan地区开发计划
regional development program地区开发规划
regional economic development integration区域经济发展一体化
regional economic development strategy地区经济发展战略
representative sample of the latest industrial development代表工业上最新发展的样品
research and development研制与试验
research and development cost研究与开发成本
research and development equipment研究与开发设备
research and development investment研究与发展投资
research and development plan研究发展计划
research and development program研究发展方案
research and development project研究发展项目
Shell Petroleum Development Co. of Nigeria Ltd.尼日利亚壳牌石油开发有限公司
site preparation and development厂址清理及整治
Society for International Development美国国际开发协会
socioeconomic development foundations社会经济发展基金会
Standard Oil Development Co.美孚石油开发公司
stimulate the development of local economy促进当地经济的发展
strategy for development of economy经济发展战略
strategy of economic development经济发展战略
system development requirement系统发展要求
systems development process系统开发过程
technical development capacity技术开发能力
technological development生产工艺发展
technology research and development技术研究与开发
The development of business consists in cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit贸易发展在于平等互利基础上的合作
The dispute should not be the obstacle to the development of our business这一争议不应成为我们双方业务发展的障碍
The great development of business is creditable to your close cooperation贸易的巨大发展归功于你方的密切合作
theory of economic development经济发展理论
trade and development贸易与开发
Trade and Development Board联合国贸发会议贸易与发展理事会
Trade Development Council香港贸易发展理事会
United Nations Development Programme联合国发展方案
United Nations Economic Development Administration联合国经济开发总署
United Nations Trade and Development Board联合国贸易和发展委员会
United States International Development Cooperation Agency美国国际开发合作署 (缩为 IDCA)
vigorous development of industrial production工业生产蓬勃发展
We look forward to the rapid development of the business between us我们期待我们之间的生意迅速发展