
Terms for subject Environment containing development | all forms | exact matches only
biological development The action of growing of living organisms生物发展 (生物生长的活动。)
Center for International Research of Environment and Development国际环境与开发研究中心
clean development mechanism无污染开发机制
coastal development Concentration of human settlements, infrastructures and economical activities along the coasts, being these areas very favourable for trade, communication and marine resources exploitation; the impact of the accelerated population growth and of the industrial and touristic development in these areas has caused the disruption of the ecological integrity of the coastal zones沿海开发 (沿着海岸的人类住区、基础设施和经济活动的集中,在这些地区进行贸易、通讯和海洋资源开发非常有利。这些地区的人口加速增加和工业旅游业开发所造成的影响,已经导致了沿海地区的生态整合的破坏。)
cultural development The process whereby the capabilities or possibilities inherent in a people's beliefs, customs, artistic activity and knowledge are brought out or made more effective文化发展 (人们的信仰、风俗、艺术活动和知识中固有的能力或可能性被彰显或是使之更加有效的过程。)
demographic development Growth in the number of individuals of a population人口发展 (人口数量上的增加。)
development aid The economic assistance or other types of support provided to developing countries to promote or encourage advancement in living standards, institutions, infrastructure, agricultural practices and other aspects of an economy, and to resolve problems typically associated with developing countries发展援助 (为发展中国家提供经济援助或其他形式的帮助,从而在生活水准,制度,基础设施建设,农业工作或其他经济方面得到促进或提升,以及解决发展中国家面临的典型问题。)
development area Area which has been given special help from a government to encourage business and factories to be set up there开发区 (由政府提供特别协助并鼓励设置商业或工厂的地区。)
development co-operation开发合作
development model A description, representation, or conception of the economic advancement process of a region or people发展模式 (一个区域或人在经济发展过程方面的观念、描述、或说明。)
development pattern The combination of qualities, structures, acts and tendencies characterizing the economic and social growth of a community or human group发展模式 (由质量、结构、活动及趋势多个方面综合描绘社区或人群的经济和社会发展状况。)
development plan The statement of local planning policies that each local planning authority is required by statute to maintain, and which can only be made or altered by following the procedures prescribed for that purpose, which include obligations to consult widely and to hold a public local inquiry into objections. The development plan includes: 1. the structure plan for the area (normally prepared by the country council); 2. an area-wide development plan for each district council area发展计划 (指由法律授权的地区规划机构负责制定的地区规划策略声明,该声明的制定或修改仅能按照规定的流程进行,同时必须广泛的协商讨论和接受公众质询。 发展计划包括: 1.地区的结构性计划(通常由地方议会提供); 2.每个辖区的区域发展计划。)
development planning The act or process of formulating a course of action that promotes the economic advancement of a region or people, particularly in countries known to have low levels of economic productivity and technological sophistication发展规划 (制定促进区域或人类经济发展计划的行为或过程,特别是在经济生产力和技术能力处于较低水平的国家。)
economic development The state of nations and the historical processes of change experienced by them, the extent to which the resources of a nation are brought into productive use; the concept of development subsumes associated social, cultural and political changes as well as welfare measures经济发展 (国家状况及其历史变迁过程,将国家资源转变成商品用途程度。 发展的概念包含社会、文化与政治的相关变迁及福利措施等。)
environmental development The growth, progress or advancement in matters of ecological concern环境发展 (有关生态方面的成长、进步或提升。)
industrial development工业发展
initiating development process起始发育过程
initiating development process启动发育过程
International Institute for Environment and Development国际环境与开发研究所
land development Planning of infrastructures, services and industrial settlements in order to promote the socio-economic growth of certain land area土地开发 (基础设施、服务业和工业区规划,以促进某些地区土地的社会经济发展。)
local development A stage of growth or advancement in any aspect of a community that is defined by or restricted to a particular and usually small district or area地方发展 (任何一个被定义为特定和通常是小区域或小地区的社区经济增长或发展的情况。)
planned urban development Any physical extension of, or changes to, the uses of land in metropolitan areas following certain preparations or designs都市发展规划 (城市物理上的延伸或改变,在大都市地区设计和使用土地的若干准备。)
regional development The progress or advancement for a large geographical territory or a designated division of a country or state, particularly in economic growth that leads to modernization or industrialization区域性发展 (一个大的地理区域或一个国家或州的特定部分的发展,特别指导致现代化或工业化的经济增长。)
river basin development Any growth, maturation or change in an area of land drained by a river and its tributaries流域发展 (由河流或它的支流冲击产生的任何土地面积的增长、成熟或变化。)
rural development Any course destined to promote economic growth, modernization, increase in agricultural production and the creation of a framework in which to fulfill primary needs, such as education, health and supply of water in the rural areas. The attainment of such objectives depends in general on the type of administrative systems proposed for the various programmes and on the national political situation as regards, for instance land tenure, agrarian reform, the disbursement of assistance and food policy农村发展 (任何致力于发展经济、现代化、增加农业产量和建立满足个人需求(例如在农村教育、健康和水的供给)的框架的工作。实现这些目标通常依赖于众多纲领提出的监管系统和国家的政治状况,例如要考虑土地使用权、农业改革、援助和粮食政策。)
social development The state of nations and the hystorical processes of change experienced by them. The concept of development subsumes associated cultural and political changes as well as welfare measures which reflect distribution of goods, wealth and opportunities社会发展 (各国国家元首和他们经历的各种历史进程的改变。发展的概念归结于相关的文化和政治的变化以及福利措施,反映在商品,财富和机会的分配。)
software development No definition needed软件开发 (无需定义。)
status of development The extent to which a society promotes human well-being in all dimensions of existence by forming people's capabilities, expanding choices and increasing opportunities发展状况 (社会通过对人们能力的促成,选择的扩大和机遇的增长,从而在某些程度上促进了人类的福祉。)
sustainable development Development that provides economic, social and environmental benefits in the long term having regard to the needs of living and future generations. Defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987 as: development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs可持续发展 (发展提供长远考虑,考虑到子孙后代生活的需要和长远的经济、社会和环境效益。由世界环境与发展委员会于1987年定义:发展满足当代人的需求,但又不损害子孙后代能满足他们自己的需要。)
sustainable development indicator Statistical indicators used for measuring sustainable development that may be chosen among a wide range of themes as, for example, environmental capacity and quality of life可持续发展指标 (用于衡量可持续发展的统计指标,可能是其中一个作为主题,广泛选择,例如,环境容量和生活质量。)
technological development No definition needed技术开发 (无需定义。)
terminating development process终止发育过程
urban development Any physical extension of, or changes to, the uses of land in metropolitan areas, often involving subdivision into zones; construction or modification of buildings, roads, utilities and other facilities; removal of trees and other obstructions; and population growth and related economic, social and political changes城市发展 (大都市地区土地用途的自然扩展或变更,往往涉及到地区的细分,建筑物、道路、公用设施和其他设施的建造或改造,树木和其他障碍物的清除,人口的增长和相关的经济、社会和政治的变革等。)
urban development document A written or printed text furnishing proposals or procedures for the improvement of living conditions, especially housing, for the inhabitants of a city or densely populated area城市发展文本 (改善城市生活条件的文本,主要包括为城市或人口密集地区的居民提供住房的建议和程序等内容。)
urban development law A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by government to regulate public services and the competing claims of residential, commercial and industrial interests in municipal areas generally characterized by moderate to high population density城市发展法 (政府机构制定的具有约束力的规则或规则体系,用来在以中高人口密度为特点的城市地区,规范公共服务和住宅、商业和工业利益的竞争性要求。)
urban planning and development The activity or process of preparing for the future arrangement and condition of an urban center, particularly the development of its physical lay-out, which would include the construction, reconstruction, conversion, alteration or enlargement of buildings and other structures, and the extension or use of undeveloped land城市规划和发展 (为城市中心的未来安排和环境做准备的活动或过程,特别是物理布局开发,其中包括建造、重建、变更、房屋和其他建筑物的改建或者扩建,以及未开发土地的扩充或使用。)
Water Resources Development Center水资源开发中心
waterside development Any physical extension of, or changes to, the uses of land in waterfront areas水边发展 (任何物理的扩展,或转变为滨水地区的土地使用。)