
Terms for subject Management containing development | all forms | exact matches only
community development社区发展
corporate development committee企业发展委员会
development of a plan of organization组织计划发展
development of faculty职工能力开发
development of manpower人力开发
development of scientific management科学管理的开发
development of scientific management科学管理的发展
division of economic development经济发展处
European Foundation for Management Development欧洲管理开发基金会
executive development行政上的发展
executive development program执行人发展计划
general management development一般管理人员培训
general management development一般管理人员的成长
industrial development authority工业发展局
industrial development branch工业发展组
industrial development division工业发展司
industrial sector development unit工业部门发展股
long-term development of employee skills员工技能的长期发展
main roads development act主要公路开发法
management development管理研究
management development管理人才之开发
management-development course企业管理人员培养过程
management development program管理发展训练方案
manager performance & developments经理人和发展
managerial development管理发展
managers development经理发展
ministry of national development国家发展部
natural development自然发展
organization development组织研究
participative development group参与意见的发展小组
participatory development分享发展制
personal development个人发展
reserve for technical research and development技术研究和发展准备
reserve for technical research and development技术科研公积金
Science and Technology Development Centre科技开发中心
shelve the matter pending future developments搁置此事以待今后发展
strategy of national industrial development国家工业发展战略
system development process开拓制度作业
urban development城市发展.