
Terms for subject Agriculture containing development | all forms | exact matches only
abnormal anther development不正常花药发育
above-ground development地上部发育
acropetal development向顶发育
act of development开发法案
activator development激活[剂]显影
adventitious bud development不定芽发育
agricultural and rural development农业和农村发展
agricultural development农业进展
agricultural development programme农业发展纲要
agricultural development tendency农业发展趋势
agricultural research and development农业研究与发展
agricultural sustainable development strategy农业可持续发展策略
agriculture and rural development农业和农村发展
agro-industrial development area农产品加工业开发区
agrosilvipastoral development农林牧综合发展
alkaline development碱性显影{显技}
androgenetic development产雄发育
anther development花药发育
antipoverty and economic development反贫困与经济发展
apomictic development无融发育
arrest of development发育停滞
assessment of sustainable development system可持续发展系统的评价
asynchronous development不同时发育
autonomic development自主发育
autonomous development自主发育
autonomous- regulatory development自主调节发育
autonomous-mosaic development自主镶嵌发育
awn development芒发育
bog development stage沼泽发育期
cell development细胞发育
center of development发育中心
color development reagent显色剂{显技}
color development reation显色反应
colour development色素发育 (evolutio coloris)
computer development system计算机开发系统
condition of development发育条件
co-ordinate development协调发展
correlative development相关发育
cotton development of character棉性状发育
course of development发育过程
critical period of development发育临界期
crop development作物生长情况
cycle disease development循环性发病
cycle of growth and development生长发育周期
cyclic disease development循环性发病
daily increment of development日发育增长量
delayed floral development延迟花发育
development aid开发援助对发展中国家的援助
development biology发育生物学
development branch发育枝
development by metamorphosis变态发育
Development Department FAO粮农组织开发司 (DD FAO)
development division开发部门
development economy发展经济[学]
development economy开发经济
development engine开发机
development farm开发农场
development financing发展经费
development financing开发经费
development folder显影夹
development history发育周期
development history发展史
development of agricultural co-operatives农业合作社的发展
development of agricultural hi-tech industries农业高新技术产业的发展
development of character性状发育
development of hydroelectric resources水电资源开发
development of information technique信息技术的开发
development of land土地利用
development of light effect光效应发育
development of livestock husbandry畜牧业发展
development of medium and small enterprises中小企业发展
development of microspore culture小孢子培养的发育
development of modern science and technology现代科技发展
development of modern science and technology现代科学技术发展
development of protein malnutrition蛋白质营养不足的发育
development of rural energy农村电源开发
development of rural energy农村电源发展
development of seasonality季节性发育
development of the rural community农村区社发展
development organ发育器官
development pattern开发模式
development pattern发育模式
development pattern发育型[式]
development period发育期
development period of useful bud有效蕾期
development physiology发育生理学
development planning[拟定]发展计划
development project开发项目课题
development project发展方案草案
development scheme计划
development scheme发展方案
development scheme开发方案
development scheme开发计划
development scheme发展
development stage发育阶段
development system研制系统
development temperature发育温度
dichopodial development歧轴式发展{进化}
direction of industrial development产业发展方向
distorted development发育变形
distorted development扭曲发育
dorsal-ventral development背腹发育
dynamics of disease development发病动态
ear development stage穗发育期
early development早期发育
early-stage development早期发育
economics of agricultural development农业发展经济学
embryo development胚发育
embryo development in vitro试管内胚发育
embryo development in vitro胚离体发育
embryo induction and development胚诱导与发育
embryological development胚胎[学]发展
embryonic development胚[胎]发育 (evolutio embryonus)
embryonic development period胚[胎]发育期
endosperm development胚乳发育
epigenetic development渐成式发育
evolutionary development演变性开发
evolutive development进化性发育
farm development农场发展
farm development农业发展
farm development programme农作发展计划
farm development target农作发展目标
farming systems development农作制度发展简写为FSD
farming systems research and development农耕系统的研发
fiber development纤维发育
floral stalk development抽薹
flower stalk development抽薹
focal disease development中心发病
food security, agriculture and rural development粮食和可持续农业及农村发展
fruit development果实发育
general disease development周遍发病
general disease development一般发病
global transformation of research for development全球研发转型
gonad development生殖腺发育
grain development谷物发育
grain development子粒发育
growth and development生育
growth and development生长与发育
gynogenetic development产雌发育
heterozygous development杂合发育
historical development系统发育
hood development兜瓣发育
hydraulic engineering development act发展水利工程法[案]
impaired development受抑发育
in vitro development离体发育
incomplete development不完全发育
incomplete development发育不全
index system of sustainable development可持续发展指标体系
individual development个体发育
industrial development产业发展
influence on social development对社会发展的影响
information agriculture development信息农业发展
initial period of growth and development萌芽期
initial period of growth and development生育最初时期
intersex development间性体发育
lacunar development[腹菌]腔式发育[型]
land and water development水土开发
land development土地开拓
land development and improvement土地开发和改良
latent development潜在发育
latent disease development无症发病
latent disease development潜隐发病
latest development发育末期
leaf development抽叶期
leaf development抽叶
leaf development stage抽叶期
leap-over type development跨走
level of economic development经济发展水平
life skills development生活技巧发展
lop development单侧发育
low point of development temperature发育起点温度
macrophylogenetic development大型系统发育
maximal development最高发育
maximum vegetable development最高营养[ 体]发育
microphylogenetic development小型系统发育
modern instrument development现代仪器发展
monitoring crop growth and development监控作物生育
monopodial development单轴式发展 (evolutio monopodialis)
mosaic development镶嵌发育
multipileate development腹菌多盖发育
multipurpose rural development多目标农村开发
national economic development国民经济发展
national programme for agricultural development全国农业发展纲要
nonautonomous development非自主发育
non-specific disease development非专化发病
ontogenetic development个体发育
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development经济合作与经济组织
outline of agricultural development农业发展概况
over development过度发育
panicle development stage穗发育期
parthenogenetic development单性发育
participatory technology development参与式技术开发简写为PTD
pattern of relative development相对发育型式
phase of development发育期
phases in reproductive development生殖发育期
phasic theory of development阶段发育理论
phylogenetic development系统发育 (phylogenesis)
pileate development腹菌单盖发育
pilot county for integrated rural energy development农村能源综合开发试点县
plant development植物发育
pod development stage荚果发育期
pod development stage蒴果发育期
pollen development花粉发育 (evolutio pollinica)
pollen development in vitro花粉试管内发育
pollen development in vitro花粉离体发育
post-embryonic development胚胎后发育
post-flowering development花后发育
postnatal development产后发育
potato rate of development马铃薯发育速度
potentialities of development发育潜力
potentialities of development发育可能性
primary disease development初次发病
programme of agricultural development农业发展纲要
progressive development前进发育
protoplast development原生质体发育
quantitative development数量发育
rapid development快速发育
rapid seedling development幼苗迅速发育
recent development最新开发
regional development area局部发达地区
regional development scheme区域性开发计划
regional economic development区域经济发展
regulative development调节性发育
relative degree of development相对发育程度
relative quantitative development相对数量发展
renewed development重新发育
reproductive development生殖发育
research and development of high and new technology高新技术的研究与开发
respiration of stage of development发育阶段呼吸
retardation of development延缓发育
retardation of development发育阻滞
rice individual development稻个体发育
rice period of development稻发育期
rice plant development稻株发育
rice rate of development稻发育速度
root development根系发育
rural development program农村发展计划
rural development service农村开发服务
rural development service农村发展服务
scientific and technical development科技发展
scientific and technical development科学与技术发展
seasonal development季节性发育
seed development种子形成
seed development种子发育
seed development hindered妨碍种子发育
sequence of development发育顺序
smallholder agricultural development小农农业发展
smallholder dairy development小型乳业发展
specific disease development专化性发病
specific disease development专化性病害发生
speedup of the development of medium and small enterprises加速中小企业的发展
stage of critical development II丙 B 胚子 {蚕}
stage of development发育阶段
stage of gonad development性腺发育阶段
stopped development停止发育
strategic research of sustainable development可持续发展战略研究
strategies for sustainable development可持续发展战略
structural development结构发育
sucker development根蘖发育
surface development表面显影{显技}
sustainable development in national economy国民经济可持续发展
synchronous development同步发育
systematic development系统发育
tassel development雄穗发育
tendency of agricultural development农业发展趋势
tendency of the economic development经济发展趋势
testosterone in fetal development胎发育的睾
theory of phasic development阶段发育理论{生理}
tiller development分蘖发育
town economic development城镇经济发展
training for agricultural development农业发展培训
transdiscipline development跨学科发展
Transformed Agricultural Research for Development重点转向发展的农业研究
typical process of disease development典型病程
under snow development雪下发育
unimpeded development不受阻碍发育
unity pattern of green food development绿色食品发展的整体模式
unprecedented biotechnology development空前生物技术发展
unprecedented software development空前软件发展
vegetative development营养体发育
water-power resource development水能资源开发
well-balanced development良好平衡发育
West Africa Rice Development Association西非水稻发展协会
wet land development湿地开发
zygote development合子发育