
Terms containing development | all forms | exact matches only
gen.Aberdeen Research and Development center亚伯丁研究与发展中心
anim.husb.abnormal development异常发育
China, polit.accelerate development of government by the rule of law加快建设法治政府
securit.acquisition and development costs收购与开发成本
proj.manag.acquisition new-product development strategy新产品开发收购战略
busin.acquisition of development right扩界申请
interntl.trade.acquisition of development rights扩界申请
tech.acquisition of development rights获得扩界权
UN, afr.Ad Hoc Committee of the Whole of the General Assembly for the Final Review and Appraisal of the implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s1990年代联合国非洲发展新议程执行情况最后审查大会特设全体委员会
anim.husb.adult development成虫发育
auto.advanced development样机前期开发
auto.advanced development前期研制
anim.husb.advanced development新产品开发
auto.advanced development report前期开发报告
auto.advanced development vehicle前期研制车
auto.advanced development vehicle预研样车
auto.advanced development vehicle试制车
avia.advanced material system development effort先进的材料系统研制计划
shipb.advanced technology development先进技术发展
auto.advanced vehicle development先进车辆开发
org.name.African Training and Research Centre in Administration for Development非洲发展管理培训和研究中心
anim.husb.Agency for International Development国际开发署
UN, biol., sec.sys.Agenda 21: Programme of Action for Sustainable Development21世纪议程:可持续发展行动纲领
UN, biol., sec.sys.Agenda 21: Programme of Action for Sustainable Development21世纪议程
anim.husb.Agricultural Cooperative Development International国际农业合作开发处
anim.husb.Agricultural Development and Advisory Services农业发展与咨询服务处 (UK)
anim.husb.Agricultural Development Council农业发展委员会
anim.husb.Agricultural Marketing Development Executive Committee农产品销售发展执行委员会 (UK)
gen.Air Defence Research and Development Establishment防空研制中心
gen.Air Development Center空军研制中心
gen.Air Development Center航空发展中心
gen.Air Engineering Development Center空军工程发展中心
gen.Air Engineering Development Division空军工程发展部
gen.Air Force Command and Control Development Division空军指挥及控制系统发展部
gen.Air Force Missile Development Center空军导弹研制中心
gen.Air Navigation Development Board航空发展委员答
gen.Air Research and Development Command空军研究与发展司令部
gen.Aircraft Research and Development Unit飞机研制所
anim.husb.Albanian Development Fund阿尔巴尼亚发展基金
gen.Aluminium Development Association铝业发展协会
gen.Aluminium Resources Development Co.铝资源开发公司
genet.ametabolous development无变态发育
China, polit.an important law that affects overall economic and social development一部关系经济社会发展全局的重要法律
anim.husb.Annual Development Programme孟加拉年度发展计划 (of Bangladesh)
UNAnnual World Bank Conference on Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development关于环境上和社会上可持续发展的世界银行年度会议
libr.archival resources development档案资源开发
gen.Armament Research and Development Establishment军械研究发展中心英,加
gen.Arnold Engineering Development Center阿诺德工程发展中心美国空军所属的
UN, polit.Asian and Pacific Ministerial Conference in Preparation for the World Summit for Social Development社会发展问题世界首脑会议亚太部长级筹备会议
anim.husb.Association for Development of Enterprises企业发展协会
auto.Association of Experts in the Fields of Migration and Development Cooperation现场研发公司专家协会德国一家用于培训、商业启动、劳动力市场策略,现场开发支援机构
gen.Atlantic Community Development Group for Latin American大西洋共同体拉丁美洲幵发财团
shipb.Atlantic Development Board大西洋开发委员会
gen.Atomic Development Authority原子能发展管理局
gen.Atomic Power Development Associates Inc.原子能发电研究联合公司
gen.Atomic Power Development Associates, Inc.原子能发电研究联合公司
gen.Auckland Industrial Development Laboratory奥克兰工业研制实验所
anim.husb.Australian Assistance for International Development澳大利亚国际开发署
genet.Bayley scales of infant development贝尔幼儿发育标准
China, polit.be compatible with the country's current state of economic development and international standard与我国目前的经济发展进程相适应、与国际标准趋同
tech.Biology pesticide industry is the rising sun industry and it can nowadays satisfy the persistence development request生物农药产业是当今可持续发展要求下的朝阳产业
tech.Boltz's development method博尔茨扩展法
shipb.brain trust of new-product development新产品开发智囊团
met.brief development history of continuous metal casting连铸发展简史 (Brief Development History of Continuous Metal Casting The initial continuous casting technology was mainly used for casting non-ferrous metal. In 1933 S. Junghans, the father of modem continuous casting technology, built a vertical continuous casting equipment, using mold oscillation technology. It was successfully used for casting brass and aluminum alloy. In 1943 S. Junghans built the world's first experimental continuous casting machine for casting liquid steel in Germany, and put forward the technologies of water-cooled oscillation mold, submerged entry nozzle and adding powder on steel in mold. These laid a solid foundation for the development of the modem continuous steel casting technology. In the 1950's continuous casting technology of steel began its industrial application. In 1951 the world's first industrial-scale stainless steel slab caster was put into production in Red October Steel Works in the Former Soviet Union. The greater part of continuous casting machines, which were put into production in 1950's, adopted vertical type. After entering 1960's, curved slab, billet and bloom casters were put into operation one after another. Since 1970's, along with rapid improvement of continuous steel casting technology a series of new technologies, equipment and processes, including soft reduction, split rolls, multipoint unbending, continuous leveling, electromagnetic stirring, shrouded casting, breakout prediction, tundish metallurgy, mold metallurgy, automatic liquid level control, automatic secondary cooling control, on-line variable width of mold, near-net-shape casting and high efficient continuous casting, have been successfully developed. At the same time, continuous casting production is rapidly developed, continuously cast percentage has been increasing year after year, the ingot casting steps down from the steel production route step by step, and 100% continuous cast steel plants and companies are constantly emerging. 连铸发展简史初期的连铸技术主要应用于有色金属的浇铸。1933年现代连铸之父容汉斯在德国建成一台采用结晶器振动技术的立式连铸设备,并成功地将其运用于黄铜和铝合金的浇铸。1943年容汉斯在德国建成世界第一台用于浇注钢水的试验性连铸机,并提出了水冷振动结晶器、浸人式水口和结晶器钢水面加保护剂等技术,为现代连续铸钢技术的发展奠定了基础。20世纪50年代,连续铸钢技术开始投人工业应用。1951年世界首台工业规模的不锈钢板坯连铸机在前苏联红十月钢厂投产。50年代投产的连铸机机型多为立式。进人20世纪60年代后,相继有板坯和方坯弧形连铸机投产。从 20 世纪 70 年代开始,连续铸钢技术日臻完善,轻压下、分节辊、多点矫直、连续矫直、电磁搅拌、保护浇注、漏钢预报、中间包冶金、结晶器冶金、液面自动控制、二冷动态控制、结晶器在线调宽、近终形连铸和高效连铸等一系列新技术、新设备和新工艺成功开发。与此同时,连铸生产迅猛发展,连铸比逐年上升,钢锭模铸逐渐退出钢铁生产流程,全连铸厂、全连铸公司不断涌现。)
gen.British Electrical Development Association英国电气发展协会
gen.British Oxygen Research and Development Association英国氧气研究和发展协会
gen.British Rubber Development Board英国橡胶发展委员会
gen.British Space Development Co.英国宇宙空间幵发公司
anim.husb.Business Development Center商业发展中心
gen.California Research and Development Co.加利福尼亚研制公司
gen.Canada Development Corp.加拿大开发公司
gen.Canadian Armament Research and Development Establishment加拿大军械研制中心
gen.Canadian Copper and Brass Development Association加拿大铜与黄铜发展协会
anim.husb.Canadian International Development Assistance加拿大国际开发署
gen.Canadian Patent and Development Ltd.加拿大专利与发展公司
anim.husb.canalized development hypothesis定向发育假说
met.capacity for scientific research development科研开发能力
textileCenter for the Organization for Textile Technology Development中国纺织技术开发组织中心
gen.char oil energy development process木炭油能开发过程
genet.character development性状发育
auto.chassis development底盘开发研制
gen.Chemical Research and Development Laboratories of USA化学研究发展实验所美国陆军所属的
gen.Chemical Research and development Laboratory化学研制实验所美国陆军所属的
gen.China Estate Development Group Corporationназв.комп. 中国房地产开发公司
gen.China Export Base Development Corporationназв.комп. 中国出口商品基地建设总公司
shipb.China Shipping Development Holdings Co., Ltd Cargo Ship Company中海发展股份有限公司货轮公司简称中海货运
shipb.China Shipping Development Holdings Co., Ltd Taker Company中海发展股份有限公司油轮公司简称中海油运
gen.China South-West Energy Resources United Development Corporationназв.комп. 中国西南能源联合开发总公司
textileChina Textile Garment Technology Development centre中国纺织服装技术开发中心
UNCoalition of Non-Governmental Organizations in Resources Dynamics for Social Development COAL'99非政府组织资源动力促进社会发展联盟
libr.collection development藏书建设
libr.collection development馆藏发展
libr.collection development馆藏建设
libr.collection development藏书发展
libr.collection development and management division馆藏发展与管理部门
libr.collection development focus馆藏发展重点
libr.collection development innovation资源开发创新
libr.collection development management馆藏发展管理
libr.collection development management藏书建设管理
libr.collection development officer馆藏发展部主任
libr.collection development officer资源建设馆员
libr.collection development officer藏书建设部主任
libr.collection development policy馆藏建设方针
libr.collection development policy馆藏发展政策
libr.collection development policy藏书建设政策
auto.combustion development燃烧的发展
gen.Command Control and Development Division指挥控制与发展部
shipb.Commission for Research and Development海洋研究和开发委员会
anim.husb.Commonwealth Development Corporation联邦发展合作
anim.husb.Commonwealth Development Framework联邦发展框架
genet.competence development感受态建立
libr.complexity of collection development藏书体系复杂性
libr.complimentary collection development互补性馆藏建设
met.continuous casting development programme连铸发展规划
libr.cooperative collection development合作馆藏发展
libr.coordinated collection development协作馆藏发展
libr.coordinated collection development资源共建
libr.coordinated collection development馆藏共建
auto.Coordinating European Council for the development of performance tests for transportation fuels, lubricants and other fluids开发燃油、润滑剂和其他液态物资运输特性测试的欧洲协调委员会
UNCopenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action of the World Summit for Social Development, 19951995年社会发展问题世界首脑会议《哥本哈根宣言和行动纲领》
auto.Corporate Research & Development共同研发
auto.Corporate Research & Development共同研究和开发
anim.husb.Council of U. S. Universities for Soil and Water Development in Arid and Subhumid Area美国大学干旱与半干旱地区水土开发理事会
gen.crash development of ground equipment紧急研制地面设备
shipb.curved surface development曲面展开
gen.David Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center大卫泰勒船舶研究与发展中心美国
shipb.David Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center泰勒海军舰船研究与发展中心
UN, polit.Decade of Greater Mekong Subregion Development Cooperation, 2000-2009大湄公河次区域发展合作十年2000-2009
gen.DEG-INF. SER. Development and Engineering Group-Information Series发展与工程组情报系列报告系列代号
anim.husb.Department for International Development英国国际开发署
genet.dependent development依赖发育
anim.husb.dependent development被动发育
auto.development ability新技术等开发发展能力
auto.development and design开发和设计
auto.development and research研发
auto.development and research开发和研究
auto.development and testing开发和测试
anim.husb.development area网片虚构面积指拉紧长乘拉紧宽
shipb.development assistant test开发辅助试验
expl.development blast开拓爆破为开拓工程而进行的爆破作业
expl.development blast drilling钻爆法开采
auto.development center开发中心
anim.husb.development center发育中心
auto.development centre发中心
auto.development cycle开发研制周期
anim.husb.development cycle发育周期
auto.development department开发工程室,科,股
auto.development engine开发用实验性发动机
auto.development engineer开发工程师
auto.development engineering工程研制
auto.development engineering产品开发
auto.development engineering新产品开发工程
shipb.development expense开发经费
auto.development goal开发目标
auto.development horsepower开发研制功率
auto.development interface agreement接口协议
anim.husb.Development Internationale Desiardins加拿大帝雅鼎国际发展公司
China, polit.Development is our top priority发展是硬道理
avia.development material cost reporting system研制材料成本报告系统
met.development mode发展模式
auto.development mode研制开发样式
met.development of brittleness变脆
met.development of brittleness脆性发展
anim.husb.development of characters性状发育
auto.development of combustion燃烧发展
anim.husb.development of embryo胚子发育
auto.development of failure损坏的发展
anim.husb.development of fertilized ovum孕卵发育
anim.husb.development of gas产气
auto.development of heat生,放
anim.husb.development of heat产热
anim.husb.Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas印度农村地区妇女儿童发展 (India)
auto.development order开发研制订单
auto.development period研制发展,开发
auto.development phase研制开发阶段
auto.development planning发展研制规划
auto.development process开发研制过程
anim.husb.development program发展计划方案
anim.husb.development project发展计划项目
auto.development prototype开发研制原型
auto.development research center研发中心
shipb.development resource开发资源
auto.development road开拓拓荒道路
shipb.development security fund开发担保基金
met.development speed发展速度
auto.development stage开发研制阶段
auto.development state研制开发
auto.development strategy发展开发战略
auto.development tendency发展趋势
auto.development test研制开发试验
avia.development test production parts requirement研制试验生产零件要求
auto.development time研制周期
auto.development trend发展趋势方向,倾向
anim.husb.development trend发展趋势
auto.development type试验开发用的型号
auto.development work开发研制工作
anim.husb.diapause development滞育性发育
libr.digital development of ancient books古籍数字化建设
anim.husb.direct development直接演变
water.res., ecol.direct development of the spectrophotometry直接显色分光光度法
shipb.direction of business development经营方向
anim.husb.disproportionate development不平衡发展
anim.husb.disproportionate development不成比例的发展
auto.distribution network development经销网络开发部
gen.Division of Engineering Development技术发展处
gen.Division of Engineering Development工程研究部
gen.Division of Reactor Development反应堆研究部
anim.husb.early growth and development早期生长和发育
met.economic development objective经济发展目标
met.economic-tech development zone经济技术开发区
gen.Electrical and Radio Development Association电机及无线电发展协会
gen.Electrical Development Association电气发展协会
gen.Electronic Research and Development Agency电子设备研制局美国陆军所属的
China, polit.embark on a road of peaceful development compatible with China's national conditions and characteristics of the times走上一条与中国国情和时代特征相适应的和平发展道路
genet.embryo growth and development factor胚胎生长发育因子
gen.Energy Research and Development Administration能源研究与发展署
auto.engine development发动机研制开发
auto.engine prototype and development发动机样机研发
auto.engineering development工程技术开发
auto.engineering development产品研制
gen.Engineering Research and Development Laboratory工程技术研究和发展实验所
gen.Engineers Council for Professional Development工程师职业发展理事会
earth.sc.European Bank for Reconstruction and Development欧洲复兴与开发银行
gen.European Space Vehicle Launcher Development Organization欧洲空间飞行器发射装置研制中心
gen.European Launcher Development Organization欧洲运载火箭发展组织
gen.European Stainless Steel Development and Information Group欧洲不锈钢发展与情报组由法、英、意、西德、比利时、荷兰、瑞士、瑞典八国组成
genet.exoblastic development卵表发育
gen.experiment, development, test and research实验、改进、试验及研究
anim.husb.extracorporeal development体外发育
anim.husb.Federal Land Development Authority马来西亚联邦土地开发管理局 (Malaysia)
anim.husb.fetal development胚胎发育
anim.husb.fetal development胎儿发育
gen.Fighting Vehicles Research and Development Establishment战车研制中心
auto.flame-core development燃烧室火焰核心发展
auto.flame-kernel development燃烧室火焰核心的扩展
met.flux development保护渣研制
auto.Ford Product Development System福特公司产品开发系统
auto.fuel-spray development燃油喷束形成
UNFurther Initiatives for Social Development of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly 20002000年大会第二十四届特别会议关于社会发展的进一步倡议
genet.gametic-development gene配子发育基因 (GD 基因)
auto.General Electric Corporate Research and Development通用电气公司研究与开发部
genet.germplasm development种质发
auto.GM Overseas Development Co.通用汽车公司海外开发公司
anim.husb.gonad development性腺发育
econ., agric.grade-1 development一级开发
anim.husb.grassland development草原培育开发
genet.growth and development stage of short day and high temperature短日照高温生育性
shipb.Guangxi West River Shipping Construction Development Co., Ltd广西西江航运建设发展有限责任公司
shipb.Guangxi Xijiang River Shipping Construction Development Co., Ltd广西西江航运建设发展有限责任公司
gen.Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory汉福特工程发展实验研究
anim.husb.Harvard Institute for International Development哈佛国际开发学院
genet.hemimetabolous development半变态发育
genet.heterometabolous development不完全变态发育
met.high and new tech development zone高新技术开发区
gen.High-Temperature Reactor Development Association高温反应堆发展协会
genet.historical development
UN, health.holistic approach in the work done in the fields of social development, human rights and non-discrimination根据社会发展、人权和不歧视领域工作所采用的整体办法
anim.husb.holometabolous development全变态发育
gen.housing and urban development住宅与城市发展
gen.Humanity Science Development Corp of Chinaназв.комп. 中国人文科学发展公司
gen.IBM Journal of Research & Development国际商业机器公司研究与开发杂志
anim.husb.incomplete development生长不足
genet.independent development自主发育
anim.husb.indirect development间接发育
genet.individual development个体发生
shipb.Industrial Development Organization工业开发组织联合国
shipb.inspection on shell plate development外板展开检查
shipb.inspection on shell plate development检查外板展开
shipb.inspection on structural member development船体构件展开检查
shipb.inspection on structure member development构件展开检查
anim.husb.Integrated Rural Development Project农村综合开发项目
shipb.intellectual development智力开发
anim.husb.Inter American Development泛美开发银行
anim.husb.Inter-American Committee for Agricultural Development美洲国家农业发展委员会
anim.husb.International Bank for Reconstruction and Development世界银行国际复兴开发银行 (World Bank)
anim.husb.International Bank for Rural Development国际农村开发银行
anim.husb.International Center for Integrated Mountain Development国际山区综合开发中心
UNInternational Conference on Water and the Environment: Development issues for the 21st century水与环境问题国际会议:21世纪的发展问题
anim.husb.International Development Association国际开发协会联合国 (UN)
shipb.International Development Research Center国际开发研究中心
anim.husb.International Organization for Rural Development国际农村发展组织
China, polit.issues that are of vital importance to overall reform, development and stability, draw wide public attention or affect social harmony关系改革发展稳定全局和社会普遍关注、影响社会和谐的突出问题
UN, polit.Jakarta Declaration on Millennium Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific: The Way Forward 2015亚洲及太平洋千年发展目标雅加达宣言:通向2015 年之路
shipb.Japan Marine Machinery Development Association日本海事机械发展委员会
shipb.jig for shell plate development外板展开器
gen.Journal of Environmental & Development环境与发展杂志
libr.latest research development最新学术动态
libr.latest research development最新研究成果
libr.latest scholarly development最新学术动态
libr.latest scholarly development最新研究成果
gen.Lead Development Association铅业发展协会
gen.Lead Industries Development Council铅工业发展理事会
anim.husb.Leading Group for Economic Development of Poor Areas now LGOP贫困地区经济开发领导小组现为 LGOP
anim.husb.Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development国务院扶贫开发领导小组办公室 (of the State Council)
gen.Limestone, dolomite and other resources have high value for development石灰石、白云岩等资源都具有很高的开发价值
auto.limited development time有限限定的开发时间
auto.long-range development work远期未来,远景开发研究工作
auto.main development objective主要开发目标任务
gen.maintain close watch over machinery developments密切注意机械工业发展动态
auto.major development objective主要开发目标任务
genet.male nucleus development雄核发育
genet.manometabolous development渐变态发育
shipb.man-power development and training program劳动力发展及培训计划
shipb.marine development vessel海洋开发船
avia.material business system development材料业务系统开发
econ.material composition for the development of the national economy国民经济实物构成
avia.material development and readiness command作战物资器材研制及战备部 (美国)
shipb.mathematical development of shell plate外板数学展开
UN, ecol.Memorandum of Understanding between the Conference of the Parties of the UNCCD and the International Fund for Agricultural Development Regarding the Modalities and Administrative Operations of the Global Mechanism ICCD/COP/10《防治荒漠化公约缔约方会议与国际农业发展基金关于全球机制模式和行政业务的谅解备忘录》
nurs.mental development scales for years infant 0〜3岁小儿精神发育量表
gen.Metal Industry Development Center金属工业发展中心印尼
gen.Metallurgical Research and Development Co., Inc.冶金研究发展公司
water.res., ecol.microbe development微生物滋生
UNMillennium Project Task Force 1 on Poverty and Economic Development贫穷和经济发展问题千年项目第1工作队
UNMillennium Project Task Force 1 on Poverty and Economic Development贫穷和经济发展问题第1工作队
anim.husb.mold development发霉
anim.husb.mold development长霉
anim.husb.mould development发霉
anim.husb.mould development长霉
el.MPEG-1 development kit活动图像压缩标准-1开发套件
expl.multi-blast high-speed development多次爆破快速推进
anim.husb.National Agricultural and Industrial Development Association全国农业与工业发展协会 (UK)
gen.National Coal Development Corp.国营煤炭幵发公司
gen.National Committee for the Development of Scientists and Engineers国家科技人员发展委员会
gen.National Economic Development Council国民经济发展委员会
gen.National Economic Development Office国民经济发展局
anim.husb.National Fertilizer Development Centre全国肥料发展中心 (USA)
gen.National Mineral Development Corp.国营矿物开发公司
gen.National Patent Development Corp.全国专利开发公司
gen.National Research Development Corp.国营研究发展公司
gen.Natural Rubber Development Bureau天然橡胶发展局
avia.naval air development and material center海军航空研制和器材中心
shipb.Naval Ship Research and Development Center海军船舶研究与发展中心
earth.sc.Navy Acquisition, Research and Development Information Center美国海军数据采集、研究和开发信息中心
libr.network development网络发展
libr.Network Development and MARC Standards Office【美国国会图书馆】网络发展与机读编目格式标准局
UN, polit.New Delhi Action Plan on Infrastructure Development in Asia and the Pacific, 1997-2006亚洲及太平洋发展基础设施新德里行动计划 1997-2006
auto.new development新发展开发
UN, agric.New Partnership for Africa's Development非洲发展新伙伴关系
textilenew production development新产品开发
earth.sc.NOAA N-ROSS/ERS-1 environmental data development国家海洋和大气管理局海军海洋遥感卫星与地球资源卫星-1 环境数据开发中心
genet.non-autonomous development非自主发育
textileNonwovens Technology Development Center of Textile Industry纺织工业非织造布技术发展中心
gen.North Star Research and Development Institute"北极星"潜艇研制所
UN, econ.ODA 0.7 per cent of GNP as official development assistance to developing countries把发达国家国产总值的0.7%作为官方发展援助给予发展中国家
gen.Office of Production Research and Development生产研究与发展署
gen.Office of Scientific Research and Development科学研究发展局
gen.Office of Special Weapons Development特殊武器研制局
gen.Organization for Economic Corporation and Development经济合作开发组织
gen.Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development经济合作发展组织前身为 OEEC
proj.manag.Our policy in personnel development is to seek and promote young potentials that will be needed tomorrow我们人事发展的目标是寻找和培养具有潜力的年青一代、 为公司今后发展奠定基础
anim.husb.Overseas Development Administration海外发展部英国农业部的援外机构
anim.husb.Overseas Development Institute海外发展学会
UN, afr.Panel of High-level Personalities on African Development established in 1992 by the Secretary-General1992年秘书长设立的关于非洲发展问题的高级人士小组
auto.parallel development并行平行,同时开发
gen.Parsons and Maine Engineering Turbine Research and Development Association巴森与梅因工程轮机研制协会
China, polit.partial adjustments to the plan for national economic and social development or to the State budget that prove necessary in the course of their implementation国民经济和社会发展计划、国家预算在执行过程中所必须作的部分调整方案
IMF.Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century21世纪统计促进发展伙伴关系
genet.pattern development图式发育
textilepattern development纸样变化
textilepattern development process花纹显像过程
textilepattern development system纸样开发系统 (PDS)
genet.paurometabolous development渐变态发育
gen.Petrocarbon Development Ltd.石油轻开发公司
anim.husb.phasic development阶段发育生物(尤指植物)的个体发育
textilephysical development身体的发育
anim.husb.Pig Industry Development Authority养猪业发展管理局
shipb.plate development外板展开
gen.Polytechnic Research and Development Co., Inc.工艺研究开发公司
anim.husb.Poor Area Development Office贫困地区开发办公室 (of LGOP)
IMF.Post-2015 Development Framework2015年后发展框架
anim.husb.post embryonic development胚后期发育
IMF.Post-2015 UN Development Agenda2015年后联合国发展议程
anim.husb.postembryonal development胚后期发育
anim.husb.potentiality of development发育潜力
anim.husb.potentiality of development发育可能性
expl.powder blast development爆破开拓
expl.powder blast development爆破巷道开拓
tech.powder blast development药室掘进
met.powder development保护渣研制
gen.Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corp.动力反应堆与核子燃料研制公司
gen.Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corp.动力反应堆及核燃料研究公司
gen.Power Reactor Development Co.动力反应堆研制公司
genet.preembryonic development胚前发育
anim.husb.prenatal development子宫内发育
met.procedure of new product development新产品开发程序
auto.product developmentengineering产品开发研制
libr.professional development专业发展
textileprogram for the development of science and technology科技发展规划
UNProgramme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, 1994人发大会行动纲领
genet.progressive development前进发展
genet.progressive development进化式发展
shipb.promote industrial products to trend diversified development促使工业产品向多样化发展
China, polit.promote the coordinated development of the material, political and spiritual civilizations推动物质文明、政治文明和精神文明协调发展
gen.Quartermaster Research and Development Center军需研究发展中心
gen.Quartermaster Research and Development Laboratories军需研究发展实验所
gen.Radar Research and Development Establishment雷达研究发展中心
UNRegional Action Programme for Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development, 1996-20001996-2000年无害环境和可持续发展区域行动纲领
UNRegional Message for the 10-year Review of the Implementation of the Outcome of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development关于联合国环境与发展会议成果执行情况10年审查的区域意见
anim.husb.relative development相对发育
shipb.research and development expenses研究开发费
el.research, development and acquisition研究、开发与探索
avia.research, development and acquisition研究、发展与采购
anim.husb.Research Development Centre of FAO粮农组织研究发展中心
earth.sc.research, development test and engineeringer evaluation研究、开发、实验和工程〔鉴定〕
libr.resource development资源建设
libr.retrospective collection development补缺性藏书发展
gen.reverse development反演
gen.reverse development逆显影
hockey.Rules Development Secretary规则发展秘书
anim.husb.Rural Development Fund阿尔巴尼亚农村发展基金 (of Albania)
auto.sales, engineering, development销售、生产、开发
met.science and technology development potential科技开发潜力
met.scientific research development capacity科研开发能力
China, polit.selection of their own social and political systems and a path for development with the initiative in their own hands按照自己的意愿自主地选择社会政治制度和发展道路
anim.husb.sexual development性的发育
anim.husb.Sheep Industry Development Programme绵羊业发展计划
gen.Shell Development Co.雪耳研究公司
shipb.shell plate development外板展开
shipb.shell plate development program船壳板展开程序
shipb.shell plate development program外板展开程序
shipb.ship for oceanographic research and development use海洋调查和开发用船
gen.Signals Research and Development Establishment通信研究发展中心
plast.surg.skeletal development骨骼发育
anim.husb.smear development干酪表面发黏
el.software development rule软件开发规则
econ.Special United Nation Fund for Economic Development联合国经济开发特别基金
auto.spray development喷油嘴射束流形
anim.husb.stage development阶段发育生物(尤指植物)的个体发育
anim.husb.State Development Planning Commission国家发展计划委员会
met.state high and new technology development zone国家高新科技开发区
auto.state of development开发研制阶段状况
shipb.statement of development credit开发信贷报表
auto.status of development发展开发,研制状况
fin.strengthen the material foundation for social development夯实社会发展的物质基础
shipb.structural member development结构件展开
gen.Subaqueous Sound Ranging Development Installation水下声波测距实验研究所
libr.subject development专业学科动态
shipb.survey on shell plate development外板展开检验
shipb.survey on structure member development船体构件展开检验
UNSustainable Development: Changing Production Patterns, Social Equity and the Environment可持续发展:改变生产模式、社会公平和环境
UN, polit.Sustainable Energy Development Action Programme, Strategies and Implementation Modalities for the Asian and Pacific Region, 2001-20052001-2005年亚洲及太平洋区域能源与可持续发展行动方案、战略和实施方式
auto.system development系统开发研制
UNSystem-wide Programme of Work on the Interrelationships between Resources, Environment, People and Development关于资源、环境、人民和发展之间相互关系的全系统工作方案
shipb.tangential development method切面展开法
UNTask Force 1 on Poverty and Economic Development贫穷和经济发展问题千年项目第1工作队
UNTask Force 1 on Poverty and Economic Development贫穷和经济发展问题第1工作队
met.technical development ability技术开发能力
gen.Technical Development and Evaluation Center技术发展与鉴定中心
gen.Technical Development Capital Ltd.技术发展资金〔有限〕公司 (ICFC 的子公司)
gen.Technical Development Center技术发展中心
gen.Technical Development Corp.技术发展公司
met.technological development program技术发展规划
interntl.trade.technology acquisition and development技术引进和发展
tech.technology acquisition and development技术引进与发展
proj.manag.The Bank of England had for centuries supported the development of the bullion market; the first gold standard was set in 1717数百年来、英国央行 Bank of England一直支持着黄金市场的发展、最早于1717年确立了金本位制
gen.The company, with rooms designed in France ahead of product development strengths, keeps on leisure, fashion, elegant women's style该公司凭借在法国的设计室超前的开发优势,不断推出休闲、时尚、优雅的女装款式
sport.The development of male 110-meter hurdle race technique is closely related with the reform of the hurdle, scientific progress and fierce competition男子 110 米栏跨栏技术的发展和改进与栏架变革、科技进步及竞争激烈密切相关
econ.The development went counter to that we expected发展和我们预期的相反
China, polit.the major issues that have a bearing on the overall interests of reform, development and stability, elicit widespread concern in society, or affect social harmony, issues that are of vital importance to overall reform, development and stability, draw wide public attention or affect social harmony关系改革发展稳定全局和社会普遍关注、影响社会和谐的突出问题
anim.husb.theory of phasic development阶段发育理论
econ.They think that the present situation will not deactivate our development我们认为目前的形势不会阻碍我们的发展
anim.husb.threshold of development发育阈
anim.husb.threshold of development发育临界
gen.Timber Research and Development Association木材研究发展协会
ITtop-down development自顶向下开发方法
spacetop-down development自上而下研制
avia.top-down development自上而下开发
jewl.Toughness is the ability to resist the development of fracture through the body of a material韧性指材料抵抗撕拉的能力
auto.Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories, incorporated丰田中央研究所
auto.Toyota Racing Development丰田赛车开发部
gen.training and development培训与开发
met.transcentury development strategy跨世纪发展战略
anim.husb.udder development乳房发育
anim.husb.under development显影不充分
anim.husb.under development开发不足
anim.husb.under development不发达
anim.husb.under development发育不全
org.name.United Kingdom’s Department for International Development英国国际发展部
anim.husb.United Nations Development Program联合国开发计划署国际性技术援助机构
water.res., ecol.United Nations Development Programme联合国开发署
UN, afr.United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s1990年代联非新议程
anim.husb.varietal development品种演变
anim.husb.varietal development of soybean大豆品种演变
UNVision for the Twenty-first Century: Ministerial Declaration on Environment and Development in Asia and the Pacific, 200021世纪展望:2000年亚洲及太平洋环境与发展部长宣言
gen.Water and Power Development Authority水利电力开发局
gen.Water and Power Development Authority of West Pakistan西巴基斯坦水利电力开发局
gen.Water Resources Development and Training Center水资源开发培训中心印度
UN, ecol.WB DGF = World Bank’s Development Grant Facility世界银行发展赠款机制
el.weight associative rule processor application development board加权相关规则处理器应用开发板
el.weight associative rule processor software development tool加权相关规则处理器软件开发工具
gen.West Pakistan Industrial Development Corp.西巴〔基斯坦〕工业发展公司
UNWorking Party on Science for Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development科学促进无害环境可持续发展工作队
UNWorld Commission on Environment and Development世界环境与发展委员会
UNWorld Summit on Sustainable Development2002年约翰内斯堡首脑会议
UN, ecol.World Summit on Sustainable Development可持续发展问题世界首脑会议
anim.husb.Youth and Juvenile Development Foundation青少年发展基金
el.Z-80 development systemZ-80 开发系统
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