
Terms for subject Space containing detection | all forms | exact matches only
accumulation leak detection method累积检漏法
acoustic crack detection system声裂纹检测系统
acoustic detection声探测
acoustic detection device探声装置 (美国大西洋海底试验与评估中心的研究项目之一)
acoustic detection device声测器
active detection有源探测
advanced submarine detection先进的潜艇探测系统
airborne infrared detection system机载红外探测系统
angle-error detection角误差检测
angle-error-detection circuitry角误差检测电路
anomaly detection异常入侵检测
antimissile detection technology反导探测技术
asteroid detection system小行星探测系统
ASW detection device反潜战探测装置
ASW detection equipment反潜探测设备
atomic weapon detection, recognition and estimation of yield原子武器探测、识别和当量估计
attack detection攻击探测
auto detection自动检测
automatic detection and tracking自动探测和跟踪
automatic detection radar自动探测雷达
automatic detection radar equation自动检测雷达方程
automatic failure detection circuit故障自检电路
automatic fault alarm detection自动故障报警装置
automatic flaw detection自动探伤
automatic missile detection radar自动导弹探测雷达 (以色列海军)
automatic target detection自动目标探测
auxiliary target detection means目标探测辅助设备
back pressure leak detection method背压检漏法
ballistic missile detection弹道导弹探测
ballistic missile detection radar弹道导弹探测雷达
binary detection二择一检测
biological integrated detection system生物一体化探测系统
boundary detection边缘检测
bubble detection气泡探测法
building for leak detection检漏厂房
burst detection X-ray爆炸 X 射线检测
camouflage detection伪装侦察
camouflage detection对伪装的侦察
camouflage-detection film探测伪装胶片
cell average constant false alarm rate detection单元平均恒虚警率检测
change detection变化检测
change detection image差异检测影
charged particle detection带电粒子探测
chlorophyll detection叶绿素探测
cislunar meteoroid detection satellite月地空间流星探测卫星
coherent binary detection相干二进制检测
coherent detection相干检测
collision detection碰撞检测
combat information-detection net战斗'情报探测网
combined passive active detection被动与主动联合探测 (radar, 雷达)
combined passive and active detection radar联合被动与主动探测雷达
computer-aided detection计算机辅助探测
constant false alarm detection恒虚警检测
constant false alarm detection technique恒虚警率检测技术
continuous-loop fire detection system连续回路式火警探测系统
correlation detection互相关检测
cosmic ray-detection equipment宇宙线探测设备
cosmic-ray-detection equipment宇宙射线探测设备
criterion of target detection目标检测准则
cross correlation detection互相关检测
cross-correlation detection互相关检测
cumulative probability of detection检测的累积概率
cycle slip detection跳周检测
detection and monitoring探测和监视
detection and tracking radar探测与跟踪雷达
detection characteristic检波特性
detection criteria检测准则
detection crystal检波晶体
detection efficiency of failure故障检测率
detection intercontinental ballistic missile洲际弹道导弹的探测 (system, 系统)
Detection of Electro-Magnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions震区电磁辐射探测卫星 (法国)
detection of infrared radiation红外辐射探测
detection of laser emitters探测激光发射体[源]
detection probability检测[探测]概率
detection radar environmental display探测雷达环境显示器 (弹道导弹预警系统的设备)
detection range检测[探测]距离
detection, track, evaluation and assignment system鉴别与武器指向系统
detection, track, evaluation and assignment system目标探测跟踪
detection unit检测[探测]元件
detection unit检测[探测]部件
differential detection差分检波
differential phase detection差分相位检测
differentially coherent detection差动相干检测
direct detection直接检测7-direct drive 直接传动 (伺服活门)
direct detection直接检波
direct detection of laser激光直接探测
direct detection receiver直检式接收机 (一种侦察接收设备)
dust impact detection尘埃碰撞检测 (空间探测器上的)
dust impact detection system尘埃撞击探测系统
dust impact detection system尘埃碰撞检测系统
dynamic leak detection method动态检漏法
early detection早期检测
early launch detection/tracking发射早期探测和跟踪
Early-Failure Detection Centre早期故障探测中心
edge detection边缘探[检]测
electromagnetic radiation detection电磁辐射探测
electro-optical target detection system光电目标探测系统
emergency detection system应急探测系统
envelope detection包络检测
Environ mental Detection Control Center环境监测控制中心
error detection检错
error detection差错检测
error-detection-correction system检错纠错系统
error probability of detection检测错误概率
evacuation leak detection method真空检漏法
execution error detection执行错误检测
external event detection module外部事件检测模件
failure detection故障探测[检测]
failure detection and isolation故障检测和隔离
fault detection缺陷探测
fault detection and diagnosis故障检测和诊断
fault detection and identification故障探测和识别
fault detection and isolation故障检测与隔离
fault detection filter故障探测滤波器
fault detection, insulation and recovery technology故障检测、隔离和恢复技术
fault detection, isolation, and reconfiguration故障检测、隔离和重新配 S
fault detection, isolation, and recovery故障探测、隔离和矫正
fault detection, isolation and recovery故障检测、隔离和恢复
fault detection, isolation, identification, and recovery/recognition故障探测、隔离、确定和识别
fault detection/location subsystem故障检测/定位分系统
fault detection probability故障检测率
fault detection rate故障探测率
feature detection特征检测
fire detection and suppression subsystem烟火检测与灭火系统
fire detection system火焰检测系统
fluorescence leak detection荧光检漏
fluorescence leak detection method荧光检漏法
fluorescent penetrant flaw detection荧光渗透探伤
fluorocarbon oil leak detection method氟油检漏法
generalized sign detection广义符号法检测
globe leak detection系统检漏 (推进系统的)
gross error detection粗差检测
hazardous gas detection system有害气体检测系统 (美国航天飞机上的)
height-detection accuracy测高精度
height-detection error测高误差
height-detection relative error高相对误差
helium mass spectrum leakage detection氦质谱检漏
heterodyne detection of laser激光外差探测
high energy proton detection experiment高能质子探测实验
high-altitude radiation detection system高空辐射探测系统
homodyne detection零差检波
hydrogen leak detection system氢泄漏探测系统
hypergolic vapor detection system自燃蒸汽探测系统
inadvertent missile ignition detection导弹意外点火探测
incoherent detection非相干检测
infrared concealed weapon detection system红外隐蔽武器探测系统
infrared detection and ranging红外探测和测距
infrared detection device红外探测装置 (system, 系统)
infrared detection unit红外导引头
infrared detection unit红外自导引部件
infrared radiation detection system红外辐射探测系统
infrared range and direction detection equipment红外雷达
infrared range and direction detection equipment红外测距与测向设备
infrared range and direction detection equipment红外测向与测距设备
infrasonic detection亚声[次声]探测
initial detection method初始检测方法
in-space detection空间探测 (利用航天器进行的)
integrated operational nuclear detection system集成化操作型核探测系统 (美国,以前称核爆炸探测系统)
integrated passive action detection acquisition equipment综合被动式目标探测捕捉设备
interference detection干扰检测
intrusion detection alarm system入侵探测报警系统
intrusion detection and identification system入侵探测与识别系统
intrusion detection system入侵检测系统 (一种主动的网络安全保护措施)
invalid condition detection无效条件检测
IR detection equipment红外探测装置
IR detection equipment红外敏感设备
IR detection unit红外探测部件
jamming detection and analysis system干扰侦察分析系统
jamming detection control unit干扰探测控制单元
joint detection联合检测
kill/detection ratio杀伤/探测比
laser detection激光探测
laser detection and ranging激光探测与测距
laser opto-acoustic detection激光光声探测
launch-detection satellite network导弹发射探测卫星网
leak detection box method检漏盒法
leak detection by ammonia氨检漏
leak detection by bubbles气泡检漏
leak detection by pressure rise外压检漏
leak detection method by halogen卤素检漏法
leak detection method by helium mass spectrometer氨质谱检漏法
leak detection method by mass spectrometer质谱检漏法
leak detection method by vacuum gauge真空计检漏法
leak detection rest泄漏试验
light detection and ranging光学探测与测距
light detection and ranging光探测与测距
local leak detection局部检漏
long range active detection and communications system远距离有源探测与通信系统
long-range active detection远距离主动探测
long-range detection远距离探测[警戒]
long-range missile detection system远程导弹探测系统
low probability of detection低概率探测
low probability of detection低探测概率
low probability of detection/intercept低概率探测/拦截
luminescence flaw detection发光探伤[检验]
magnetic-abnormality detection磁异常探测
malfunction analysis, detection and recording故障分析、检测及记录
malfunction detection故障探测
malfunction detection故障检测
malfunction detection analysis and recording故障检测分析与记录
malfunction detection and processing system故障检测处理系统
malfunction detection and recording system故障检测与记录系统
malfunction detection system故障测定系统
malfunction detection system故障检系统
malfunction rate detection system故障率检测系统
maneuver detection机动探测
mask detection掩模检查
maximum posterior probability detection最大后验概率检测
meteoroid detection satellite流星体探测卫星
minimum detection level可检测出的最小含量
minimum detection level最低探测级
miss probability of detection漏检概率
missile detection导弹探测
missile detection alarm system导弹探测预警系统
missile detection radar导弹探测雷达
missile detection system导弹探测系统
moving target detection动目标探测
moving target detection system动目标探测系统
moving target detection technique动目标检测技术
negative pressure leakage detection负压检漏法
non-coherent detection非相干检测
non-destructive flaw detection无损探伤
non-parametric detection非参量检测
nuclear burst detection instrument核爆炸探测仪
nuclear detection爆炸探测
nuclear detection satellite核爆炸探测卫星
nuclear detonation detection and reporting system核爆炸探测和报知系统
nuclear detonation detection system核爆炸探测系统
nuclear detonation detection system核爆炸检测系统
nuclear explosion detection instrument核爆炸探测仪器
nuclear explosion detection satellite核爆炸探测卫星
nuclear observation and detection system核观测配系
nuclear particle detection system核粒子探测系统
nuclear radiation detection核辐射探测
nuclear radiation detection instrument核辐射剂量探测仪器
obstacle detection device障碍探测装置
on-line detection联机[在线]检测
optical detection and ranging system光学探测与测距系统
optical heterodyne detection光外差探测
optical homodyne detection光零差探测
optical ranging and detection system光学测距与探测系统
optical satellite detection system光学卫星探测系统
optimum detection最佳检测
outlier detection野值检测
overland warning and detection radar低空目标警戒与探测雷达
over-the-horizon back-scatter radar detection system后向散射超视距雷达探测系统
over-the-horizon detection radar-backscatter超视距探测雷达-反向散射
over-the-horizon forward-scatter radar detection system前向散射超视距雷达探测系统
palladium barrier leak detection钯屏检漏法
parameter detection参量型检测
parametric detection参量检测
particle impact noise detection微粒撞击噪声探测
passive detection and location of countermeasures干扰的被动探测与定位
passive detection and ranging无源[被动]探测与测距
passive detection radar无源探测雷达
passive detection system被动探测系统
passive fault-detection无源故障检测
passive infrared target detection对目标的无源红外探测
passive-active detection and location被动-主动声呐探测与定位
pattern detection图形检测
pattern detection模式检测
penetrant flaw detection渗透探伤[检测]
perimeter detection system环形探测配系
phase detection sensitivity鉴相灵敏度
phase-shift detection相移检波
photo target detection system照相目标探测系统
photoelectric detection光电探测
pollution detection污染检测
position detection sensor位置检测敏感器 (两航天器交会对接时测量用的)
positive pressure leakage detection正压检漏法
post-detection integrator检测后积分器
post-detection recording检后记录
post detection recording检后记录
power detection功率检测
power failure detection电源故障探测
power failure detection发动机故障探测
pre-detection recording检前记录
preburnout detection弹道主动段探测
pressure-evacuation leak detection method压力-真空检漏法
pressurized leak detection method正压检漏法
probability of detection探测[检测]概率
pulse detection unit脉冲探测装置
Q-detectionQ 检测 (单脉冲跟踪雷达的反干扰技术)
radar back up for detection雷达辅助探测系统
radar signal detection雷达信号探测
radar storm detection雷达风暴探测
radiation detection辐射检测
radiation detection experiment辐射探测实验
radiation detection satellite辐射探测卫星
radioactive detection, indication, and computation放射性探测、指示和计算
radioactive isotopic leak detection放射性同位素检漏
radio-echo detection雷达回波探测
radio-frequency fault detection射频故障检测
range, azimuth and elevation detection of optical target方位与高度探测
range, azimuth and elevation detection of optical target光学目标的距离
reconnaissance, detection & identification侦察、探测和识别
remote atmospheric and ionospheric detection system大气和电离层遥探测系统
robust detection鲁棒检测
running average detection运行平均探测 (一种雷达技术,用来提高探测能力)
satellite nuclear explosion detection卫星核爆炸探测
seismic wave detection地震波探测
selective detection选择性检测
sequential similarity detection algorithm相似性序贯检测算法
setting detection装定检查
signal detection and estimation信号检测估计
signal detection threshold信号检测门限
sonar detection声呐探测
space detection空间[航天]检测
space detection and tracking空间探测与跟踪
space detection and tracking system空间探测和跟踪系统 (美国空军空间跟踪系统和美国海军空间监视系统组成)
space electronic detection system空间电子探测系统
space-based detection and attack warning system天基探测和攻击告警系统
spacecraft detection航天器检测
spacecraft detection航天器探测
splash detection radar溅落点探测雷达
splash-detection radar溅落探测雷达
splash-detection radar system雷达溅落探测系统
sputter ion pump leak detection method溅射离子泵检漏法
square-law detection平方律检波
statistical fault detection algorithms故障统计检测算法
sub-pixel target detection亚像素目标探测
surface-emitter detection identification system地面发射体探测识别系统
target detection and tracking system目标探测与跟踪系统
target detection device目标探测装置
target detection system目标探测系统
target signal detection目标信号检测
threat detection威胁探测
three-dimensional tracking and detection三维跟踪和探测
threshold detection阈值[门限]检测
ultrasonic detection超声波探测
ultrasonic detection and measurement超声检测
ultrasonic leak detection method超声检漏法
urban-change detection system城市变迁检测系统
vacuum leak detection真空捡漏
vehicle emergency detection system飞行器紧急探测系统
video level detection circuit视频电平检测电路
visual detection目视探测
X-ray detection buildingX 射线探伤厂房
zero detection probability零探测几率