
Terms for subject Space containing detecting | all forms | exact matches only
acoustic detecting device声学探测设备
agile, detecting and discriminating, infrared electro-optical systems敏捷探测和识别红外光电系统 (美国新型卫星遥感器)
airborne radar for detecting surface vessels搜索水面目标的机载雷达
automatic detecting system自动探[检]测系统
automatically cued target detecting system自动发出信号的目标探测[搜索]系统
carrier sense multiple access/collision detect用于多路存取/探测冲突的载波检测 (一种计算机网络或数字通信网络的访问控制方式)
cloud detecting radar测云雷达
coast defense radar for detecting u-boats海防搜索潜艇雷达
communication failure detecting and switching equipment通信故障检测与转换设备
contamination detecting set污染检测装置
deep-space detecting and tracking system深空探测与跟踪系统
defect detecting test探伤检查
defect detecting test缺陷检查
detect and control system检测与控制系统
detect, locate, classify, record and jam记录和干扰
detect, locate, classify, record and jam分类
detect, locate, classify, record and jam定位
detect, locate, classify, record and jam探测
detecting device探测装置
detecting, ranging and tracking system红外与激光搜索、测距和跟踪系统
error detecting差错检测
error detecting检错
error detecting and feedback system差错检测反馈系统
error-detecting code检错码
error-detecting code错误检测码
error-detecting routine错误检测程序
fault detect and warning故障检测与报警
fault detect rate故障检测率
helium mass-spectrometer detecting system氦质谱仪检漏系统
infrared detecting apparatus红外检仪
infrared detecting satellite system红外探测卫星系统
laser holographic detecting equipment激光全息检测设备
magnetic flaw detecting磁力探伤
measurement of detecting field探测场检验
non-acoustic detecting device非声学探测设备
normal pressure leak detecting system常压检漏系统
optimum signal detecting信号最佳检测
particle detecting apparatus粒子探测器
radiant-energy detecting device辐射能探测器
radiation detecting and alarm system辐射探测与警报系统
shipborne infrared detecting equipment舰载红外探测设备
target detecting device目标探测装置
test detect function测试[试验]检查操作
test detect routine测试[试验]检查程序
trouble detecting circuit故障检测线路
vacuum leak detecting system真空检漏系统