
Terms containing details | all forms | exact matches only
gen.A small bow in epoxy adds a romantic detail to the tanzanite crystal以环氧元素制成的小巧蝴蝶结为藕荷紫色水晶注入了浪漫气息
tech.additional details补充细节
tech.administrative detail行政区划资料
fash.All the details are correct, including the artillery badge on the shako front所有的细节都很正确,包括帽子前面的炮兵徽章
econ.All the technical details on the new product are given in our document在我方文件中说明了新产品的全部详细的技术规格
tech.amount of detail地图负载量
tech.appropriate level of detail适当的细化程度
tech.architectural detail建筑细部
tech.architectural detail建筑细节
tech.architectural detail反映建筑风格构件
tech.architectural detail反映建筑风格构造
tech.architectural detail建筑大样
tech.architectural detail建筑设计细部
tech.architectural detail建筑施工详图
tech.architectural detail建筑详图
wind.architectural details建筑详图
wind.architectural details建筑细部
avia.assembly detail装配图 (drawing)
avia.assembly/detail process plan装配/详细工艺大纲
avia.assembly/detail process plan装配件/零件工艺计划
textileassembly details缝制说明
tech.bathymetric detail水深测量详细程度
tech.bathymetrical detail水深测量详细程度
gen.beat in detail各个击破
textilebig details服装细部扩大如:随宽领流行而加宽袋盖,加大折边及用较大钮扣
textilebig details服装细部扩大
textilebig details服装细部扩大
avia.Boeing design detail波音设计说明
tech.clarity of detail碎石清晰性
gen.comer detail图象角清晰度
busin.commodity details商品细项
avia.components detail design drawing部件详细说明图
avia.components detail design drawings部件详细设计图
tech.composition details建筑细部
tech.composition details建筑细节
busin.computational details计算细节
avia.computer program detail design specification计算机程序详细设计规范
tech.concrete details具体细节
avia.condition of detail零件状态
proj.manag.confidential details保密事项
proj.manag.confidential details机密的细节
tech.connecting detail连接细部
tech.constitution of details图幅接边
tech.constitutional details结构零件
tech.construction details施工大样图
tech.construction details结构说明
eng.geol.construction details施工细节
hydroel.st.construction details施工详图
met.construction details建筑细节
oilconstruction details结构详图
wind.construction details建筑细部
tech.construction details结构细节
tech.constructional detail结构详图
tech.constructional detail施工详图
tech.constructional detail构造详图
tech.constructional detail构造
tech.constructive detail建筑细部
China, lawcontact details联络信息
tech.continuity of details图幅接边
tech.coordinate of details细部坐标
tech.corner detail图像角清晰度
tech.corner detail角清晰度
proj.manag.costing details and allocations成本计算的细则与分配
tech.costing details and allocations成本计算的细节与分配
tech.cultural detail人工地物
tech.curvilinear detail曲线细部
avia.customer detail specification客户详细规范
textilecut details裁剪配零料
textilecut details裁剪配零料
textilecut details配零料
gen.cut out unimportant details删去不重要的细节
textilecutting details配零料
avia.data set detail数据组详述
avia.data set detail and assembly数据集详述和汇编
mil.defeat in detail各个击破
gen.descend to details进人详细讨论阶段
gen.descend to details谈到细节
tech.design details设计细则
tech.design details设计细节
tech.design details设计细部
met.design details详细设计
met.design details技术设计
shipb.design details设计详图
textiledesign details input花纹详图输人
tech.design in detail详细设计
tech.detail account明细分类账
avia.detail and assembly零件与装配
avia.detail and installation零件和安装
tech.detail assembly template细部装配样板
avia.detail assembly template零件装配样板
tech.detail bit说明位
tech.detail budget细目预算
tech.detail budgeting明细预算
gen.detail by detail逐一
avia.detail checkout specification详细检査规范
tech.detail construction细部构造
tech.detail construction结构详图
tech.detail contrast细节对比度
tech.detail contrast明细对比
tech.detail coordinate point细部坐标点
tech.detail cost analysis详细造价分析
avia.detail data display详细数据显示
nautic., tech.detail design production design施工设计生产设计
tech.detail design零件设计
avia.detail design细节设计
avia.detail design issue详细设计版
avia.detail design phase施工图设计阶段
avia.detail design phase详细设计阶段
avia.detail design requirement详细设计要求
avia.detail design review详细设计审查
avia.detail design review详细设计评审
tech.detail designator详细标记
tech.detail drawing分图
tech.detail drawing加工详图
tech.detail drawing明细图
tech.detail drawing设计详图
tech.detail drawing施工图
gen.detail drawing零枠图
tech.detail drawing of parts详细零件图
tech.detail drawing of reinforcement配筋图
tech.detail engineering详图工程
tech.detail engineering详细工程
tech.detail enhancer清晰度增强器
tech.detail enhancer细节放大器
avia.detail equipment specification详细设备规范
tech.detail estimate sheet承包工程细目估价单
desert.detail exploration详细勘探
avia.detail fatigue rating细节疲劳额定强度
tech.detail file说明资料
tech.detail file细目文档
tech.detail file详细文件资料
tech.detail file明细档案
avia.detail finish specification零件表面处理光饰规范
avia.detail finish specification零件表面处理规范
avia.detail follow-up零件流程
avia.detail follow-up零件分工路线
tech.detail fracture of rail head轨头微裂纹
tech.detail geologic map based on remote sensing遥感详细地质图
tech.detail geological map based on remote sensing遥感详细地质图
tech.detail geotechnical investigation工程地质详细勘察
tech.detail index mark详细索引标志
tech.detail item细目表
tech.detail labor局部工人
tech.detail labour局部工人
tech.detail layout plan详细布置图
consult.detail layout planning详细布置规划
tech.detail ledger audit明细分类账审计
tech.detail log详测曲线图
tech.detail man推销员
tech.detail map store地图供应库
tech.detail network详细网络图
tech.detail networkchart详细网示工程进度表
tech.detail network测图三角网
tech.detail network详细网示 (工程进度表)
tech.detail of construction零件图
tech.detail of design设计 (图样)
CNCdetail of design设计样图
tech.detail of facade立面细节
tech.detail of facade立面细部 (房屋)
tech.detail of joint接缝详图
tech.detail of manhole检查井大样图
tech.detail of treaty协议细节
gen.detail off派遣
gen.detail off指派
avia.detail operating plan详细操作计划
tech.detail operating schedule详细作业进度计划
tech.detail paper绘大样图用的图纸
avia.detail part细节部分
avia.detail/part drawing详图/零件图
avia.detail part list零件细目表
tech.detail pen粗线条直线笔
tech.detail pen粗线条鸭嘴笔
tech.detail pen粗线笔
tech.detail pen for double lines划双线笔
consult.detail planning详细计划
consult.detail planning详细规划
tech.detail planting design种植大样图
tech.detail plate线划板【测】
tech.detail plotting细部测图
tech.detail point地物点
tech.detail point细部点
tech.detail point description碎步点记载手薄
avia.detail process standards零件工艺规范
desert.detail prospecting详细普查
tech.detail prospecting stage详细勘探阶段
tech.detail prospecting stage of evaluation评价性详探阶段
tech.detail rendering细节再现
tech.detail reproduction细部再现力
tech.detail requirement详细要求
tech.detail requirement详细规格
tech.detail schedule详细日程计划
tech.detail schedule详细进度计划 (表)
avia.detail specification详细技术规范
tech.detail specification详细说明书
avia.detail specification细节规范 (美国的一种正式规范性文件)
tech.detail status report详细情况报告
avia.detail strip将枪、炮完全分解
desert.detail survey详查
tech.detail survey of tunnel隧道碎部测量
tech.detail survey stage详细调查阶段
tech.detail surveying碎部测量
tech.detail surveying详细测量
tech.detail tape细目带
tech.detail test分部试验
avia.detail test object详细试验目标
avia.detail detailed test plan详细的试验计划
avia.detail detailed test procedure详细的试验程序
avia.detail test requirement详细试验要求
tech.detail time详细时间
tech.detail triangulation图根三角测量
avia.detail type specification零件典型规范
tech.details as per attached list详见附表
busin.details as per attached lists详见附表
busin.details as per enclosed document详见附件
avia.details, assembly installation零件、装配安装
interntl.trade.details may not add to totals due to round各项相加同总计不一定相符
interntl.trade.details may not add to totals due to round因四舍五入关系
textiledetails of a case案情
econ.details of a contract合同细节
econ.details of a ease案情
tech.details of apron垂裙大样
tech.details of basin support洗脸盆托架详图
textiledetails of business商情
tech.details of case案情
interntl.trade.details of commerce商情
tech.details of construction结构零件
bridg.constr.details of construction施工详图
tech.details of construction构造细节
tech.details of construction构造详图
tech.details of construction结构详图
busin.details of contract合同细节
tech.details of design设计细节
tech.details of design设计细部
tech.details of design设计细则
gen.details of loss遗失经过
dril.details of operation in sequence按时间顺序详述作业内容
tech.details of seismic design抗震构造措施
bridg.constr.details of structure结构细节
heavy.eq.details of technique技术细节
China, lawdetails of the case案情
interntl.trade.details of the proposed travel计划旅行细节
interntl.trade.details of the treaty合同细节
econ.details of the treaty条约细节
busin.details of the treaty合同条约细节
interntl.trade.details of treaty合同细节
securit.details of treaty合约细节
tech.details of warning sign of overhead electric clanger集装箱登箱顶触电警告标记
tech.details of warning sign of overhead electrical clanger集装箱登箱顶触电警告标记
tech.details of work items工程数量单价表
tech.details of work items工程项目明细表
bridg.constr.details of working items工程项目明细表
fin.details recording system详细记录制
busin.details to follow详情后寄电报用语
busin.details to follow详情如后
interntl.trade.details to follow详情随后再送
tech.details to follow详情随后邮寄
tech.details to follow详细内容后告
interntl.trade.details to follows详细内容后告
el.mach.dimensional details尺寸记录卡
tech.discernible detail可分辨碎部
busin.disclosure of details of manufacturing cost公布详尽的制造成本
ITdocument details文档细节
telecom.document details文档详细资料
gen.down to the last detail非常详尽地
tech.eaves detail屋檐详图
tech.eaves detail檐口大样
auto.engine details发动机零件
tech.engineering detail schedule工程的详细时间表
tech.engineering details工程细目
tech.engineering geologic detail map工程地质详图
tech.engineering geological detail map工程地质详图
tech.enlarged detail放大详图
tech.enlarged detail大样
patents.enter into details逐一说明 (on)
busin.enter into details详细研究细节
patents.enter into details详细叙述〔讨论〕 (on)
tech.exact details底细
tech.excessive detail负载过多
expl.Experience to data has shown that at distances of up to 20 km from mine sites,it is desirable to know details of temperature and wind velocity at levels up to 900 meters迄今的经验表明、在距矿场20公里的范围内、需要知道900米高空温度和风速的详细情况
avia.experimental detail实验细节
CNCfine detail精巧零件
CNCfine detail小零件
tech.fine detail resolution细节清晰度
gen.fine details细节
gen.fine details小零件
gen.fine details高清晰度
gen.fine details优良清晰度
tech.finely dissected topography topographic details地形碎部
tech.finely dissected topography topographical details地形碎部
met.fluidizing details沸腾情况
met.fluidizing details流态化情况
avia.for detail关于详情
gen.for details, inquire within欲知详情,请人内询问
tech.for details see attached table详见附表
gen.for further details欲知详情
gen.for further details欲知详情请询问,请参看
econ.For further details, please refer to the attached schedule要知详情,请査阅附件明细表
tech.foundation detail基础图样
econ.full details cable详情电报
logist.full details to follow详情后告
hydroel.st.General drawing of seal details水封总图
gen.Give me some details, sir先生,请告诉我怎么回事
gen.go into detail逐一说明 (on)
gen.go into detail详细叙述〔讨论〕 (on)
econ.go into details详细说明
gen.go into details逐一说明 (on)
gen.go into details详述
gen.go into details详细叙述〔讨论〕 (on)
tech.Gothic detail哥特式建筑零件
tech.Gothic detail哥特式建筑细部
tech.Gothic detail哥特式建筑元件
hydroel.st.Grouting system details灌浆系统细部图
econ.haggle over the details of an agreement为协议细节争论不休
tech.half-sized detail半足尺详图
geol.high-detail hydrocarbon analysis高精细烃类分析
tech.highlight details高光层次
China, polit.hold full discussion of all the details and constantly improve the draft law充分讨论、仔细推敲、不断完善草案
tech.horizontal detail水平清晰度
tech.horizontal detail行清晰度
econ.I think it is necessary for you to go into details of the financial statement我认为你有必要详细说明此财务报告
gen.I'll think about it and call you back to discuss it to some details soon我考虑一下,然后尽快打电话给你,具体讨论这件事
tech.image detail图像细节
tech.image detail factor图像细节因数
tech.image detail region图像细节区
tech.image interpretation in detail图像详细解译
interntl.trade.immaterial details无关紧要的细节
gen.in all details很仔细地
gen.in all details在所有细节上
gen.in considerable detail非常详细地
gen.in detail在细节上
gen.in detail详细地
gen.in great detail非常详细地
gen.in more detail更〔相当〕详细地
gen.in points of detail在某些细节上
tech.in some detail稍为详细的
gen.in some detail更〔相当〕详细地
gen.In terms of the symptom, the doctor will analyze it and then get to know the details就症状来说,医生会先分析,然后才能得知具体的病情
tech.incoming map detail地图内容要素
spaceinspection acceptance details检验验收细则
railw.inspection details检验细则
avia.installation, assembly or detail安装、装配或零件
textileinvoice details详情发票
econ.Invoices contain all the details of a deal发票包含一笔交易的全部详情
commer.It is necessary for you to go into details of your requirements你方有必要详细说明自己的要求
tech.joint details节点图
tech.joint details接合详图
tech.junction detail交接大样
tech.junction detail of leveling水准结点图
tech.junction detail of levelling水准结点图
gen.Just tell me the details. I will send it to my superior告诉我事情的始末。我会上报的
tech.large-scale detail plan大比例尺详图
China, lawlawful penal discretion details法定量刑情节
tech.layout of details细节布置
libr.level of details in the description著录详简级次
busin.list of details详细目录
busin.list of details细表
hydroel.st.load details负荷清单
manag.main technical details主要技术数据
tech.map details地图内容要素
tech.mark detail标志大样
manag.material handling details材料搬运细节
libr.material specific details area资料特殊细节项
libr.material specific details area文献特殊细节项
gen.May I check the details for you, please?我能为您核对账单上的详细内容吗?
tech.minor details细节
tech.minor details次要细节
gen.minor details次要细节
tech.minor geologic details次要地质细节
tech.minor geological details次要地质细节
tech.missing detail碎部遗漏
tech.morphologic details地貌碎部
tech.morphologic details地貌细部
tech.morphological details地貌碎部
tech.morphological details地貌细部
manag.nitty-gritty details繁琐细节
tech.not in detail不详
tech.original detail原有的零件
libr.other physical details其他形态细节
comp., net.packet details数据包细节
tech.part of detail in enlarged scale局部放大详图
tech.partial enlarged detail局部放大图
tech.pertinent detail有关的细节
tech.photographic detail影像细部
tech.photographical detail影像细部
tech.pictorial detail图像细节
avia.picture detail图像细部
avia.picture detail图像细节
tech.pinpoint detail微小细部
tech.plan detail平面细部
tech.plan detail平面细节
tech.planimetric detail平面碎部点
tech.planimetric details file地物文件
tech.planimetrical detail平面碎部点
tech.planimetrical details file地物文件
gen.Please explain in detail when and where and how you lost your purse请详细介绍你何时何地钱包丢失的
commer.Please furnish us with further details as early as possible请尽早为我们提供进一步细节
proj.manag.Please see the attached document for more details specifications详情请参阅所附文件规格
econ.Please specify full details of the goods needed请详述对所需商品的要求爲
commer.Please write us in full details请详尽向我方作书面说明
tech.plot the details展绘碎部
tech.precast concrete connection details预制混凝土节点详图
avia.receiving inspection detail instruction接收检查详细说明
tech.reinforcement detail配筋大样
tech.reinforcement detail钢筋细部
tech.reinforcement detail drawing配件细部图
busin.relevant details有关细节
plast.replica of mould details模型件复制品
tech.richness of details细部详细
tech.sculptural detail雕刻细部
tech.sectional detail剖面细部
tech.sectional detail构造大样图
tech.sectional detail大样
tech.sectional detail建筑物垂直切开进行投影的剖面图
tech.sectional detail drawing大样图
tech.sectional detail drawing剖面详图
tech.setting-out detail放样详图
tech.setting-out detail放线详图
tech.setting-out detail定线详图
tech.setting-out detail points of curve曲线细部点测设
tech.shadow details暗调层次
tech.sharpness of detail碎部清晰度
tech.shop detail drawing加工详图
ecol.shop detail drawing工厂施工详图
avia.significant structural detail重要结构详情
tech.single detail scribing单要素刻图
securit.sketch out preliminary details制定初步详细方案
gen.Sorry, I neglected the detail when I drew up your bill对不起,我为你结账时,忽略了细目
CNCspare detail备件
tech.spare details备用零件
tech.spare details备件明细表
tech.special detail drawing特殊详图
tech.special detail drawing大样详图
tech.special detail drawing足尺大样图
avia.specification plan-detail规范计划详述
tech.specified-in-detail item详细规定项目
hydroel.st.Stair details楼梯详图
avia.standard detail specification详细标准规范
tech.standard details标准细部图
tech.standard details标准大样
tech.standard details通用详图
tech.standard details标准设计详图
tech.steelwork details钢结构详图
tech.structural details结构细部
hydroel.st.structural details of seismic design抗震构造措施
logist.sub. details以细节为准
logist.sub. details有待协商的细节
exhib.subject details有待协商的细节
logist.subject details以细节为准
tech.subsidiary details补充碎部
gen.summarised circuit details电路记录卡片
proj.manag.supporting details具体证据
proj.manag.supporting details具体证明材料
tech.surface detail表面花纹
tech.survey of details碎部测量
tech.survey of details碎部测图
tech.system detail design系统细部设计
libr.system details note系统细节附注
oiltank details油罐结构零件
tech.technical detail技术细节
securit.technical details技术性细节
libr.technical details note技术细节附注
tech.technical explanation on construction details技术交底
busin.telex the details电告详情
tech.terrain details地面细部
tech.terrain details地形碎部
tech.test detail试验细节 (说明)
commer.The buyer requires these details in order to comply with the rules and regulations in force in his own country applying to such topics as import licences, customs duties and exchange restrictions买主要求这些细节,是为了符合本国在进口许可证、关税以及外汇管制等方面的现行规定
econ.The catalogue gives all the details of the product range of our company目录册详尽地介绍了我公司产品的范围与门类
econ.the details of proposed travel计划旅行细节
commer.There is no necessity to go into further details没有必要进一步详述细节
proj.manag.This index further provides details by head of expenditure of individual programmes which contribute to a policy area这个索引按开支总目、 列出每个政策范围下的个别纲领详情
tech.topographic control surveying for detail mapping图根控制测量
tech.topographic details地形细节
archit.topographic details地形细部详图
bridg.constr.topographic details地形详图
bridg.constr.topographic details地形图详图
tech.topographic details地形细部
tech.topographic details地形细图
tech.topographical details地形细节
archit.topographical details地形细部详图
tech.topographical details地形细部
tech.topographical details地形细图
plast.torpedo details鱼雷头部件
tech.typical detail典型详图
tech.typical detail定型详图
tech.typical detail drawing定型详图
tech.underlying detail分层设色底图碎部
tech.unified architectural details建筑统一详图
avia.unit detail listing组件详细目录
tech.veto in detail部分否决权
gen.We have a great many of Danish pastries. Can you give me more details?我们有很多丹麦面包。您能说得具体些么?
oil, transp.welding details焊接零件
plast.welding details焊接详图
gen.Well, let's try to get in touch with them. Now would you please write down what you have told me in detail?嗯,让我们设法同他们联系。现在请你详细地写下刚才告诉我的信息
gen.without going into detail不作详细叙述〔讨论〕
gen.without going into details不作详细叙述〔讨论〕
tech.working details施工详图
gen.You will have to provide the detail information about yourself您必须提供详细的个人信息
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