
Terms for subject Technology containing detailed | all forms | exact matches only
administrative detail行政区划资料
amount of detail地图负载量
appropriate level of detail适当的细化程度
architectural detail建筑施工详图
architectural detail建筑细节
architectural detail反映建筑风格构件
architectural detail反映建筑风格构造
architectural detail建筑大样
architectural detail建筑设计细部
architectural detail建筑细部
architectural detail建筑详图
bathymetric detail水深测量详细程度
bathymetrical detail水深测量详细程度
clarity of detail碎石清晰性
complete detailed audit全部详细审核
connecting detail连接细部
connection detail连接点详图
connection detail连接细部
constructional detail结构详图
constructional detail施工详图
constructional detail构造详图
constructional detail构造
constructive detail建筑细部
control detailed planning控制性详细规划
corner detail图像角清晰度
corner detail角清晰度
cost of detailed estimation预算造价
cultural detail人工地物
curvilinear detail曲线细部
design in detail详细设计
detail account明细分类账
detail assembly template细部装配样板
detail bit说明位
detail budget细目预算
detail budgeting明细预算
detail construction细部构造
detail construction结构详图
detail contrast细节对比度
detail contrast明细对比
detail coordinate point细部坐标点
detail cost analysis详细造价分析
detail design零件设计
detail designator详细标记
detail drawing分图
detail drawing明细图
detail drawing设计详图
detail drawing施工图
detail drawing加工详图
detail drawing of parts详细零件图
detail drawing of reinforcement配筋图
detail engineering详图工程
detail engineering详细工程
detail enhancer清晰度增强器
detail enhancer细节放大器
detail estimate sheet承包工程细目估价单
detail file详细文件资料
detail file说明资料
detail file细目文档
detail file明细档案
detail fracture of rail head轨头微裂纹
detail geologic map based on remote sensing遥感详细地质图
detail geological map based on remote sensing遥感详细地质图
detail geotechnical investigation工程地质详细勘察
detail index mark详细索引标志
detail item细目表
detail labor局部工人
detail labour局部工人
detail layout plan详细布置图
detail ledger audit明细分类账审计
detail log详测曲线图
detail man推销员
detail map store地图供应库
detail network详细网络图
detail network测图三角网
detail networkchart详细网示工程进度表
detail network详细网示 (工程进度表)
detail of construction零件图
detail of design设计 (图样)
detail of facade立面细节
detail of facade立面细部 (房屋)
detail of joint接缝详图
detail of manhole检查井大样图
detail of treaty协议细节
detail operating schedule详细作业进度计划
detail paper绘大样图用的图纸
detail pen粗线条直线笔
detail pen粗线条鸭嘴笔
detail pen粗线笔
detail pen for double lines划双线笔
detail planting design种植大样图
detail plate线划板【测】
detail plotting细部测图
detail point地物点
detail point细部点
detail point description碎步点记载手薄
detail prospecting stage详细勘探阶段
detail prospecting stage of evaluation评价性详探阶段
detail rendering细节再现
detail reproduction细部再现力
detail requirement详细要求
detail requirement详细规格
detail schedule详细日程计划
detail schedule详细进度计划 (表)
detail specification详细说明书
detail status report详细情况报告
detail survey of tunnel隧道碎部测量
detail survey stage详细调查阶段
detail surveying碎部测量
detail surveying详细测量
detail tape细目带
detail test分部试验
detail time详细时间
detail triangulation图根三角测量
detailed account清点材料
detailed account清单
detailed account明细账
detailed appropriation详细经费
detailed audit report详细审计报告
detailed balance细致平衡
detailed card细目卡 (片)
detailed catalogue细目
detailed coastline详细海岸线
detailed construction细部结构
detailed construction schedule施工进度计划
detailed cost estimate详细概算
detailed coverage详细论述
detailed data详细资料
detailed description of the invention发明的详细说明
detailed design细节设计
detailed design细部设计 (阶段)
detailed design施工图设计
detailed drawing零件图
detailed drawing大样 (图)
detailed engineering施工细节
detailed engineering工程细节
detailed engineering细节设计
detailed engineering rules and regulations工程细则
detailed estimate工程建筑费用详细估价 (of construction cost)
detailed estimate施工预算 (of construction cost)
detailed estimate工程造价详细预算 (of construction cost)
detailed estimate详细预算 (of construction cost)
detailed estimate施工图预算 (based on working drawing)
detailed estimate norm预算定额
detailed estimation详细概算书
detailed estimation工程预算
detailed evaluation of technical economics详细技术经济评价
detailed examination精密调查
detailed explanation详细说明
detailed exploration详细勘察
detailed exploratory report详勘报告
detailed exploratory well详探井
detailed field data详细现场资料
detailed geotechnical investigation详细勘察
detailed geotechnical investigation详细勘探
detailed gravity survey重力详査
detailed hydrogeologic investigation水文地质详细勘察
detailed hydrogeological investigation水文地质详细勘察
detailed instruction详细说明
detailed interview详细面谈法
detailed investigation详细调查
detailed investigation详细勘探
detailed investigation结构详图
detailed layout planning详细布置计划
detailed ledger详细分类账
detailed list详细清单
detailed list明细表
detailed map详图
detailed mineral investigation矿产详查
detailed operating procedure操作程序细则
detailed operating procedure作业程序细则
detailed operating schedule细部作业计划
detailed operating schedule详细作业计划
detailed operation schedule细部作业计划
detailed operation schedule详细作业计划
detailed particulars详细说明
detailed perpetual inventory records永续盘存明细记录
detailed plan详细平面
detailed plan碎部图
detailed plan详细规划图
detailed plan详细计划
detailed plan零件图
detailed planning细部规划
detailed planning具体规划
detailed planning stage选择场址勘察阶段
detailed price list详细价目表
detailed profile详细纵断面图
detailed program详细工程计划
detailed program细部规划
detailed program具体方案
detailed programme细部规划
detailed programme详细工程计划
detailed programme具体方案
detailed project design工程详细设计
detailed project report工程详细报告
detailed prospecting详查
detailed prospecting详细勘察
detailed prospecting详细调查
detailed prospecting for construct详查最终
detailed prospecting report详查报告
detailed provisions详细条款
detailed radar image高分辨率雷达影像
detailed record详细记录
Detailed Regulations for Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution中华人民共和国水污染防治实施细则
Detailed Regulations for Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution中华人民共和国水污染控制实施细则
detailed requirement for fuel oil燃料油的具体要求
detailed rules and regulations细贝
Detailed Rules and Regulations for the Implementation of the Forest Law of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国森林实施细则
detailed rules and regulations of supervision监理工作细则
detailed schedule进度计划明细表
detailed scope of supply详细供应范围
detailed section细部截面
detailed section详细剖面
detailed shoreline详细海岸线
detailed sketch详图
detailed sketch详细绘图
detailed soil survey细致的土壤调查
detailed specification详细规格 (书)
detailed specification详细说明书
detailed statement明细表
detailed statement of accounts账户明细表
detailed subsidiary records辅助明细记录
detailed survey碎部测图
detailed survey详细勘测
detailed survey详查
detailed survey构造详查
detailed survey碎部测量
detailed survey of pollution sources污染源详査
detailed system description详细系统说明
detailed technical requirement详细技术要求
detailed technical specification技术规格一览
detailed test objective详细的试验目的
detailed test of mineral dressing ability详细可选性试验
detailed topography碎部地形
detailed topography地形碎部
detailed use of commodity详细用途
detailed ways and means详细办法
discernible detail可分辨碎部
drawing detail pencil打样铅笔
eaves detail屋檐详图
eaves detail檐口大样
elevation detail高程碎部点
elevation detail立面细部
engineering detail schedule工程的详细时间表
engineering geologic detail map工程地质详图
engineering geological detail map工程地质详图
enlarged detail放大详图
enlarged detail大样
excessive detail负载过多
exiguous detail负载过少
facility detail详细设施
fine detail resolution细节清晰度
first detail group第一细目栏
form of detailed schemes细目式计划
foundation detail基础图样
full-scale detail足尺大样
full-size detail足尺大样
full-size detail原尺寸大样
geochemical detailed survey地球化学详査
Gothic detail哥特式建筑零件
Gothic detail哥特式建筑细部
Gothic detail哥特式建筑元件
half-sized detail半足尺详图
horizontal detail水平清晰度
horizontal detail行清晰度
image detail图像细节
image detail factor图像细节因数
image detail region图像细节区
image interpretation in detail图像详细解译
in some detail稍为详细的
incoming map detail地图内容要素
junction detail交接大样
junction detail of leveling水准结点图
junction detail of levelling水准结点图
large-scale detail plan大比例尺详图
maintenance detailed planning维修工作细则
make a detailed statement of profit and loss出具详细的损益计算书
mark detail标志大样
missing detail碎部遗漏
monthly detailed schedule月明细表
norm for detailed estimates预算定额
not in detail不详
original detail原有的零件
part of detail in enlarged scale局部放大详图
partial enlarged detail局部放大图
pertinent detail有关的细节
photographic detail影像细部
photographical detail影像细部
physical detail地形详图
pictorial detail图像细节
picture detail factor图像细节因数
picture detail region图像细节区
picture rich in detail清晰图像
pinpoint detail微小细部
pipe piece detail管件图
plan detail平面细部
plan detail平面细节
planimetric detail平面碎部点
planimetrical detail平面碎部点
providing detailed soil map提供土壤详图
reinforcement detail配筋大样
reinforcement detail钢筋细部
reinforcement detail drawing配件细部图
rendering of detail细部再现
resolution detail细节分解力
resolution detail细节清晰度
sculptural detail雕刻细部
sectional detail构造大样图
sectional detail大样
sectional detail剖面细部
sectional detail建筑物垂直切开进行投影的剖面图
sectional detail drawing大样图
sectional detail drawing剖面详图
setting-out detail放线详图
setting-out detail放样详图
setting-out detail定线详图
setting-out detail points of curve曲线细部点测设
sharpness of detail碎部清晰度
shop detail drawing加工详图
single detail scribing单要素刻图
special detail drawing大样详图
special detail drawing特殊详图
special detail drawing足尺大样图
specified-in-detail item详细规定项目
stage of detailed investigation详查阶段
stage of detailed planning细部设计联合体
style detail风格细节
supplementary control for detail mapping加密图根控制点
surface detail表面花纹
system detail design系统细部设计
technical detail技术细节
test detail试验细节 (说明)
topographic control surveying for detail mapping图根控制测量
typical detail典型详图
typical detail定型详图
typical detail drawing定型详图
underlying detail分层设色底图碎部
veto in detail部分否决权
white detail白细节