
Terms containing deputy manager | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
exhib.deputy general manager副总经理
proj.manag.deputy general manager副 总 经理
shipb.deputy general manager of shipping company航运公司副总经理
busin.deputy manager副主任
econ.deputy manager代理经理
manag.deputy manager副经理
tech.deputy manager副总裁
shipb.deputy manager of shipping company航运公司副经理
avia.deputy project manager项目副经理
econ.The department manager was absent in another city, and Jones was appointed to act as his deputy部门经理到另一城市去了,琼斯被任命作为他的代理人
econ.The general manager devolved his duties on his deputy during his absence总经理在缺席期间将其职责交给代理人