
Terms for subject Nautical containing depth | all forms | exact matches only
at definite depth定深扫海测量
automatic course keeping and depth keeping controls〔潜艇〕航向及深度自动控制仪
bottom drilling water depth座底工作水深
depth charge magazine深弹舱
depth charge rack room深弹滚架舱
depth controller定深器
depth for freeboard D计算型深
depth for strength computation ds强度计算用型深 Ds
depth of hatchboard舱盖板主梁深度
depth of hatchcover舱盖深度
depth of hull平台型深
depth of ladder梯步深度
depth of lifeboat救生艇深
depth of mat沉垫型深
depth of yacht游艇的型深 (D(m))
depth sounder回声测深机
depth sounder深度探测器
depth sounder回声测深仪
depth temperature meter winch深温计绞车
draft depth ratio吃水型深比
economical dredging depth采用挖深
half depth girder半高底纵桁
heave up depth起锚深度
least moulded depth最小型深
periscope depth range最大潜望深度
pitching depth首纵倾深度
register depth登记深度
remote automatic depth control system遥控自动深度控制系统
safety inserting depth安全插入深度
semi-submersible maximum drilling water depth半潜最大工作水深
towing depth distance recorder曳航深度距离记录仪
vertical struts depth under waterline水线下支柱体深度
water depth水深 (h(m))
water depth above keel blocks龙骨墩以上吃水