
Terms for subject Drilling containing depth | all forms | exact matches only
abraded depth磨损深度
along hole depth沿井眼深度
approved total depth批准总井深
assigned total depth指定总井深
authorized depth特许【核准】深度
authorized total depth核定总井深
average depth平均深度
back-off depth解卡【倒扣】深度
bit size depth钻头尺寸及深度
bottom-hole depth井底深度
budgeted depth预定深度
casing depth套管下深
casing setting depth套管鞋深度
casing shoe depth套管鞋深度
cementing depth固井井深
cleaned out to total depth井至总井深
contract depth合同规定的井深
contract depth合同井深
corrected depth校正井深
corrected depth已校正深度
corrected total depth校正总井深
corrected total depth已校正的总深度
cost per unit depth单位深度成本
course vertical depth垂直井深
current depth现时井深
current depth当前井深
cutting depth挖掘深度
depth average平均深度
depth datum深度基线
depth datum深度基准
depth drilled已钻【现有】深度
depth in下入井深
depth in下钻井深
depth interval井段
depth interval深度范围
depth of burial埋藏深度
depth of estimated stuck point卡点估计深度
depth of penetration趋肤深度
depth of penetration渗入深度
depth of setting套管下入深度
depth of thread螺纹高度
depth orientation marker深度定向标志
depth out起钻
depth out钻达井深
depth out完钻井深
depth out起钻深度
depth reference point深度参考点
depth-time curve深度-时间曲线
drilled-out depth钻出水泥塞深度
driller’s total depth司钻总进尺
driller’s total depth未经测量的钻井总深度
economic drilling depth经济钻井深度
end of kick-off apparent depth造斜终点视深度
equivalent depth当量深度
estimated total depth估计的总深度
estimated well depth预计井深
excavating depth挖掘深度
final depth完钻井深
final total depth最终总井深
free point depth卡点深度
hold-up depth滞留【静置】深度
horizontal displacement to true vertical depth ratio水平位移与真垂深
increment depth加深后的井深
initial depth起始井深
initial depth起始深度
kick off depth造斜深度
kick-off depth造斜深度
landing depth承座深度
landing depth套管鞋坐落深度
measured depth斜深
measured depth测量井深
measured depth实测井深
measured depth to vertical depth测深与垂深之比 (ratio)
measured-depth-to-true-vertical-depth ratio已测深度与真垂深之比
measured drilling depth实测钻井深度
measured drilling depth实测井深
measured drilling depth实测的钻井深度
measured total depth测量完钻井深
measured total depth实测完钻井深
measurement depth测量深度
medium depth hole中深井
objective depth设计深度
objective depth目的层深度
old plug-back depth原封堵深度
old total depth原井深
old total depth原总深度
on depth钻达预定井深
optimum drill depth合理钻深
original total depth原总深度
perforation depth射孔深度
pit depth点蚀深度
planned depth设计井深
pluged back depth回堵深度
pluged back total depth回堵总深度
plugged back depth回堵深度
plugged back depth注水泥回堵深度
plugged back total depth人工井底深度
plugged back total depth回堵水泥顶面深度
plugged back total depth注水泥回堵总深度
present bottom total depth目前人工井底总深度
present total depth现有总深度
present total depth目前总深度
proposed depth建议【计划】深度
proposed total depth推荐总深度
rated drill depth额定钻深
registered depth记录深度
rotary total depth从转盘算起的总深度
setting depth座封深度
sidetrack total depth侧钻总深度
sidetracked total depth侧钻总深度
skin depth趋肤效应深度
standard depth标准井深【深度】
stationary depth静止深度
subsea true vertical depth水下真垂直深度
time-depth curve时间-井深曲线
total depth到底井深
total depth总井深
total depth drilled完钻井深
total vertical depth完钻垂直井深
total verticle depth定向井的完钻垂深
true vertical depth实际垂直井深
true verticle depth定向井的实际垂深
vertical depth垂深
volume per unit of depth体积/单位深度
water depth at the wellsite井场水深
whipstock depth造斜器深度
wireline total depth钢丝绳总下深
wireline total depth电缆总下深