
Terms for subject Textile industry containing depth | all forms | exact matches only
abdominal depth腹高
annhole depth袖深
annhole depth line袖深线袖深尺寸线
annhole depth line中式服装抬裉线
annhole depth line袖窿斜线
armhole depth袖深
armhole depth袖窿深
armhole depth line中装拾裉线
armhole depth line抬裉线
armhole depth line袖窿斜线
armhole depth line袖深线
back cap depth line袖山线
back neck depth后领深
breast depth胸高
bust depth胸高
centre front depth领驳点前中心深度
crotch depth直裆
crotch depth裆深
crotch depth立裆
crotch depth股上
crotch depth上裆
crotch depth直裆深
crotch depth裤裆深
crotch depth ease直裆松量
crotch depth line直裆线
crutch depth裤裆深
crutch depth line直裆线
depth of heald综丝长度
depth of hip臀长
depth of scye袖窿深
depth of shade色泽深度
depth of shade色度
depth of shed梭口深度
depth of warp section分条整经每条经纱厚度
dye depth染色深度
F.D. front depth前腋深
front crotch depth curve上裆弧线
front neck depth前领探
front neck depth前领深
hem depth下摆卷边宽度
hem depth底边宽度
hip depth臀高
hip depth臀围长
hip depth直裆
hip depth臀围
international standard depth国际标准深度
mid-depth cowl中位垂褶
neck depth领深
neck depth line领口深浅
neck depth line前领深线
neck depth line领深斜线
neck depth line领深线
needling depth针刺深度
pattern depth花型高度
perspective depth透视深度
pleat depth褶深
pleat depth裥深
pleat depth打裥深度
processing depth加工深度
scye depth袖窿深
scye depth腋深
seam depth接缝深度
shade depth色泽深度
sinking depth弯纱深度
standard depth标准颜色深度卡
standard depth标准深度
standard depth dyeing标准深度染色
standard reference depth标准参照浓度
under sleeve depth line小袖深弧线
undersleeve depth line小袖深弧线
waist depth briefs齐腰三角裤