
Terms for subject Business containing deposit | all forms | exact matches only
active deposit活动存款
adjustment sheet of bank deposit balance银行存款金额调节表
advance deposit预交押金
advance deposit requirement预付押金条件
advance deposits预交押金
advance deposits预付定金
advanced deposit requirement on import输入预交保证金制度
amount of deposit存款数额
amount of funds on the deposit基金存量
analysis of deposits of banks银行存款分析
attract deposits吸收存款
automatic renewable deposit自动展期存款
automatic renewable deposit自动转期存款
automatic renewal time deposit自动转期定期存款
average deposit receipt海损保证金收据
average outstanding balance of deposits平均存款余额
awarded deposit有奖储蓄
bank deposit and credit银行存款与信贷
bank deposit certificate银行存款证
bank deposit on major repair fund大修基金银行存款
bank deposit on specified fund专用基金存款
bank deposit reconciliation state银行存款调节表
bank deposit subject to withdrawal by check凭支票取款的银行存款
bank deposit under specific fund银行专项存款
bank deposit with ceiling银行限额存款
bank loan-deposit ratio银行存贷比率
bank of deposit储蓄银行
banker's deposit or balance银行外币存款或余额
banker's deposits银行存款
bank-of-first-deposit approach存款银行处理法
bid deposit投标押金
bill on deposit汇票抵押证券
bill on deposit以汇票担保的证券
bind the order with a deposit定金订货
call deposit活期存款
call deposit通知存款
capital deposit资本存款比率
capital deposit资本存款利率
cash and deposits with banks account现金及银行存款账户
cash deposit as collateral现金存款作押金
cash deposit for bond interest备付债券利息存款
cash deposit in advance预存现款
cash deposit in sinking fund偿付基金银行存款
cash deposit in sinking fund偿债基金存款
cash deposit ratio现金存款比率
cash on deposit存银行现金
cash on deposit银行存款现金
certificate of time deposit定期存单
charge on safe deposit寄存品保管费
cheque against deposit with limit限度支票
cheque deposit往来存款
cheque deposit支票存根
competition in securing deposits争取存款竞争
compound interest deposit复利存款
conditional deposit条件存款
container deposit集装箱保证金
contract deposit paid包工合同预付款
contract deposit received包工合同预收款
corporate deposit企业公司存款
cost of deposit存款价值
created deposit派生存款
creation of bank deposit银行存款创造
creation of bank deposit银行存款产生
currency and demand deposits现金及活期存款
current account deposits活期账户存款
current deposit account活期存款账户
custom deposit海关存款
customer deposit顾客保证金
customer's container deposit客户交存容器押金
customer's deposit顾客定金
customer's deposit客户存款
demand deposit department活期存款部
deposit agency存款代理机构
deposit agent存款代理人
deposit analysis存款分析
deposit as collateral保证金存款
deposit at call即期存款即随时可提取的存款
deposit augmentation存款增加
deposit bank存款行
deposit book储蓄簿
deposit broker存款经纪人
deposit by customer客户存款
deposit by foreign correspondents国外同业代理行存款
deposit cash存款
deposit combined account综合存款账户
deposit currency存款通货
deposit due from bank银行存款
deposit due from bank account应收银行到期存款
deposit due from banks account应收银行到期存款
deposit for a security保证金
deposit for bond redemption偿还债券保证金
deposit for bond redemption偿还债务存款
deposit for mini-technical development小型技术开发存款
deposit for preparation of tax纳税准备金存款
deposit for sale custody保管押金
deposit for tax payments用于纳税的押金
deposit in a security押金
deposit in a security保证金
deposit in bank银行存款
deposit in current account活期账户存款
deposit in other cities外埠存款
deposit in security定金
deposit in transit在途存款即存款人支票尚在邮寄途中
deposit inducement存款动机
deposit level存款水平
deposit liability存款债务
deposit line存款水平
deposit liquid saving活期存款
deposit loan存款贷出
deposit money存款
deposit money保证金
deposit money存款货币指以支票提取的活期存款
deposit money in a bank将钱存入银行
deposit of accounting officer会计人员保证金
deposit of budgetary capital construction fund预算基建基金存款
deposit of customs duty预交关税
deposit of customs duty关税保证金
deposit of debtor债务人存款
deposit of lease租赁定金
deposit of securities交存担保
deposit of securities证券存款
deposit of securities on contracts合同保证金
deposit of security证券存款
deposit of specific fund at Construction Bank建设银行专用基金存款
deposit of the award交付仲裁裁决
deposit of title deeds所有权契据保证
deposit on current account活期往来存款
deposit on deposit account定期存款
deposit paid预付定金
deposit paid预付款
deposit paid on construction work建筑工程预付款
deposit paid on purchase支付购货款存款
deposit pass book银行存折
deposit rate寄存费率
deposit received预收定金
deposit released退还准备金保证金
deposit sale分期付款销售
deposit sale赊销
deposit sale寄售
deposit slip存折
deposit slip of paying book存款簿存根
deposit subject to cheque以支票提取的存款
deposit ticket存款单存款时所填
deposit tickets存折
deposit tickets存款单
deposit turnover存款周转即存款额与提取额的比率
deposit warrant存款支付凭单
deposit with consideration有偿存储
deposit within the company公司内部存款
deposit within the enterprise企业内部存款
deposit without consideration无偿存储
deposits at call即期存款
deposits from residents居民存款
deposits held in bank银行存款
deposits-loan radio存放比率
deposits on a transfer account转移账户上的存款
deposits outstanding实际存款余额
deposits paid to trade creditors付给售货客户的保证金
deposits warrant仓单
derivative deposit派生存款由银行放款而产生的存款
designated deposit in foreign currency指定外币存款
designated domestic deposit指定国内保证金
dollar certificate of deposit美元存款单
drawing down on the deposit account在存款账内提存
duplicate deposit slip存款单副本
duplicate deposit ticket存款簿回单
duplicate deposit ticket存款簿存根
duty deposit税收押金
employee deposit received已收职工存款
escrow deposit代理存款
Eurocurrency deposit欧洲货币存款
expense on deposit保证金费用
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation〈美〉联邦存款保险公司
finance house deposit market财务公司存贷市场
fiscal deposit财务存款
fiscal deposit account财务存款账户
fiscal deposit accounts for payments of principle and fiscal trust of external bonded debts支付原则和保证国外欠债利息后的财政存款计算书
fixed deposit receipt定期存款收据
fixed saving deposits定期储蓄存款
fixed savings deposits定期储蓄存款
fixed time deposit定期存款
floating rate certificate of deposit浮动利率存款单
foreign currency deposit account外币存款账户
foreign currency deposit amount外币存款额
foreign deposit外国存款
free deposit不固定存款
freely disposable deposits payable on demand处理的即期存款
general funds deposit普通基金存款
general treasury receipts deposits金库总收入存款
gold deposit黄金债券存款
government deposit政府保证金
group total deposit集体总存款
guarantee deposits and margins paid已付保证金
guarantee deposits and margins received已收保证金
idle demand deposit闲置备用活期存款
idle deposit无用存款
import deposit进口保证金押金
import deposit scheme进口存款制度
income from forfeited deposit没收定金收入
income from forfeiture of past-due customer deposit on packaging material逾期包装物押金没收收入
inflow of bank deposit银行存款增加
initial deposit首次存款
initial deposit premium期初预付保费
installment time deposit定期存款
integration of deposit and loan in an enterprise's bank account存贷合一
inter-bank demand deposit银行同业活期存款
interbank demand deposit银行间活期存款
inter-bank deposit银行同业存款
interest rate for long term deposit长期存款利率
interest rate of bank deposit银行存款利率
interest-bearing bank deposit银行计息存款
interest-bearing bank deposit银行有息存款
interest-bearing demand deposit有息活期存款
interest-bearing deposit付息银行存款
interest-bearing deposit account付息银行存款账户
interest-bearing deposit account有息银行定期存款
international deposit国际存款
international deposit of an industrial design工业品外观设计的国际保存
international interbank deposit国际银行同业存款
international negotiable certificate of deposit国际流通存折
international transferable deposit国际可转让存款
international trust deposit国际信托存款
large deposit巨额存款
letter of deposit抵押品存单
letter of deposit以股票或证券等作押抵押贷款书
licensed deposit taker特许收储机构
liquid form of deposit活期存款
loan-deposit rate贷存率
loan-deposit rate预贷率
loan for deposit定金借款
loan secured by time deposits定期存款抵押贷款
local authority deposits market地方机构存款市场
London dollar certificate of deposit market伦敦美元存单市场
long time deposit长期存款
long-time deposit treatment长期存放处理
lottery-attached time deposit有奖定期储蓄
make a deposit支付保证金
make deposit吸收存款
margin deposit for security保证金存款
marginal deposit保证金存款
marginal deposit信用证保证金
marginal deposit-loan ratio存放款边际比率
mean elasticity of loans to deposits of banks银行贷款对存款的平均弹性
memorandum of deposit抵押证书
minimum deposit最低存款额
minimum deposit最低保证金
money market certificate of deposit金融市场定期存款证
money on deposit存款
multiple expansion of bank deposits银行存款多倍扩张
multiple maturing time deposit多种期限定期存款
mutual deposit premium相互存款保险
natural deposit自然存款
negotiable certificate of deposit流通存折
negotiable certificate of deposit可转让定期存款单
negotiable certificate of deposit可转让存款证
nominal deposit极小额存款
non-interest bearing demand deposit凭支票付款无息存款
nonliquid form of deposit定期存款
non-liquid form of deposit非活期存款
non-resident yen deposit account非居民元存款账户
normed deposit account of budgetary expenditures预算经费限额存款账户
nostro deposit我方存款指在国外银行的存款
obtain a refund of a deposit获得保证金退款
official foreign currency deposit官方外汇存款
official foreign currency deposit system法定外币存款制
oil deposit石油蕴藏量
ordinary deposit普通存款
outport bank deposit外埠银行存款
outport banks deposit外埠同业存款
outstanding of deposit存款余额
partial deposit method部分储备法
partial deposit reserve method部分准备发行法
pass book saving deposit储蓄存款折
pass book saving deposits存折储蓄存款
permanent deposit恒常存款
petty deposit小额押金保证金
petty deposit小额存款
place money on deposit存储款项
post checking deposits邮政支票账户储蓄
post office savings deposit邮政储蓄存款
post office savings deposits邮政储蓄存款
postal transfer deposit account邮政划拨储金账户
postal transfer deposit account邮政划拨存款账户
preferential interest deposit优惠利息存款
preferential interest rate deposit优惠利率存款
public deposit政府部门存款
purchased and paid a deposit已付定金购买
quick deposit a/c活期存款账户
ratio of interest and expense on deposit to deposit存款利息及费用对存款比率
ratio of loans to deposits贷款与存款比率
ratio of taxes to deposits税收率
ratio of taxes to deposits利税比率
refundable deposit退还的保证金
rental deposit押粗
reserve deposit requirement system规定储备存款制度
reserves available to support private nonbank deposits可用于私人非银行存款准备
safe deposit保护存款
safe deposit贵重物品保管库
safe deposit保险库
safe-deposit box银行保险箱
safe deposit company安全存款公司
safekeeping deposit保护存款
safety deposit贵重物品保管仓库
safety deposit信托仓库
saving deposit rate储蓄存款利率
secured deposits保证存款
short-term deposit短期存款
sinking fund deposit factor偿债基金存款因数
special deposit商业银行在英格兰银行特种存款
special safe-deposit专用保险库
specific deposit专项存款
specific fund deposit专用基金存款
sundry creditor temporary deposits暂记杂项存款
sundry deposit其他存款
sundry deposit with native bank: floating account本国银行杂项存款浮动利率户
sundry deposit with native banks地方银行杂项存款
tax deposit certificate税金存单
tax on deposit存款税
'their' deposit他账
'their' deposit来账
time certificate of deposit定期存折
time deposit account定期存款账户
time deposit certificate定期存折
time deposit for welfare福利定期存款
treasury deposit receipt国库存款单
treasury deposit receipts国库存款收据
treatment of cash deposit保证金处理
trust deposit信托存款保证
utility deposit公用事业基金存款
variable deposit requirement可变存款条件
withhold commission from deposit从定金中扣除佣金