
Terms for subject Economy containing delayed | all forms | exact matches only
deduction for delayed recruitment延迟征聘扣减数
delayed delivery拖延交货
delayed delivery逾期交货
Delayed delivery shall be conclusive evidence of nonfulfillment of the contract延迟交货即为不履行合同的确证
delayed income debits借方总额
delayed office延迟征聘
delayed deferred payment延迟付款
Delayed payment by Party B will not vitiate this agreement乙方推迟交款不会使本协议失效
delayed recruitment factor延迟征聘率
delayed reimbursement延迟偿还
delayed repayment of capital and interest延期还本还息
delayed repayment of capital and interest延期还本付息
delayed spendings延缓消费
Despite the pendency of arbitration proceedings, the work shall not be delayed尽管仲裁程序尚未解决,但工程不得拖延
Due to delayed arrival of the goods against Order No. LD1080 from the factory, we failed to ship them by that SteamerLD1080订单项下的货物,工厂交货推迟,我们未能将其装该轮发运
Due to delayed arrival of the goods from the factory, they failed to ship the goods by this steamer由于工厂交货推迟,他们未能把这批货物装上这艘轮船运走
In view of the fact that you delayed the payment again and again, we have to cancel this agreement考虑到你方一再推迟付款,我方不得不撤消合同
Please write us and explain why the shipment is delayed请来函解释为何推迟货物的发运
the deduction for delayed recruitment延期征聘和减数
The shipment was delayed by the general strike in that country由于该国总罢工而延迟装运
The train's departure was delayed by half an hour列车推迟半小时发车
We will assume no responsibility for the loss arising from the delayed shipment因交货延误而造成的损失,我方负责