
Terms for subject Agriculture containing degree | all forms | exact matches only
acre day degree英亩日度指每英亩每日的度数
actual degree实际程度
blackness degree黑度
Celsius degree百分温标
centigrade degree摄氏温标
centigrade degree百分温标
crown degree树冠覆盖度
day degree method日度法测定蒸腾
degree of abortion败育度
degree of accumulation积累度
degree of activity活动度
degree of aetiolation黄化[现象]程度
degree of belief置信度
degree of blanching软化度
degree of bleaching淋溶度
degree of bleaching漂白度
degree of bud variation芽变程度
degree of bud variation芽变异度
degree of calcium saturation石灰饱和度
degree of calcium saturation钙饱和度
degree of Centigrade摄氏度 (°C)
degree of chlorosis失绿程度
degree of clogging阻塞程度
degree of closeness郁闭度
degree of closing疏密度
degree of closing of crop封垄程度
degree of compaction紧实度
degree of confirmation确定度
degree of consistency一致性程度
degree of damping衰减度指激后复原度
degree of dead-ripe枯熟度
degree of density紧密度 {土壤}
degree of density疏密度{森木}
degree of deterioration腐坏程度
degree of deterioration凋萎度
degree of dieback枝梢枯死程度
degree of differentiation分化程度
degree of erosion侵蚀度
degree of eutrophication富[营]养化程度
degree of Fahrenheit华氏度°F
degree of finish肥育[程]度
degree of freedom for error误差自由度
degree of freedom for larger mean square大均方自由度
degree of freedom for larger variance大变量自由度
degree of freedom for plot小区自由度
degree of freedom for treatment处理自由度
degree of freedom for varieties品种自由度
degree of fruit drop落粒度
degree of fruit drop落果度
degree of full-ripe完熟度
degree of gene mutation基因突变程度
degree of genetic determination遗传决定程度
degree of granular structure团粒结构程度
degree of hard seed硬实度
degree of heritability遗传力程度
degree of horizon differentiation层次分化 [程]度
degree of hydration水合程度
degree of impeded drainage排水不良程度
degree of latitude纬度度数
degree of leaching out淋溶度
degree of lodging倒伏程度
degree of longitude经度度数
degree of maturity成熟度
degree of milky-ripe乳熟度
degree of milling磨粉度
degree of natural crossing自然杂交率
degree of natural mutation自然突变程度
degree of outcrossing外交率
degree of outcrossing异型杂交率
degree of photosensitivity感光度
degree of photosensitivity光敏感度
degree of physiological drop生理落果度
degree of plasmolysis质壁分离度
degree of ploidy多倍性程度
degree of ploidy倍性程度
degree of preharvest drop采前落果度
degree of prunning修剪度
degree of putrescibility可腐化度
degree of recovery回复度
degree of resistance抗病程度
degree of resistance抗性程度
degree of reversion返祖程度
degree of rotation of crop倒茬程度
degree of rotation of crop[作物]轮作程度
degree of salinity盐化[程]度
degree of self-sufficiency自给自足
degree of self-sufficiency自给
degree of sensibility天平灵敏度显技
degree of sensitivity敏感度
degree of severity严重性程度
degree of similarity相似度
degree of soil condensation土壤凝结度
degree of soil drought土壤干旱度
degree of spring habit春性度
degree of steeping浸渍度
degree of stocking疏密度
degree of stocking立木度
degree of stomatai opening气孔开放度
degree of succulence多汁[性程]度
degree of superheat过热程度
degree of susceptibility感病程度
degree of susceptibility感染程度
degree of thermosensitivity感温度
degree of thermosensitivity温度敏感度
degree of training整枝程度
degree of under-ripe未熟度
degree of uniformity of germination发芽整齐度
degree of viability成活率
degree of viability成活度
degree of washing片蚀度
degree of water absorption吸水率
degree of water absorption吸水程度
degree of waxen-ripe蜡熟度
degree of weed growing杂草滋长程度
degree of windfall风吹落果度
degree of winter habit冬性度
degree of yellow ripe黄熟度
Fahrenheit's degree华氏度数
fertility degree肥力等级
first degree statistics初级统计学
growing degree-day生长期有效积温植物生长期内逐日温度与生物学下界温度的差之和
heating degree hour暖房度小时指暖房用电每小时度数
high degree of sensitivity高度敏感性
higher degree polynomial高次多项式
infection degree侵染程度
integratification degree集成化程度
integration degree集成度
minus thirty degrees零下 30 度指天气
moderate degree中度
moderate degree中等程度
nil degree零度
partition of degree of freedom自由度的划分
psychological mediative-degree心理调节度
quantification degree量化程度
Reaumur degree列氏度数温度
relative degree of development相对发育程度
ripening degree成熟度
second degree statistics次级统计学
single degree of freedom comparison单自由度比较
total degree of freedom总自由度
uniform degree of maturity成熟度整齐
variable degree可变度
visual degree可视程度
whiteness degree白度