
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing degree | all forms | exact matches only
Brix degree白利糖分重量百分比单位
Celsius degree百分温度
cover degree植物覆盖度
degree of agglutination胶合程度
degree of attenuation消糖度
degree of blood oxygen saturation血氧饱和度
degree of cocoon cooking蚕煮熟度
degree of cutting off shirt of pupa掐蛹程度
degree of defoliation采摘程度消耗的牧草与原有牧草的物质比率
degree of density紧密度
degree of density密度
degree of fatness肥度
degree of fermentation发酵程度
degree of fineness微细度
degree of finish肥育度
degree of firmness of the cocoon茧子松紧度
degree of freedom自由度指资料中能独立变化的变数的个数。如有几个个体,每个个体提供一个数值,当平均数已知时,则自由度为 n-l(n为个体数)
degree of grading-up级进程度
degree of hardiness抗性
degree of hardiness耐性
degree of heritability遗传度
degree of inbreeding近交程度一般用亲交系数或共祖先率等方法表示
degree of inbreeding亲交程度
degree of inhibition抑制度
degree of lustre光泽程度
degree of marbling夹花程度
degree of marbling肉肥瘦交杂度
degree of modification修饰度
degree of odour香味程度
degree of odour气味程度
degree of polymerisation聚合度
degree of randomness随时度
degree of relationship亲缘程度
degree of relationship血缘程度
degree of salting腌制程度
degree of significance显著水准
degree of significance显著性程度
degree of spoilage腐败程度
degree of substitution淀粉衍生物取代度
degree of thickness of the silk cake of cocoon茧层厚薄度
degrees of freedom for greater mean square较大均方和的自由度
degrees of freedom for greater mean square大变异量的自由度
degrees of freedom for larger variance大变异量的自由度
detectable degree可测度
fineness degree粉碎度
fineness degree粗细度
first degree relatives一级亲属
proper degree of cooking cocoon煮茧熟度
proper degree of dryness干燥度
Soxhlet-Henkel degree索格利特-亨克尔