
Terms for subject Electronics containing defense system | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
advanced air defense system先进防空系统
air defense anti-tank system防空反坦克系统
air defense system integrator防空系统综合体
automatic air defense information system自动防空情报系统
automatic defense system自动防御系统
civil defense countermeasures system民防电子对抗系统
defense automatic addressing system国防自动寻址系统
defense communications monitoring system国防通信监测系统
defense communications system国防通信系统
Defense Communications System Administration国防通信系统管理局
defense communications system automatic digital information network国防通信系统自动数字信息网
defense communications system contingency station国防通信系统应急通信
defense communications system performance simulator国防通信系统性能模拟器
defense counterintelligence information system国防反情报信息系统
defense information system国防信息系统
defense information system architecture国防信息系统体系结构
Defense Information Systems Agency国防信息系统局美国国防部,原称 DCA
defense integrated data system国防综合数据系统
defense message system国防信息[报文]系统
defense satellite communications system国防卫星通信系统
defense special secure communications system国防专用保密通信系统
defense system防务系统
defense system国防系统
Department of Defense intelligent information system国防部智能信息系统
forward area air defense command, control and intelligence system前方地域防空指挥、控制和情报系统
forward area air defense system前方地域防空系统
improved point defense missile system改进型点目标防御导弹系统
initial defense satellite communications system初期国防卫星通信系统
integrated air defense system综合防空系统
integrated anti-airborne defense system综合对空防御系统
interim air defense weapon system临时防空武器系统
International Defense Electronics Systems Handbook国际防御电子系统手册
laser air defense system激光防空系统
missile defense alarm system导弹防御报警系统
modular responsive defense system模块式响应防御系统
multiband antiship-cruise missile-defense tactical EW system多波段反舰巡航导弹防御战术电子战系统
rapid anti-ship integrated defense system快速反舰一体化防御系统
ship self defense system舰艇自防御系统
ships anti-missile integrated defense system舰载反导弹综合防御系统
short-range all-weather air defense system近距全天候防空系统
strategic defense system战略防御系统
urban defense system城市防御系统
worldwide defense communications control system全球防御通信控制系统