
Terms containing debt maturity | all forms | in specified order only
tech.accelerated debt maturity提前还债期
textileaccelerated debt maturity提前还款期
securit.accelerated debt maturity加速偿债期
econ.current maturity of long term debt本年内到期的长期负债
busin.current maturity of long term debt本年到期的长期负债
fin.current maturity of long-term debt一年内到期的长期负债
oilcurrent maturity of long-term debt本年到期长期债务
interntl.trade.current maturity of long-term debt一年内到期之长期负债
tech.current maturity of long-term debt一年内到期的长期债务
securit.current maturity of long-term debts即将到期的长期债务
interntl.trade.debt maturities到期债务的偿还
busin.debt maturity到期债务偿还
econ.debt maturity到期债务的偿还
exhib.debt maturity债务到期
securit.debt maturity债务期限
econ.maturity structure of debt期限
fin.maturity structure of debt债务到期结构
busin.maturity structure of debt债务期限结构