
Terms for subject Environment containing cycle | all forms | exact matches only
biogeochemical cycle Movement of chemical elements in a circular pathway, from organisms to physical environment, back to organisms. The process is termed a nutrient cycle if the elements concerned are trace elements, which are essential to life. A biogeochemical cycle occurs when vegetation decomposes and minerals are incorporated naturally in the humus for future plant growth生物地理化学循环 (化学元素的运动循环,从生物到物理环境,回到生物。如果相关元素是微量元素,这个过程被称为一个养分循环,是生命的基础。一个生物地理化学循环发生在植被分解,矿物为未来植物生长被自然用于腐殖质。)
biological cycle A series of transformations or biological events which follow one after the other one, reaching at the end of the cycle the initial conditions, as in the life cycle of many animal and plant organisms生物周期 (从初始状态开始到达周期结束又达到初始条件的过程中的一系列生物事件的转换,正如许多动物和植物的生命周期。)
C3 - C4 cycle intermediate三碳-四碳循环中间产物
Calvin-Benson cycle卡尔文-本森循环
carbon cycle The cycle of carbon in the biosphere, in which plants convert carbon dioxide to organic compounds that are consumed by plants and animals, and the carbon is returned to the biosphere in inorganic form by processes of respiration and decay碳循环 (生物圈中的碳循环,在这个循环中,植物将二氧化碳转化成供植物和动物消费的有机化合物,碳元素通过呼吸和衰亡过程以无机物的形式返回到生物圈中。)
combined cycle-power station This type of plant is flexible in response and can be built in the 100-600 MW capacity range. It produces electrical power from both a gas turbine (ca. 1300°C gas inlet temperature), fuelled by natural gas or oil plus a steam turbine supplied with the steam generated by the 500°C exhaust gases from the gas turbine. The thermal efficiency of these stations is ca. 50 per cent compared with a maximum of 40 per cent from steam turbine coal fired power stations. This type of plant can be built in two years compared with six years for a coal-fired station and 10-15 years for nuclear联合循环电站 (这种发电站反应灵活,可在100-600兆瓦容量范围内兴建。它依靠气体涡轮机(入口温度约1300°C的气体)发电,由500℃所产生的蒸汽供应蒸汽涡轮机,使用天然气或石油天然气废气涡轮气体作为燃料。这些站的热效率大约为-50%,而燃煤蒸汽涡轮机最多只有-40%。这种电站类型可以在两年内建成,同等级的煤电站需要6年,核电站需要10-15年。)
cycle path Part of the road or a special path for the use of people riding bicycles自行车道 (道路的一部分,或特别为自行车使用者铺设的车道。)
cycle path自行车道
fire-flood cycle火灾-水灾周期
global energy and water cycle experiment全球气候研究计划全球能源与水资源周期实验
hydrologic cycle The movement of water between the oceans, ground surface and atmosphere by evaporation, precipitation and the activity of living organisms, as one of the mayor biogeochemical cycles. Each day water evaporates from the oceans and is carried in the air from the sea over the land, which receives it as precipitation, and finally returns from the land to the sea through rivers, thus completing the cycle水文循环 (通过蒸发、降水以及生物活动使海洋、地表和大气中的水分转移,这是主要的生物地化循环之一。每天水分从海上蒸发进入空气,飘至陆地上空降落为雨,最终通过江河再汇回海洋,就这样完成一个循环。)
hydrologic cycle水分〔水量〕平衡〔循环〕
life cycle The phases, changes, or stages through which an organism passes throughout its lifetime生命周期 (生物体在其一生中经历的阶段、变更或时期。)
life-cycle management Management of all the stages involved in the life of a product such as raw materials acquisition, manufacturing, distribution and retail, use and re-use and maintenance, recycling and waste management, in order to create less environmentally harmful products生产周期管理 (对产品在生命周期中涉及的所有阶段的管理,如原材料采购、制造、分销及零售、使用和再利用、维护、废物管理和回收,以减少环境方面有害的产品。)
material life cycle All the stages involved in the manufacturing, distribution and retail, use and re-use and maintenance, recycling and waste management of materials材料生命周期 (涉及材料的制造、分发、零售、使用、再利用和维护、回收和废物管理等所有阶段。)
nitrogen cycle The complex set of processes by which crops acquire the large amount of nitrogen they need to make proteins, nucleic acids and other biochemicals of which they are composed, and how the nitrogen returns to the atmosphere氮循环 (庄稼获得大量的它们需要合成蛋白质、核酸和其它生化物质的氮,及氮如何回到空气的这套复杂的过程。)
nutrient cycle A biogeochemical cycle, in which inorganic nutrients move through the soil, living organisms, air and water or through some of these养分循环 (一个生物地球化学的循环,其中无机养分转移到土壤、生物体、空气和水,或通过其中的一些。)
oxidative pentose phosphate cycle氧化戊糖磷酸循环
product life cycle A product life cycle includes the following phases: acquisition of raw materials, production, packaging, distribution, use, recyling, and disposal产品生命周期 (产品的生命周期包括以下几个阶段:原材料、生产、包装、销售、使用、回收和处理。)