
Terms for subject Economy containing customary | all forms | exact matches only
adopt customary methods abroad采取国外的习惯做法
customary commercial law商业习惯法
customary deduction惯例的扣除额
customary document in proof of delivery of the goods船上交货常用凭单
customary grounding经常性搁浅
customary hours of labour惯常劳动时间
customary price通常价目
customary quick despatch装卸货物的港口习惯速度
customary quick dispatch港口习惯快速装卸
customary quick dispatch按例赶运
customary rent通常租税 (租金)
customary rent.通常租税
customary risk通常风险
customary route习惯航线
customary strandings惯常搁浅
customary transport documents通常运输单据
Following the customary route, the ship will arrive at New York on August 14按惯常的航线行驶,此船将于8月14日到达纽约
L/C payment is the customary commercial practice in foreign trade在外贸业务中,信用证付款是商业惯例
The customary remuneration shall be paid for any service completed对已完成的任何劳务都应按惯例付酬
with customary dispatch按港口惯例发运