
Terms containing current fund | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
busin.above-quota current fund超定额流动资金
econ.authorized current fund turnover days核定的流动资金周转天数
busin.authorized current fund turnover days核定流动资金周转天数
fin.average balance of current fund流动资金平均余额
tech.average balance of current fund流动基金平均余额
busin.average balance of current fund with norm定额流动资金平均余额
fin.borrowed current fund借入流动资金
tech.current cost of fund资金的现时成本
textilecurrent fund流动资金
interntl.trade.current fund流动基金
textilecurrent fund employed during exportation岀口过程中占用的流动资金
busin.current fund employed during exportation出口占用的流动资金
textilecurrent fund employed during importation进口过程中占用的流动资金
busin.current fund employed during importation进口占用的流动资金
textilecurrent fund employed during marketing营销过程中占用的流动资金
busin.current fund employed during marketing营销占用的流动资金
busin.current fund employed during material procurement物资采购占用的流动资金
busin.current fund employed during production生产占用的流动资金
busin.current fund employed per 100 yuan of gross industrial output每百元工业总产值占用的流动资金
busin.current fund employed per 100 yuan of sales revenue每百元销售收入占用的流动资金
busin.current fund employment rate流动资金占用率
busin.current fund for export出口流动资金
busin.current fund for finished product成品流动资金
busin.current fund for import进口流动资金
busin.current fund for marketing营销流动资金
busin.current fund for material storage材料储备流动资金
busin.current fund for procurement采购流动资金
busin.current fund for production生产流动资金
fin.current fund loan流动资金借款
busin.current fund loan流动基金借款
el.current fund loan interest rate流动资金贷款利率
busin.current fund management流动基金管理
busin.current fund management by department流动资金归口管理
busin.current fund management by department and rank流动资金归口分级管理
fin.current fund norm流动资金定额
busin.current fund norm流动基金定额
fin.current fund norm for procurement储备资金定额
busin.current fund norm for procurement采购流动资金定额
busin.current fund norm for production生产流动资金定额
busin.current fund over norm超定额流动资金
auto.current fund per vehicle每车占用流动资金
busin.current fund program流动资金计划
busin.current fund quota流动基金定额
busin.current fund source流动基金
fin.current fund turnover流动资金周转率
busin.current fund turnover流动基金周转率
busin.current fund turnover days流动资金周转天数
busin.current fund turnover of raw material原材料流动资金周转数
busin.current fund turnover rate流动基金周转率
fin.current fund turnover times流动资金周转次数
busin.current fund turnover times流动基金周转次数
busin.current fund usage charge流动基金占用费
busin.current fund usage charge payable应缴流动基金占用费
fin.current fund with norm定额流动资金
busin.current fund with norm定额流动基金
busin.current fund with quota限额流动基金
busin.current fund without norm非定额流动基金
manag.daylight of turnover of current fund流动资金周转天数
commer.fee for the use of current fund流动资金占用费
fin.fees for the use of current fund流动资金占用费
fin.high current income fund本期高收益基金
fin.high current income mutual fund本期高收益互惠基金
securit.high current income mutual fund短期高收人共同基金
busin.loan within the current fund norm定额贷款
commer.non-quota current fund非定额流动基金
tech.non-quota current fund非定额流动资金
econ.normed current fund定额流动资金
manag.number of turnover of current fund流动资金周转次数
fin.restricted current fund限定流动基金
busin.self-owned current fund自有流动资金
busin.self-owned current fund of construction enterprise施工企业自有流动资金
manag.source and uses of current fund流动资金来源与运用
commer.source of current fund流动资金来源
textilestate current fund政府流动资金
textilestate current fund国家流动资金
fin.state current fund source国家流动基金来源
econ.the normed current fund定额流动资金
econ.the self-owned current fund自有流动资金
busin.total current fund in circulation流动资金周转总额
manag.turnover of current fund流动资金周转率
commer.turnover of current fund流动资金周转额 (率)
fin.turnover rate of standard current fund定额流动资金周转率
busin.usage analysis of current fund流动资金运用分析
securit.usage analysis of current fund流动资金使用分析
commer.utilization rate of current fund流动资金利用率