
Terms for subject Economy containing current | all forms | exact matches only
a reversing current逆流
account current活期账户
account current往来账目 (户)
account current支票户口
account current会计报表
accumulated quantity of production for current year本年累积产量
accumulated quantity of production for current year本年累计产量
actual completed investment project of current year本年实际完成投资
adjust supply to a current demand调整供求关系
adjusted current earning调整后的本期收益
After the current debt has been repaid, the surplus of the assets remaining should be divided between the partners在现有债务偿清之后,剩下的余产应在合伙人之间分配
amount at the beginning of current year年初的数量
authorized current fund turnover days核定的流动资金周转天数
available current surplus可动用的本期盈余
balance of current account来往账余额
balance of current account流动账户余额
balance of payments on current account国际收支经常项目的收支状况
balance on current account活期存款差额
balance on current account活期存款余额
balance on current account与美国国际收支平衡表相关的按季公布的测度居民与非居民之间商品、服务、收人和单方转移交易的经常往来项目差额
balance on current account经常帐户项目的平衡
bank transferred appropriations current year supplies and equipment本年器材转账拨款
Being much higher than the current price, your counteroffer is too difficult to accept你方还盘比现行市价高出很多,难以接受
book prices current现行账面价格
colonial current system殖民地币制
commentaries on current affairs时事评论
current account活期储户
current account往来账目
current account经常项目【账户】
current account credit往来信贷
current account ratio only单纯经营账户比例
current account surplus经营项目顺差
current agricultural and rural problems当前农业与农村问题
current annuity应付租金
current annuity应付年金
current appropriation本年度经费
current assets变现的资产
current assets速动资产
current assets流动的资产
current budget经常预算
current budget obligation经营预算承付款项
current business group正起作用的小组
current business group负责团体
current coin通行货币
current coin通货
current collector集电器【极】
current consumption日常消费 (量)
current cost时【市】价
current-cost accounting现行成本会计
current cost accounting现行成本会计
current cost control现行成本管理
current cost of supplies目前供应成本
current costs日常开支
current data新近资料
current debts短期债务
current debts目前债项
current deficit经常性赤字
current delivery当日期货 (month)
current demand当前的需要
current US dollar现值美元
current domestic value本国现价
current domestic value本国【国内】现价
current earnings现时盈余
current engineering现代工程技术
current expenditure日常开支
current expenditure经常费
current expense日常开支
current expenses经常费用
current farming expenditures经常性农业支出
current forecast现行预测
current freight rate现行运价
current funds流通基金
current income日常收入
Current Index to Conference Papers刊名,美国会议论文近期索引
current input经常性收入
current inputs经常性投入
current interest本期利息
current interest活期利息
current knowledge with the financial community现时金融界知识
current level本期水平
current liabilities短期负债
current liabilities as opposed to long-term liabilities短期债务和长期债务相反
current liability流动的债务
current margin毛利
current market condition市场现状
current maturity本年到期
current maturity of long term debt本年内到期的长期负债
current monetary asset本期货币流通资产
current money通货
current money delivery限该月交货的定期交易
current money income经常性货币收入
current money NNP以现行货币表示的国民净产值
current observation经常观察
current of contract契约货币
current operating expense日常经营费用
current operating expenses经常业务费用
current operating performance本期经营业绩
current pass-book往来
current payment经常开支
current payments即期支付
current periodical revenue经常的周期性收入
current policy budget现行政策下预算支出估计
current position流动情况
current position analysis流动财务状况分析
current prepayments往来预付款
current price现价
current principle value目前本值
current profit and loss经常盈亏
current program现行方案
current rate电〔气〕 流强度
current rate现行利率
current rate of interest现行利率
current ratio ratio of liquid assets to current liabilities流动比率
current service estimate对连续性项目的支出预算估计
current social return贴现社会收益
current surplus盈余
current surplus流通剩余额
current surplus本期盈余
current tangible assets有形的流动资产
current term net profit本期净收益
current thoughts流行的想法
current thoughts现今思想
current trend当代动向
current trend目前趋势
current undertaking日常从事的业务
current use value当前使用价值
current value时值
current value accounting现时会计
current yield当年收益
date of current appointment任命日期
days of turnover of current capital流动资金周转天数
deficit for the current term近期亏欠
deficit for the current term本期赤字
direct method of account current直接往来计算法
estimated uncollectible current taxes估计当期税收损失
European current unit欧洲货币单位
excess current liability短期债务逾额
final consumer goods entered as consumption for the current year进入当年消费的最终消费品
financing of current expenses为经常费用提供资金
GNP at current price按现行价格计算的国民生产总值
head office current account总公司往来账
home office current总店来往账目
If you place a substantial order, we will be pleased to offer you art extra 3% off the current prices如大量订货,按现价再减3%
In accordance with your instructions they deposited the money in your current account last week按照贵方的指示,他们上周已把钱存入贵方的往来账户上
in current price按市价计算
in current price按时价计算按现价计算
interest method of account current往来账计息法
interest on current debt当期债务的利息
interest on current debt短期债款利息
investment in additional current assets追加流动资金的投资
invisible current transaction非贸易收入日常交易
invisible current transaction无形的日常交易
issue by current price时价发行
It is very important for the government to curb the current inflation政府控制目前的通货膨胀是非常重要的
land value under current value accounting现值会计下的土地价值
law of the current of money货币流通规律
movement of current assets流动资产的动态
net current assets净流动资产 (net working capital)
normal current assets定额流动资产
normed current assets定额流动资产
normed current fund定额流动资金
overdraft on current account从活期账户透支 (向银行借款条件之一)
overdraught on current account从活期账户透支 (向银行借款条件之一)
overdraught on current account secured有抵押往来账透支
overdraught on current account unsecured无抵押往来账透支
price current市价
price current行市表
price current市价表
prices current市价
public expenditures on education at current market prices按现行市场价格计算的教育经费支出
railway operating current capital铁路运营流动或固定资金
ratio of cash to current liabilities现金对流通负债的比率
ratio of current assets to current liabilities流动资金与流动负债比率
ratio of current assets to total fixed assets流动资产对资产总额或固定资产比率
ratio of quick assets to current liabilities速动资产对流动负债比率
replacement current cost重置更换现行成本
reversing current逆流
risk of current depreciation货币贬值险
risk of current depreciation通货保证险
sell at the current price按市场价销售
special current receivable特定活期存款
standard of current capital流动奖金定额
standardized current assets定额流动资产
surplus of the nation on current transactions国际收支经常账户顺差
the amount aggregating equivalent in current US dollar现值美元等值总额
the current arbitrage通货套汇
The current offer for colored TV is $300 per set CIF目前的彩电报盘是每台到岸价300美元
The current price of the share is below its face value这个股票的市价已跌破面值
the finished production in current period本期完工产量
The government adopted import controls to solve the current economic crisis政府采用进口控制来解决经济危机
The list is an enumeration of the current salable products这张单子是目前畅销的产品目录
the non-current insurance不同时保险
the non-current liability非流动负债
the non-current receivable非流动性应收款项
the normed current fund定额流动资金
the occupied rate of current capital流动资金占用率
The quality of our current product is guaranteed totally equal to that of our previous product我们现有产品的质量保证与我们以前产品的质量完全相同
The rent is based on the current market这项租金是根据当前的市场情况而定的
the self-owned current fund自有流动资金
They confirm our telex of current date他们确收到我方今天的电传
They have difficulty in financing their current expansion programme他们难于为其目前的发展计划筹措资金
They will welcome further information pertinent to the current negotiation如能赐给有关当前此项谈判的进,一步的信息,他们将很感激
total amount accounted for the current period本期发生额
total credit for the current period本期贷方发生总额
total credits for the current period本期贷方发生额
total debits for the current period本期借方发生额
unrequited current transfers本期单方面转移款项
We are not lacking in information on the current market situation我们不缺当前市场情况的资料
We regret to say that two provisions of this contract are illegal and unenforceable under the current laws很遗憾,本合同有两个条款在现行法律下属不合法,不能加以实施
We request you to cable us an offer for the first item in your list of current availabilities请就贵方目前可供货单上第一项产品电报递盘
world economic survey current trends in the world economy世界经济概览
You may buy in or sell out shares at the current prices你可以按市价买进或卖出股票