
Terms for subject Commerce containing current | all forms | exact matches only
a letter dated the 20th current本月二十日的信
at current price按现价
current account活期往来账户
current account经常项目 (国际收支)
current account deficit国际收支经常项目逆差 (与国际收支经常项目顺差(current account surplus) 相对)
current account position国际收支经常项目状况
current accounting period中支付的费用
current accounting period中现金支岀
current assets流动资产 (与固定资产 (fixed assets) 相对)
current assets quota定额流动资产
current audit经常审计
current check例行检验
current coins通用钱币
current cost现时成本 (与固定成本 (fixed cost, constant cost, nonvariable cost) 相对)
current cost of funds资金现时成本
current coupon当期息票
current deposit活期存款 (与定期存款 (fixed deposit) 相对;比较 current demand deposit 活期存款,与定期存款 (time deposit) 相对,存于银行支票账户中的资金,可直接用支票支取)
current effective demand现时实际需求
current events时事
current expenditure本期支岀 (指本会计期间)
current expense指本会计期间
current funds流动基金
current funds quota定额流动基金
current gross margin本期经营毛利
current investment短期投资 (指有价证券 (marketable securities) 的投资)
current issue of a magazine最近一期期刊
current maturity本期到期应付债务
current maturity当期满期日
current operations经常业务
current-outlay cost现付成本 (与沉入成本 (sunk cost) 相对)
current payments经常开支
current practices现行惯例
current production流水线生产
current ratio指流动资产current assets 与流动负债current liabilities 之比
current regulations现行法规
current selling price时价
current transaction经常交易 (国际收支平衡表项目)
excess current liabilities短期负债超额
exchange within current month三十日远期外汇
fee for the use of current fund流动资金占用费
GNP at current price按现时价格计算的国民生产总值
in current price按现价
movement of current assets流动资产周转
mutual current account相互来往账户
net current assets流动资本净额
non-quota current fund非定额流动基金
Our company is allocated an exchange quota of US $1,000,000 for the current year我公司被分配到1,000,000 美元外汇配额
overdraft on current account secured有抵押往来账户透支 (与没有抵押往来账户透支(overdraft on current account unsecured) 相对)
price current行情表亦缩为 p. ct.
requirements of current assets and liabilities流动资产与流动负债的需要额
source of current fund流动资金来源
Survey of Current Business美国现代商业概览
The rumour is current that the price will go up谣传市场价格将上涨
total quota of current capital流动资本总定额
turnover of current assets流动资产周转额
turnover of current fund流动资金周转额 (率)
utilization rate of current fund流动资金利用率