
Terms for subject China containing current | all forms | exact matches only
against the current international backdrop在当前国际背景下
at the current session or the next session of the people's congress在本次或者下一次人民代表大会会议上
attainment of the legislative goal of the current NPC实现本届全国人大立法目标
be basically in conformity with the relevant provisions of the current laws与现行法律的有关规定基本一致
be compatible with the country's current state of economic development and international standard与我国目前的经济发展进程相适应、与国际标准趋同
characteristics of the current stage阶段性特征 (of)
current common interests of the people现阶段群众的共同利益
current condition of the ship船舶现状
current installment of the insurance premium当期保险费
current situation现实情况
current state现实情况
deliberation in the current session会议审议
during the term of office of the current people's congress在本届人民代表大会的任期内
ensure attainment of the legislative goal of the current NPC确保实现本届全国人大立法目标
give due consideration to the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, the current common interests of the people and the special interests of different groups in society统筹兼顾最广大人民的根本利益、现阶段群众的共同利益和不同群体的特殊利益
income of the current period当期收入
information pertaining to the current case与本案有关的材料
maintain consistency in the current family planning policy稳定现行生育政策
obtain a deep understanding of the characteristics of the current stage of China's economic and social development深刻认识中国经济社会发展的阶段性特征
promulgated by the presidium of the current session由大会主席团发布公告
put onto the agenda of the current session列入会议议程
strive to meet the objectives of all tasks of the current NPC努力实现本届全国人大的各项目标任务
tax payable for the current period当期应纳税额
the current Constitution现行宪法
the current Constitution and its four amendments现行宪法和四个宪法修正案
the current policy on birth control现行生育政策
the current Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress本届全国人大常委会 (NPC)
the current Tenth NPC第十届全国人民代表大会
the current Tenth NPC convened its first session第十届全国人民代表大会召开第一次会议
with the consent of the Standing Committee of the current National People's Congress NPC session经全国人民代表大会常务委员会许可
within the term of the current National People's Congress本届全国人大任期内
without the consent of the Presidium of the current National Peopled Congress NPC session未经全国人民代表大会大会主席团许可
without the consent of the Presidium of the current session of the National Peopled Congress非经全国人民代表大会会议主席团许可