
Terms for subject Business containing crisis | all forms | exact matches only
ability to handle crisis危机处置能力
agrarian crisis农业危机
alleviating the economic crisis缓和经济危机
alleviating the financial crisis摆脱金融危机
anti-crisis policy反危机政策
balance of payments crisis国际支付危机
balance of payments crisis国际收支危机
be bogged down on a crisis深陷危机之中
business crisis商业恐慌
coming crisis面临危机
credit and money crisis货币信用危机
credit crisis信用危机信用恐慌
crisis decision危机决策
crisis export输岀危机
crisis in resources distribution资源分配危机
crisis management program危机管理计划
crisis of over-production生产过剩危机
crisis prevention危机预防
crisis riddled危机深重
crisis theory of overinvestment投资过剩危机论
cushion economic crisis缓和经济危机
cyclic crisis周期性危机
deep economic crisis日益严重的经济危机
delay the outbreak of a crisis延缓危机爆发
economic crisis经济危机指资本主义生产过剩危机
economic crisis cycle经济危机周期包括危机、萧条、复苏和高涨四阶段
explosion of monetary crisis货币危机爆发
financial and economic crisis财政经济危机
financial and monetary crisis金融货币危机财政金融危机
fiscal crisis财政危机表现在预算赤字巨大,国债增加等方面
general crisis总危机
general crisis of capitalism资本主义一般危机
impending crisis即将来临的危机
interim crisis暂时危机
international finance crisis国际金融危机
international financial and monetary crisis国际金融货币危机
liquidity crisis资产变现危机
liquidity crisis清偿力危机
management by crisis危机管理
model for the analysis of global interdependence and crises全球相互依存与危机分析模型
over production crisis生产过剩危机
periodic economic crisis周期性经济危机
pull through the crisis苟延残喘
sense of crisis危机感
shift off economic crisis转嫁经济危机
structural crisis cartel结构性危机卡特尔
theory of economic crisis经济危机论
time of crisis危机期