
Terms containing credit | all forms | exact matches only
securit.abuse of credit信贷使用不当
securit.acceptance credit偿还信贷
securit.acceptance credit偿还信用
securit.acceptance credit agreement承兑信用额度协议
gen.add to one's credit增加荣誉
securit.additional allocation of credit fund增拨/追加信贷资金
securit.adjustment credit调整信贷
gen.Almost any one who has a steady income and a continuous work record can apply for a credit card几乎所有收入来源稳定,有持续工作记录的人都可以申请信用卡
securit.available credit可使用的信贷
securit.average cleared credit balance平均结算信贷余额
securit.average cleared credit balance平均贷方余额
securit.backlash against credit derivatives信贷衍生品受到强烈的抵触
securit.backup credit facility备用信贷
securit.backup government credit facility政府备用信贷融通
securit.balance to one's credit某方收益结余
securit.Basel credit巴塞尔信贷
securit.basic line of credit基本信贷额度
gen.be a credit toM 是 M 的光荣
gen.be bare of credit无信誉
gen.be bare of credit名誉不好
gen.be to .credit为某人增光
gen.be to sb.credit为某人增光
securit.bilateral credit limit双边信贷限制
securit.bill drawn on a letter of credit押汇票据
securit.bill letter credit付信用证的汇票
securit.bill of credit付款通知
avia.Boeing Employees' Credit Union波音职工信用联合会
securit.bonds rated by a credit rating agency经评级机构评级的债券
securit.branch credit转账存款
securit.broker's free credit balance经纪人闲散资金余额纽约证券交易所月报会说明各公司经纪账户上的闲散资金量
gen.Can I pay by credit card?我可以用信用卡支付吗?
gen.Can I pay by credit card?我可以用信用卡付账吗?
gen.Can I take a credit card for the deposit?我能用您的信用卡划押金吗?
securit.carry over credit of loss亏损结转抵免
securit.cash credit现金赊欠
securit.cash credit balance现金信用额度
securit.cash credit balance现金信贷余额
securit.clean credit无条件信用证
securit.clean credit清洁信用证
securit.clean payment credit支票付款信用证
securit.clearing credit信用结算
securit.clearing credit结算债权
securit.clearing house credit ticket结算所付款单
securit.closed end credit限制信贷
securit.closed end credit封闭式信贷
securit.consortium credit银团信贷
securit.contra credit对销信贷
securit.convertible credit可自由兑换货币贷款
securit.convertible revolving credit可转换循环信贷
securit.convertible revolving credit可转换滚动信贷
gen.crack credit失信用
securit.credit account信贷账户 (CA)
securit.credit account记账 (CA)
securit.credit account信贷账目
securit.credit account欠账 (CA)
securit.credit account赊账 (CA)
gen.credit account信用卡账户
securit.credit advice贷项通知
securit.credit advice贷款通知
securit.credit agency商业信用调查机构
securit.credit analysis信用评估
securit.credit and fiscal measure信用和财政措施
securit.credit and lending decision信用和贷款决策
securit.credit arbitrage信用套利
securit.credit archive信贷档案
securit.credit assessment信贷风险评估
securit.credit asset securitization信贷资产证券化
securit.credit authorization信贷授权
securit.credit bank balance银行贷差债权
securit.credit based on personal property动产信贷以动产作为贷款抵押的信贷形式
securit.credit based on real property房地产抵押贷款
securit.credit bureau消费者信用机构
securit.credit bureau信贷所
securit.credit card银行信用卡
gen.credit card payment信用卡支付
avia.credit card reader〔客〕信用卡读卡机
securit.credit card trust信用卡信托
securit.credit clearing代客支付转账
securit.credit clearing信贷结算
securit.credit cliff信用危机各类不利事件使企业信用恶化,可能对公司财务状况及业务造成不利影响
securit.credit committee review信贷委员会审核
securit.credit contract赊购合同
securit.credit contract信用合同
securit.credit control of real estate不动产信贷管理
securit.credit control of security investment证券投资信用管理
securit.credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas城乡信用社
securit.credit crisis spilling over信贷危机蔓延
securit.credit crunch信用困境
securit.credit customer信用顾客
securit.credit customer赊账户
securit.credit cycle信贷循环
securit.credit cycle信贷周期
securit.credit default index信用违约指数
securit.credit default index信用违约风险指数
securit.credit default swap信用违约互换违约互换购买者在交易中定期向违约互换出售者支付一定费用,一旦债券主体无法偿付,前者将有权将债券以面值转给后者,从而有效规避信用风险
securit.credit department信贷部金融机构的
securit.credit derivative信贷衍生工具
securit.credit differential贷方权益差额
securit.credit disciplinary mechanism信贷约束机制
securit.credit disciplinary mechanism信贷纪律机制
securit.credit ease信贷松弛
securit.credit ease放松信贷
securit.credit enhancement信用增强
securit.credit enhancement信用升级
securit.credit entry贷项
securit.credit entry贷方记账
securit.credit equivalent amount对等信贷金额
securit.credit expansion信贷增加
securit.credit expansion信贷扩大
securit.credit exposure信用差额
securit.credit exposure信用缺口
securit.credit extension授信债权人将信用授予债务人
securit.credit extension loan授权贷款
securit.credit facility信贷手段
securit.credit facility信贷融通
securit.credit facility信贷措施
securit.credit facility信贷透支
securit.credit file信用记录
securit.credit file信用文档
securit.credit flow desk信贷流通交易小组 (交易单一债券 CDS 的小组)
securit.credit folder信用记录
securit.credit folder信用档案
securit.credit for dividend股息记人贷方
securit.credit for export出口信贷
securit.credit for fractional shares零散股记人贷方
securit.credit funds信贷资金
securit.credit gap信贷缺口
gen.credit goes toM 归功于 M
securit.credit granted by supplier卖方信贷
securit.credit granting放出贷款
securit.credit growth信贷增加
securit.credit history信用历史
securit.credit hybrids desk信贷混合交易小组交易指数及标准组块的
securit.credit inflation信贷膨胀信贷扩张造成的通货膨胀
securit.credit information service信用信息服务
securit.credit inquiry信用查询
securit.credit instrument信贷工具
securit.credit instrument票据
securit.credit interchange信用信息交换
securit.credit interest信贷利息
securit.credit intermediary信用中介
securit.credit investor债权投资者
securit.credit issue发放信贷
securit.credit law信贷法
securit.credit limit信贷限额对特定借款者设定的最高信用额度
securit.credit linked deposit信贷关联存款
securit.credit linked deposit与信用主体挂钩型的存款
securit.credit linked note信贷关联票据
securit.credit linked security信贷关联证券
securit.credit loss信用缺失
securit.credit man信贷调查员
securit.credit market jammed up信贷市场严重堵塞
securit.credit market wobbles信贷市场的动荡
securit.credit market woes信贷市场困境
securit.credit medium信贷中介
securit.credit memorandum贷项通知
securit.credit memorandum贷记凭单
securit.credit metrics信用计量
securit.credit mixed组合贷款
securit.credit mixed混合信贷
securit.credit mobiler动产银行证券银行中专门对工矿企业提供信贷的银行
securit.credit money信用货币银行信用发行的货币
securit.credit netting信用净额结算
securit.credit note欠款单据
securit.credit note保值单据
securit.credit note贷款清单
securit.credit option spread信用期权差额
securit.credit or debit note结单
securit.credit panic信贷市场恐慌
securit.credit panic hitting historic level信贷市场恐慌达到历史性水平
securit.credit party借贷方
securit.credit period信贷期
securit.credit plan信贷计划
securit.credit quota信贷规模
securit.credit quota信贷额度
securit.credit rating agency信用评级机构
securit.credit rating company信用评级公司
securit.credit-rating institution资信评估机构
securit.credit ratios信用比率
securit.credit receiver收款人
securit.credit record of listed company上市公司信用记录
securit.credit reference资质调查
securit.credit reference agency资信调查机构
securit.credit relaxation信贷放松
securit.credit report信贷报告
securit.credit reporting agency信用报告机构
securit.credit reporting system of the People's Bank of China中国人民银行信用报告系统
securit.credit requirement资金需求
securit.credit restraint/restriction信贷限制
securit.credit review信用复核
securit.credit review信用审查
securit.credit review process信贷复核程序
securit.credit review process信用审查程序
securit.credit risk equivalent信用风险等额
securit.credit risk for derivatives衍生工具信用风险
avia.credit risk mitigation信用风险缓释技术
securit.credit risk relief信贷风险的缓解
securit.credit scoring信用评分
securit.credit scoring system资信评分体系
securit.credit screw信贷紧缩
securit.credit slip收人存条
securit.credit slip收人传票
securit.credit spread信用差额
securit.credit spread信贷息差
securit.credit spread信贷价差
securit.credit spread contract信用差价合约
securit.credit spread option信用差价期权
securit.credit squeeze紧缩信贷
securit.credit squeeze信贷收紧
securit.credit squeeze measure紧缩信贷措施
securit.credit stand-by后备信贷
securit.credit strength信贷实力
securit.credit structure信贷结构
securit.Credit Suisse瑞士信贷集团
securit.credit supervision system信用监管体制
securit.credit support信贷支持
securit.credit support信贷保证
securit.credit swaps信贷互换
securit.credit swaps互惠信贷
securit.Credit Swiss First Boston瑞士信贷第一波士顿
securit.Credit Swiss First Boston瑞士信贷第一波士顿投资银行
securit.credit system信贷体系
securit.credit terms信贷条款
gen.credit tides节目前的字幕
gen.credit tides片头字幕
gen.credit tides影片,电视前映出的导演等姓名表
securit.credit tightening measure信贷紧缩措施
securit.credit token信用等价票据
securit.credit-token agreement信用代价券协议
securit.credit trading system信用交易制度
securit.credit tranche信贷分档
securit.credit transaction赊账业务
securit.credit transfer信贷转账
securit.credit transfer贷款转账
securit.credit union信贷互助会
securit.credit union shares信用社股份
securit.credit verification信贷验证
securit.credit war信贷战金融机构争夺信贷市场的竞争
securit.credit watch信用监督
securit.credit watch list资信调查表
gen.credit M with相信 M具有N (N)
gen.credit M with把N归功于 (N, M)
securit.cumulation credit累积信用
securit.customers' credit balance客户贷方余额
securit.deal on credit赊账交易
securit.debit-credit recording plan借贷记账法
securit.debt and credit accounting system借贷会计制度
securit.debt at credit债务信贷
securit.debt credit instrument债务信用工具
securit.deferred credit延期信贷
securit.direct credit instruction直接信贷指示
securit.direct credit substitutes直接信贷替代
securit.discretionary credit limit自定信贷限额
securit.disposal credit可支配的信贷
gen.do sb. credit证明某人具有某种才能〔品质〕
gen.do sb. credit为某人增光
gen.do credit toM 为 M 增光
gen.Do not pack valuables, such as cash, credit cards, jewelry or expensive electronics in a suitcase that you will check with the airline切勿把现金、信用卡、珠宝及昂贵电子产品等贵重物品放在航空公司托运的行李箱内
gen.Do you take credit cards?可以刷卡吗?
securit.document not conforming to the provisions of the letter of credit单据与信用证条款不符
securit.dollar credit美元信贷
securit.downgrade a credit rating调整信贷评级
securit.downgrade a credit rating降低信贷等级
gen.enter a sum to one's credit把金额记人…的贷方
securit.equal credit opportunity act平等信贷机会法案
securit.Eurocurrency credit market欧洲货币贷款市场
securit.Euro-medium long term credit欧洲中长期信贷
securit.European short-credit market欧洲短期信贷市场
securit.evergreen clause credit持久有效信用证
securit.evergreen clause credit自动展期条款信用证
securit.evergreen credit永久信贷
securit.excess credit超额信贷
securit.expansion of credit信贷膨胀
avia.Export Credits Guarantee Department〔英〕出口信贷保证部
securit.Export Credits Guarantee Development policy出口信贷保证局保单
securit.extend a letter of credit信用证延期
securit.extended credit展期信贷
securit.extending credit信贷展期
securit.extending credit延长信贷
securit.external credit enhancements外部信用增强
securit.extortionate credit transaction欺诈性信贷业务
securit.extortionate credit transaction价格高昂的信用贷款交易
securit.Federal credit agency联邦信贷机构
securit.Federal Farm Credit System联邦农业信贷体制
securit.Federal intermediate credit bank联邦中介信贷银行
securit.Federal Reserve credit联邦储备信贷
securit.fictitious credit虚构信用
securit.fictitious credit不实信贷
securit.fictitious credit虚拟贷方余额
securit.five C's of credit信用 5 C (银行或其他金融机构对借款人的信用程度的评估标准:品格(character)、能力(capacity)、资本(capital)、抵押品(collateral) 、情况(condition))
gen.For any amount exceeding the line of credit you'll have to get authorization. You don't need to get authorization if your expenses are in line with the credit given by the issuing bank金额超过信用额度均需经过授权。消费额在发卡行授信额度内就不必经过授权
securit.free credit balance自由信用余额
securit.funds for extending credit延长信贷的资金
securit.general credit普通信贷
securit.general credit obligation bond一般信用债务债券
securit.generic credit spread一般性信贷利差
gen.get credit for因…而获盛誉
gen.get credit forM 因M而得到好评
gen.get the credit ofM 得到M的荣誉
gen.give credit予以信用贷款 (for)
gen.give credit给予荣誉
gen.give M credit for在N方面对 M 给予应有评价 (N)
gen.give M credit for认为 M 是N (N)
gen.give M credit for把N赊给 (N, M)
gen.give M credit for把N归功于 (N, M)
gen.give credit toM 赞扬 M
gen.give credit toM 信任 M 称赞 M
gen.give credit toM 相信 M
securit.green clause credit绿色条款信用证
gen.have credit withM 得到 M的信任
gen.have the credit ofM 有 M 的好名声
gen.have the credit ofM 得到M的荣誉
gen.he needs three more credits to graduate他需要再修三个学分才能毕业
securit.hedging credit downgrade信用下级对冲
securit.hedging credit downgrade信用等级下调对冲
securit.hedging credit spreads信用差额对冲
gen.How would you like to pay, sir, in cash or by credit card ?先生,请问您是用现金付款还是用信用卡付账?
gen.How would you like to settle your account, by credit card or cash?请问您怎么结账呢?用现金还是信用卡?
gen.I don't have a bank account with an American bank, then I can use my credit card我没有美国的银行户头,那我用信用卡吧
gen.I don't have any cash with me. So I'll have to put it on credit. Here's 90 dollars. Please keep the change我没带现金,所以必须得用信用卡结账了。这是90美元,剩下的做小费
gen.I lost my hand bag. There are a digital camera, a wrist watch, a passport, some travelers cheques and also a credit card in it我把手提包弄丢了。里面有一部数码相机、一块腕表、护照,还有几张旅行支票和一张信用卡
gen.I would like to pay for the relevant expense by cash or credit card关于相关费用我会通过现金或者信用卡的形式进行支付
gen.If you do this, the credit company, or the bank that sponsors the credit card, will add a small service charge to your total bill如果你这样做,信用卡公司或发卡银行会在你的账单总额中加收一点手续费
gen.I'm afraid the cash is not enough to cover the amount. I' d use the credit card我怕现金不够付这些费用了,我用信用卡吧
securit.immediate credit即时记账
securit.immediate credit随时可用贷款
securit.immediate credit直接贷项
securit.impaired credit受损信用
securit.impaired credit削减的贷款
securit.indicators of credit deterioration信用恶化征兆
securit.instalment credit分期还款信用
securit.instant revolving credit自动滚动信贷
securit.institutional organization of industrial investment credit工业投资信贷机构组织
securit.intercorporate dividend credit公司间股息抵免/红利抵免
securit.intermediate term credit中期放款
avia.International Consumer Credit Association国际消费者信用协会
securit.investment credit投资纳税减免
securit.investment credit rating投资信用评级
securit.investment tax credit投资税收减免
securit.investment tax credit投资税收优惠
securit.irrelevance letter of credit无关信用证
securit.irrevocable credit不可改变信用证
securit.irrevocable without recourse letter of credit不可撤销的无追索权的信用证
gen.Is your credit card swallowed by ATM?您的信用卡是被自动柜台机吞了吗?
gen.it deserves no credit这不足信
gen.It is very convenient to pay by credit card when shopping abroad在国外购物用信用卡付款非常方便
securit.Japan Credit Bureau日本国际信用卡公司
securit.lease credit租赁信贷
gen.lend credit toM 证实M
gen.lend credit toM 使M更可信
securit.lessons of the credit crisis信贷危机的教训
avia.letter of credit信用证
gen.letter of credit活支汇信银行发行的
securit.listed companies credit record上市公司信用记录
securit.listed companies credit record上市公司诚信记录
avia.long-term credit bank of Japan日本长期信贷银行
gen.look for credit力求出人头地
securit.loosening credit放松信贷
gen.lose credit with sb.在某人眼中失去威信
gen.lose credit with sb.失去某人的信任
securit.loss carry back and carry forward credits按亏损抵前和后移税收减免规定处理
securit.medium long term credit中长期信贷
securit.micro credit小型贷款
securit.monetary and credit control货币信贷调控
securit.monetary of credit信贷货币
securit.monkey money credit外汇贷款
securit.monkey money credit猴子货币贷款
securit.moral credit道德风险 (违背对债权人的承诺从事违约活动造成的风险)
securit.moral credit道德信用
securit.mortgage credit抵押信用
securit.mortgage credit certificate抵押信贷证书
gen.My credit card has been stolen. I need to cancel it我的信用卡失窃了,我要取消信用卡
gen.My driver's license, some credit cards, and more than $200 in cash are all lost我的驾照、信用卡和两百多美元现金,都丢了
securit.national credit国家信贷
securit.national credit国家信用
securit.National Credit Union Administration信贷协会管理局
securit.national foundation for consumer credit全国消费信贷基金
securit.negative credit反面信用
securit.negotiable credit instrument可流通信用证券
securit.net credit position贷方净余额
securit.no credit given不赊销
securit.no more credit不增加信用贷款、无信贷
securit.normal credit trenches普通贷款
gen.on credit
securit.open book credit经常账户赊欠
securit.open credit无保证信贷
securit.open end credit开放式信贷
securit.open market credit公开市场信贷 (短期融资)
securit.originator credit enhancement原始股东信用升级
securit.override letter of credit转开信用证
securit.packing credit/loan成套贷款
securit.packing credit/loan组合贷款
securit.packing credit/loan打包放款
securit.paperless credit transfer无纸化信用转账
securit.performance bond credit履约保证信用证
securit.performance credit履约保证
securit.performance credit履行保证信用
securit.performance letter of credit履约信用证
securit.personal credit agreement私人信贷协议
securit.personal credit information database个人信用信息数据库
securit.personal credit registry system个人信用登记系统
gen.place a sum to one's credit把金额记人…的贷方
gen.place credit in相信
securit.portfolio credit risk组合信贷风险
securit.Primary Dealer Credit Facility—级交易商信用工具
securit.primary dealer credit facility PDCF一级交易商信用工具
securit.Primary Dealer Credit Facility一级经纪商信贷工具美联储创建流动性注资工具
securit.prime credit优等贷款
securit.progressive credit累进抵免
gen.put credit in相信
securit.qualitative credit control/ regulation信用质量控制
securit.quantitative credit restriction信贷数量限额
securit.quasi-credit financing准信贷式的融资
securit.quasi-credit financing半信用式的融资
gen.redound to one's credit为自己〔某人〕增光
gen.redound to sb. 's credit为自己〔某人〕增光
securit.refinanceable credit增筹的贷款
securit.refinanceable credit重筹的信贷
gen.reflect credit on为…增光
securit.rejection of proof of credit right拒绝债权证明
securit.restricted credit限制使用的信用证
securit.restricted credit受限制信用证
securit.restricted-use credit agreement限制使用信贷协议
securit.retail credit消费信贷
securit.review the compliance with credit ceilings信贷规模审核
securit.review the compliance with credit ceilings贷款最高限额合规审核
securit.revolving credit滚动信贷
securit.revolving credit agreement滚动/循环信贷协议
securit.revolving credit and term loan facility周期性信贷和定期贷款便利
securit.revolving credit facility滚动/循环信贷工具
securit.revolving credit line滚动信贷额度
securit.revolving credit rate of credit card信用卡循环信贷利率
securit.revolving cumulative credit累积循环信用证
securit.revolving letter of credit循环信贷额度
securit.revolving letter of credit周转信贷额度
securit.revolving lines of credit循环信贷金额
securit.revolving lines of credit滚动信贷金额
securit.revolving non-cumulative credit非累积循环信用证
securit.seasonal credit季节性信贷
securit.secured credit抵押信贷
securit.secured revolving-credit facility担保循环贷款
securit.secured standby credit facility有担保的备用信贷额
securit.seller's usance credit卖方承担远期汇票贴息的信用证
securit.semi-officially credit半官方信贷
securit.shrug off difficulties in credit market摆脱信贷市场困境
comp.name.SINOSURE China Export and Credit Insurance Corporation中国出口信用保险公司
securit.social credit registry system社会信用登记系统
gen.Sorry, your credit card has stopped paying. According to the regulations of bank, it must be cancelled对不起,您的信用卡已经止付。根据银行规定要取消
securit.specified credit rating特别信贷评级
securit.spiralling credit crisis日益恶化的信用危机
securit.spiralling credit crisis日益严峻的信贷危机
securit.squeeze liquidity and credit挤压了流动性和信贷
securit.standby credit支持信贷
securit.standby credit line后备信贷额
securit.standby credit line备用信贷额
securit.standing credit持续信贷
securit.substantial standby secured credit大额备用担保贷款
securit.supplier credit供应商信贷
securit.swing credit自动调整信贷
securit.swing credit短期调节信贷
securit.syndicate credit银团信贷
gen.take credit for因…而获盛誉
gen.take credit forM 因M而得到好评
gen.take credit to oneself forM 把M归功于自己
gen.Take your credit card and your receipt请收好您的信用卡和收据
securit.tax credit所得税扣抵
securit.tax credit scheme税务信贷计划
securit.temporary credits暂记贷方
securit.temporary credits暂收款项
securit.temporary credits暂收款
securit.term credit定期信贷
securit.term of credit信贷条款
securit.term of credit信贷期限
securit.term transfer credit转期信贷
gen.There are many credit cards available: American Express, VISA, and Master Charge are some of the most popular ones可供选择的信用卡种类很多,其中有些信用卡很流行,如美国运通卡、维萨卡及万事达卡,等等
securit.third party credit enhancement第三方信用增级
gen.to one's credit值得赞扬
securit.trade credit同业贷款
securit.trade credit同行信贷
securit.trade credit交易信贷
securit.transfer credit他行支票
securit.transfer credit转账支票
securit.transfer credit voucher转账存款传票
securit.transferable credit可转账信贷
securit.transferable credit可转让信贷
securit.transferred credit移转信贷
securit.unabsorbed credits未调整债权
securit.unabsorbed credits未调整的贷项
securit.unadjusted credit未调整的信贷
securit.unrestricted credit非限定信用证
securit.unrestricted credit不受限制的信用证
securit.unsecured credit无抵押债权
securit.unsecured line of credit无担保信贷额度
securit.usance letter of credit迟期付款的信用证
gen.We will help you to finish the refundment procedure. The money will be refunded to your credit account我们会为您办理退款手续,退款将会回到您的信用卡账户中
securit.with recourse credit有追索权信贷
gen.Would you like to make a guaranteed reservation by a credit card?您愿意用信用卡来担保预订吗?
gen.You can get a 5% discount if you use a Great Wall International Credit Card如果使用国际长城卡,您可以享受九五折优惠
gen.You can pay right here. In cash or by credit card?您可以在这结账,用现金还是信用卡?
gen.Your credit card will be swallowed by ATM if you don't retrieve it in 30 seconds如果 30 秒之内不将卡取走,您的卡将会被自动柜台机收回
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