
Terms for subject Commerce containing cotton | all forms | exact matches only
a bale of cotton一包棉花
Because of its delicacy, the instrument should be packed in cotton batting由于易于损坏,这件仪器应用棉胎包装
clean up the profit in the cotton market在棉花市场上大发横财
corner on the cotton market垄断棉花市场
corner the cotton market在棉花市场囤积居奇
corner the cotton market垄断棉花市场
cotton 100 bales棉花100 包
cotton cloth原色布
cotton flannel棉绒布
cotton spinner纺织工人
cotton yam棉纱
establish a corner on in cotton垄断棉花
International Institute for Cotton国际棉花协会
new Cotton Exchange纽约棉花交易所
The buyer requires further supply of cotton买方要求再供应一些棉花
The confusion of the cotton market will soon straighten itself out棉花市场的混乱现象不久将得到纠正
The merchant cleared £ stg. 8,000 on his cotton exports last season这个商人在上季的棉花岀口中净赚8,000英镑
This material is warranted to be pure cotton这种布料保证是纯棉的