
Terms for subject China containing copyright | all forms | exact matches only
be entitled to independent copyright单独享有著作权
collective management organization of copyright著作权集体管理组织
copyright certificate权属证明
copyright in the joint work as a whole合作作品整体的著作权
copyright in the original work原作品的著作权
copyright owner著作权人
copyright owner for publication专有岀版权
copyright ownership著作权归属
copyright transfer权利转让
dispute over copyright著作权纠纷
enjoy copyright享有著作权
exclusive exercise of software copyright专有行使软件著作权
exercise the copyright行使著作权
exercise the copyright independently单独行使其著作权
involved with copyright涉及著作权
Musical Copyright Association音乐著作权协会
Musical Copyright Association of China中国音乐著作权协会
pledge of copyright著作权出质
right of copyright著作权版权
software copyright软件著作权
software copyright owner软件著作权人
the Copyright Law著作权法
Universal Copyright Convention as Revised at Paris on 24 July 1971世界版权公约
without permission of the copyright owner未经著作权人许可
works infringing copyright侵权作品
works reproduced by infringing on the copyright of the owner侵权复制品