
Terms for subject Agriculture containing cooling | all forms | exact matches only
air-cooling fin空气散热器
air-cooling jacket空气冷却套
chlorination of cooling water冷却水的氯化
churn cooling乳桶中冷却
cool-area type冷区型水稻品种
cool bed冷床
cool-damage due to delayed growth迟缓生长型冷害
cool damage due to floral impotency小花性无能型冷害
cool day冷日
cool day寒日
cool down冷静
cool down变冷
cool hardiness耐冷性
cool hardiness耐凉性
cool resistance抗凉性
cool resistance抗冷性
cool season淡季
cool season牧草冬型
cool season冷季
cool season crop淡季蔬菜
cool season grasses寒温带禾
cool season grasses冬型禾
cool summer冷夏
cool summer凉夏
cool summer damage冷夏害指夏季寒冷害
cool-summer damage due to delayed growth迟缓生长型冷夏害
cool-summer damage due to floral impotency小花性无能型冷夏害
cool tankard玻璃苣
cool tankard玻璃苣属
cool-temperate climate type寒温带气候型
cool temperate grasses寒温带牧草
cool temperate species寒温带种
cool temperature zone寒温带
cool water凉水
cool water冷水
cool wax冷用接蜡
cool weather凉爽天气
cool weather damage冷害
cool-weather resistance抗冷性
cooling bath冷却水浴
cooling chain冷却链
cooling during milking挤乳过程冷却
cooling fin散热板
cooling in atmosphere大气冷却
cooling jacket冷却套管
cooling on the trolley牛乳吊运中冷却
cooling period冷却期
cooling plant制冷装置
cooling plate百叶窗
cooling stud冷却柱
cooling water capacity冷却水容量
counter heatstroke livestock house cooling畜舍防暑降温
damp pad cooling system of livestock house畜舍湿帘风机降温系统
deep cooling冻透
evaporation cooling蒸发冷房
evaporative-cooling glasshouse蒸发冷却温室
faced air cooling强制气冷法
faced air cooling强制空气冷却
fermentor cooling发酵桶冷却
grain aeration cooling谷物通风降温
greenhouse cooling温室降温
high altitude cool region高寒地区
ice cooling冰冷
livestock house cooling by spraying and sprinkling畜舍喷淋降温
milk cooling奶冷却
natural cooling放冷
pad and fan cooling湿垫和风扇冷房指温室降温
pad and fan cooling湿垫和风扇散热
quench cooling淬火降温
transpirational cooling蒸腾冷却
vacuum cooling真空制冷
vacuum cooling vegetable真空制冷蔬菜
water cooling水冷却法
water cooling engine水冷式发动机
water cooling system水冷却系统