
Terms for subject Construction containing continuous | all forms | exact matches only
Bucket-heel excavators are continuous cutting machines for soft to semi-hard materials like clay, sand, gravel, marl and their blending as well as lignite and hard coal斗轮挖掘机是连续切割机器,能切割质地柔软及半硬的材料,如黏土、沙子、砾石、泥灰及它们的混合物,还有褐煤、硬煤等
continuous drilling machine排式钻床
continuous drilling machine多工位钻床
continuous flight power auger连续旋翼式动力螺钻
continuous heavy-duty service连续重负载运行
continuous in probability依概率连续的
continuous-reinforced slab连续钢筋混凝土路面
continuous sludge液体中矿物颗粒连续沉淀物
continuous stream常流河常年有水的河道
continuous stream常年河流
continuous strip photograph连续条形航摄照片
continuous tapping spout冲天炉连续出铁前面出渣
continuous-time-rated motor连续额定运行电动机
continuous-voltage-rise test电机的连续升压试验
economical continuous rating经济连续出力
under continuous headways车、船前后保持安全距离陆续行驶通过