
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing construction | all forms | exact matches only
acoustic construction隔音结构
actual construction time实际工期
American Society of Concrete Construction美国混凝土结构学会
bolted construction螺栓连接结构
budget of capital construction基本建设预算
budgetary estimate of a unit construction单项工程概算
budgetary estimate of capital construction基本建设概算
built-up construction挤焊结构
Canadian Institute of Steel Construction加拿大钢结构研究所
canal-lay construction开运河铺管法
capital construction distribution基本建设布局
capital construction funds基本建设基金
cold-weather construction冬季施工
composite budgetary estimate of a single construction单项工程综合概算
computer-aided piping design and construction计算机辅助管道设计与建造
construction activity施工活动
construction activity建筑活动
construction and installation investment建筑安装工程投资
construction and survey regulation建造和检测条例
construction asphalt建筑沥青
construction barge建造用驳船
construction barge建台驳船
construction bend现制弯头
construction bolt安装螺栓
construction branch tunnel施工支巷道
construction cement建筑水泥
construction coefficient结构系数
construction contract建设合同
construction contractor建设承包商
construction controlling estimates工程控制估算
construction cost建筑费
construction cost建设成本
construction cost建造成本
construction cost工程费
construction cycle工程周期
construction cycle per unity month建井周期台月
construction details结构详图
construction enterprise施工企业
construction factor建设系数
construction main tunnel施工主巷道
construction management contract施工监理合同
construction management system施工管理系统
construction note施工记录
construction outside the plan计划外工程
construction period of a project工程工期
construction schedule施工进度
construction site建造工地
construction site建设工地
construction tax建筑税
construction time施工时间
construction time施工期
construction time建造时间
construction unit建设单位
construction with joint venture合资建设
construction wrench井架安装用扳手
construction wrench结构组装用扳手
contracted construction承包施工
cost of matching constructions of oil field development油田配套工程费用
criss-cross construction十字交叉结构
deferrable construction延期建设
detailed design for construction施工图设计
duplicate construction重复建设
durable construction耐久结构
earthquake proof construction防震建筑
engineering and construction工程设计与施工
engineering construction standard工程建设标准
estimating method of construction coefficient工程系数估算法
European Convention for Construction of Steel欧洲钢结构会议
filler-wire construction填细钢丝结构
final acceptance of construction竣工验收
fire-resistive construction耐火建筑
Gasoline Service Station Construction Association日本加油站建筑协会
general description of construction施工说明书
girder construction桁架结构
kinds of construction分项工程
lay-barge construction前导铺管船法
light-wit construction简化井身结构
main construction重点项目
main construction主体工程
main construction重点建设
map construction图件编绘
marine construction operation海上建造作业
mason construction砖石工程
matching construction配套工程
metal construction金属结构
modular construction模块化施工
National Petroleum Construction Co.国家石油建设公司
nonproductive construction非生产性建设
offshore construction海上工程
offshore construction support diving海上建造辅助潜水
offshore pipeline construction近海管道建筑
oil field construction procedure油田建设程序
pipeline construction管道施工
pipeline construction管道建设
pipeline construction estimating system管道施工评价系统
platform construction cost平台建设费
precast construction装配式结构
prestressed skin construction预应力薄壳结构
procedure of capital construction基建程序
productive construction生产性建设
project under construction施工项目
push-in construction拖管法
quota of capital construction基本建设定额
rate of recovery of capital construction基建投资回收率
reasonable time limit for construction合理工期
roller-ball-friction RBF construction滚柱一滚珠一滑动结构
roller-ball-roller RBR bearing construction滚柱一滚珠一滚柱轴承结构
sandwich construction夹心结构
screen construction筛管结构
seal construction rope芯股钢索
shingled construction of tank套筒式油罐罐体结构
single bottom construction单底结构
site construction工地建造
slim-lined construction细长结构
special construction特殊结构
strand construction股结构
synchronized construction同步建设
total square area chart for construction施工总平面图
uncompleted construction未完成工程
unit construction组合结构
unitized construction组合结构
well construction建井
well construction cycle建井周期
well construction engineering建井工程
well construction period建井周期