
Terms for subject China containing conservation | all forms | exact matches only
a conservation-minded society节约型社会
administrative measures for energy conservation节能管理办法
advantageous to conservation of energy resources有利于节约能源资源
annual goals for energy conservation年度节能目标
awareness of the importance of energy conservation节能意识
build a conservation-minded and environmentally friendly society建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会
build a conservation-minded government建设节约型社会政府
build a conservation-minded society建设节约型社会政府
conservation of land节约用地
conservation of resource节约资源
conservation-oriented, environmentally friendly and civilized patterns of production and consumption节约、环保、文明的生产方式和消费模式
construction of key energy conservation project重点节能工程的实施
Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean《养护和管理高洄游鱼类种群公约》
department in charge of energy conservation管理节能工作的部门
energy conservation and environment protection节能和环境保护
energy conservation and pollutant emission reduction节能减排
energy conservation certificate节能产品认证证书
energy conservation in construction建筑节能
energy conservation measures节能措施
energy conservation measures for the house to be sold所售房屋的节能措施
energy conservation project节能工程
energy conservation standards节能标准
first place is given to conservation把节约放在首位
funds in energy conservation节能资金
give priority to conservation把节约放在首位
in administration of energy conservation在节能管理工作中
increase energy conservation and environmental protection加强节能环保工作
intensify energy conservation work加强节能工作
laws and regulation governing energy conservation节能法律、法规
local energy conservation standard地方节能标准
local standards for energy conservation in construction地方建筑节能标准
mandatory energy conservation standard强制性节能标准
policy on energy conservation technologies节能技术政策
program for energy conservation节能规划
publish the outline for the policy on technology for energy conservation发布节能技术政策大纲
report the work concerning energy conservation报告节能工作
sciences and technologies for energy conservation节能科学技术
special conservation value特殊保护价值
standards for energy conservation节能标准
standards for energy conservation in construction建筑节能标准
system of responsibility for achieving the goals set for energy conservation节能目标责任制
system of standards for energy conservation节能标准体系
technology for energy conservation节能技术
the Energy Conservation Law节约能源法
The Environmental Protection and Resources Conservation Committee环境与资源保护委员会
the Law on Energy Conservation节约能源法
voluntary agreement on energy conservation节能自愿协议