
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing conic | all forms | exact matches only
conic pitching锥体铺砌
conic pitching锥坡锥体护坡
conic pitching major axis锥坡长轴
conic pitching minor axis锥坡短轴
conic pitching of abutment桥台护锥
drawing for connection of conic pitching, drainage, and abutment with subgrade锥体、排水及桥台与路基连接图
general construction of conic pitching锥坡一般构造
grade 5 cement-mortar rubble masonry of conic pitching护坡5号浆砌片石
seepy soil filled in conic body, in abutment and on back of abutment锥体内、台内及台后填渗水土
surface of conic pitching锥体坡面