
Terms containing congested | all forms | exact matches only
tech.congested area拥挤地区
tech.congested area人口稠密地区
construct.congested area交通拥挤的地区
auto.congested area人口稠密地区
construct.congested area人口稠密的地区
tech.congested area稠密地区
auto.congested area交通拥挤地区
wind.congested area人口稠密区
footb.congested area人员密集的区域
footb.congested area拼抢区
tech.congested area居民稠密地区
telecom.congested band拥挤波段
desert.congested district过密集地区
tech.congested flow拥挤交通流
tech.congested intersection control拥塞交叉控制
oilcongested joint密集节点
plast.surg.congested lymphedema充血性淋巴水肿
tech.congested map详图
busin.congested population密集人口
busin.congested problem拥挤问题
tech.congested problem密集问题
tech.congested street拥挤街道
bridg.constr.congested traffic交通拥挤
auto.congested traffic交通阻塞
tech.congested traffic拥挤的交通
tech.congested traffic area交通拥挤地区
tech.congested urban area拥挤市区
tech.congested use频繁使用
tech.congested with traffic运输堵塞
gen.It's always rather congested down there during rush hour那个地段在上下班高峰时间里总是特别拥堵
bridg.constr.population congested area人口稠密地区
commer.Shipping space is rather congested this month本月舱位颇为拥挤
el.subsystem congested子系统拥塞
commer.The reason why we have to ask you to extend the letter of credit for 15 days is that shipping space has recently been exceptionally congested我方不得不要求你方将信用证展期十五天,是由于最近舱位特别拥挤
commer.The shipping space is heavily congested, hence the delay of the goods舱位十分拥挤,所以导致货物延误
tech.traffic-congested area交通拥挤地区