
Terms for subject Ecology containing conference | all forms | exact matches only
Africa Ministerial Conference on Hydropower and Sustainable Development非洲水力发电与可持续发展部长级会议
African Ministerial Conference on Environment非洲环境问题部长级会议
Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction亚洲减灾大会
Asian-Pacific International Conference on Pollutants,Analysis and Control亚太污染物分析与控制国际会议
Conference of Experts on Climate and Mankind气候和人类问题专家会议
Conference of North Atlantic Fisheries Ministers北大西洋渔业部长大会
Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region北极地区议员大会
Conference on Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas气候变化和致温室效应气体问题会议
Conference on Environment and Development环境与发展会议
Declaration of the United Nations Conference on Human Environment联合国人类环境会议宣言
First World Climate Conference第一次世界气候会议
Intergovernmental Conference on Environment Education政府间环境教育会议
International Conference on Environmental Sensing and Assessment国际环境自动检测与估价会议
International Legal Conference on Marine Pollution Damage 19691969年国际海洋污染损害问题法律会议
International Oil Pollution Exhibition and Conference国际石油污染展览与会议
International Oil Pollution Prevention Exhibition and Conference国际石油污染防护展览与会议
London Conference on Saving the Ozone Layer伦敦保护臭氧层问题会议
Regional Conference on Water Pollution in the Gulf区域性海湾污染会议
Rio Conference里约会议
Villach Conference关于气候变化和致温室效应气体问题的菲拉赫会议
World Climate Conference世界气候会议