
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing conduction | all forms | exact matches only
absolute bone conduction test ABC绝对骨导试验
absolute bone conduction test ABC试验
aerial conduction气导
air conduction curve听气导曲线
air conduction hearing aid气导助听器
air conduction hearing loss传导性聋
air conduction hearing loss气导听力损失
air conduction microphone气导传声器
air conduction threshold气导阈
block bone conduction test堵耳骨导试验
bone conduction curve骨导曲线
bone conduction headphone骨导耳机
bone conduction hearing aid骨导助听器
bone conduction hearing level骨导听力级
bone conduction hearing loss感觉神经性聋
bone conduction hearing loss骨导听力损失
bone conduction microphone颅骨传声器
bone conduction microphone骨导传声器
bone conduction noise骨导噪声
bone conduction receiver骨导耳机
bone conduction speech reception threshold test骨导言语接受阈试验
bone conduction threshold骨导阈
bone conduction threshold test骨导听阈试验
bone conduction vibrator骨导耳机
bone conduction word discrimination test骨导言语识别率试验
compressional mode of bone conduction挤压式骨导
compressional mode of bone conduction压缩式骨导
conduction deafness传音性聋
conduction deafness传导性聋
conduction latency test传导潜伏期试验
conduction portion[颞骨]传导部分
conduction system of heart心传导系统
cranial conduction骨导
cranial conduction颅骨传导
distortional bone conduction失真骨导
inertial bone conduction惯性骨导
median bone conduction test中线骨导试验
nerve conduction velocity神经传导速度
portion conduction传导部分
pure-tone air-conduction threshold testing纯音气导听阈测试
pure-tone bone-conduction threshold testing纯音骨导听阈测试
tests air conduction气导测听
tests air conduction气导试验
tests bone conduction骨导测听
tests bone conduction骨导试验
tissue conduction骨导
tissue conduction组织传导
translatory mode of bone conduction移动式骨导